Gherkin user specs drive Selenium tests for behavior-driven development (BDD) within Agile
Cucumber is an open-source server program that tests applications based on specification of that system’s features (behavior) written in the “Gherkin” language.
Cucumber is often used for what some call “User Acceptance Testing” (UAT) to determine if the system built should be accepted based on user specs defined in Gherkin. When written before development, Cucumber enables BDD (Behavior Driven Development).
Business features
PROTIP: Defining a full scope of features enables features to have a better naming conventions.
Examples of business functions are:
- Login admin for admin menu.
- Create user (registration).
- Login user.
- Logout.
- Password recovery.
Delete account.
- Share photos or videos.
- Send a friend request.
- Approve requests.
Additionally, each feature may have some error recovery features.
PROTIP: It’s better NOT to include the name of the app under test as part of the feature name in order to make the files more reusable with other apps.
PROTIP: Identify negative test cases (those designed to fail in order to test error handling).
Gherkin language
Gherkin is used for “Black box testing” where the person executing the test does not get into the internal engineering of the app.
The Gherkin language is designed to be a “natural” (English-like readable) language designed to be understandable by business people (unlike coding in Java, Go, Python, etc. which are written for reading by specially trained programmers.)
Gherkin code can be edited with any text editor.
“Having conversations is more important than capturing conversations is more important than automating conversations.
VIDEO: An Introduction to BDD (with Cynefin) by Liz Keogh (@lunivore) says BDD is an analysis technique. Her example [4:18]:
Feature: Addition In order to avoid mistakes As a math idiot I want to be told the sum of two numbers Given I have entered 50 into the calculator And I have added 70 into the calcualator When I add the numbers together Then the result should be 120 on the screen
An example of a feature file (with .feature file suffix) which describes a single feature:
# language: en Feature: Site Search Scenario: Given We navigate to the homepage When We search for the word agile Then The results for the search will be displayed Examples: |foo| |bar|
The Gherkin language is simple. It doesn’t require matching parentheses and semicolons at the end of each line.
Indentation is used to define structure. Like Python and Bash files, pound signs are read as comments and not parsed.
The sample above does not need to begin with a language specification because English is the default. Gherkin can be written in 60 languages. Feature files using the Norwegian language (“no”) begin with “Egenskap” instead of “Feature” in a header line:
# language: no Egenskap: Summering
Each feature can consists of one or more scenarios. Each scenario consists of steps specified by “Given”, “When”, and “Then” keywords.
Rules of Gherkin “Treetop” grammar are defined in the Gherkin language standard at , see
Some call the Gherkin code “living” specifications because there is an automated way to keep specifications in sync with what the system created.
Thus, Cucumber bridges the “communication gap between domain experts and developers”. Cucumber enables text about what business people require to be executed as tests.
The behavior desired by a system are defined by Gherkin specifications that are executable.
Alternately, some testing utilities (such as,, etc.) create Gherkin by automatically scanning apps to identify page objects.
Capybara is the part of Cucumber that acts like a user on a web browser. It is for “integration testing”. The Rails tools simulates how a user would interact with a website. Capybara puts applications “through its paces” by simulating a user and browser performing the steps of the scenarios – interacting with the app to receive pages, parse the HTML, and submit forms, just as a real user would.
By storing features in files along with different scenarios of feature use composed of many steps, and storing Ruby code in separate files containing step definitions that tests each type of step, Cucumber and Capybara automatically test the behavior of the SaaS app.
The Gherkin interpreter reads text written like spoken language.
When the Gherkin interpreter encounters a keyword such as “navigate” and “search”, Cucumber looks into a subdirectory specifically called “step_definitions”.
Feature files can be executed by several software testing platforms:
- Ruby on Rails
- Selenium (Java)
- PicoContainer
- Spring Framework
- Watir for Ruby and WatiN for dot Net
The cucumber server can be started using a command such as:
cucumber -f pretty -f html -o report.html
NOTE: An example of cucumber’s HTML output:
In the US, green is used on street lights to indicate “pass”. Cucumbers are green. Thus the name of the software. Gherkins are small pickled cucumbers.
For fancier formatting:
- Image from
Send results to “status of done” dashboards such as SonarQube, Grafana, etc.
Send run information to Hygieia or other DevOps dashboards.
package Annotation; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import cucumber.junit.Cucumber; @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @Cucumber.Options(format = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber"}) public class runTest { }
There is a Bash script that installs the various Cucumber modules on a Mac:
Cucumber consists of a set of software modules. When “cucumber” is specified among TEST_TOOLS, several modules need to be installed with it.
Different execution frameworks
Execution frameworks provide assertions and verifications. Assertions determine whether each step succeeded. Verifications determine whether ???
Modules to install
Cucumber’s GitHub library provides code in programming languages using dependency management and verification frameworks for each language:
Programming script | Dependency manager | Verification framework |
C# | nuget | NUnit and MSTest |
Java | maven, gradle, ant | JUnit or TestNG |
Javascript (in NodeJs) | - | - |
Perl (abbreviated as 3P) | - | - |
PHP | - | - |
Python | pip | Behave, Nose |
Ruby | - | Spock or RSpec |
For Java environments, see
Modules to run
./ features/registration.feature --format html --expand
The arguments specify what features are run, referenced by the “$@” below:
#!/bin/sh bundle install rake db:migrate rake db:test:prepare rake cucumber "$@"
Many Agile teams have embraced use of Gherkin language in a Behavior Driven Development (BDD) approach to software development.
BDD workflow
Because Gherkin is a language common to both business people and technical programmers, those who know what needs to occur and developers who write programs. Thus, Gherkin enables collaboration among “Three Amigos”:
- Business Analyst who understands user needs and concerns
- Developer who will do the work and make it real
- Tester who discover problems before work starts
BDD is focused on what to test, not how to test.
PROTIP: A key part of BDD is the collaborative discussion among the stakeholders rather than silos not talking with each other.
BDD works at a higher level than unit tests of the TDD (Test Driven Development) approach to software creation. As with TDD, the BDD approach builds software incrementally, by writing feature files that fail before writing code that makes the tests pass. In fact, it is an anti-pattern to write Gherkin after the software.
The “driven” part of BDD means that business people can specify what the computer should do in a way that can be actually verified. It’s more rigorous that the traditional approach of writing “requirements” documents (in Microsoft Word).
The team has a mechanism to define and verify what “done” really means.
This is a big time saver to business people because the automation enables everything previously defined to be verified again and again after even the most misicule of changes. This enables agility with quality.
THIS presents a good comparison between Behavioral and Functional statements (which reference HTTP codes).
When specs are automatically (Cucumber, etc.), specifications remain up-to-date.
Dan North (@tastapod in London UK) and Liz Keogh created a BDD framework, JBehave,[1] followed by a story-level BDD framework for Ruby called RBehave[9] which was later integrated into the RSpec project. The group also worked with David Chelimsky, Aslak Hellesøy (@aslak_hellesoy Norwegian in London), and others on “The RSpec Book: Behaviour Driven Development with RSpec, Cucumber, and Friends”. The first story-based framework in RSpec was later replaced by Cucumber mainly developed by Aslak Hellesøy.
Other frameworks include JBehave, JDave, Easyb, etc.
SpecFlow for .NET
SpecFlow is Cucumber for .NET environments. To install the SpecFlow.Nunit package, see Jason Roberts (@RobertsJason) Automated Acceptance Testing with SpecFlow and Gherkin for Visual Studio and C# coding [2:51] 28 Oct 2013
Step definitions
The mapping between each step of the scenario defined in the Gherkin feature file and the code of each function to be executed is defined in steps definition file stores.
public void goToFacebook() { driver = new FirefoxDriver(); driver.navigate().to(""); } @When "^user logs in using Username as \"([^\"]*)\" and Password as \"([^\"]*)\"$" public void I_enter_Username_as_and_Password_as(String arg1, String arg2) { driver.findElement("email")).sendKeys(arg1); driver.findElement("pass")).sendKeys(arg2); driver.findElement("u_0_v")).click(); } @Then"^login should be unsuccessful$" public void validateRelogin() { if(driver.getCurrentUrl().equalsIgnoreCase( "")){ System.out.println("Test Pass"); } else { System.out.println("Test Failed"); } driver.close(); }
@When “^user logs in using Username as "([^"])" and Password as "([^"])"$”
Annotations to avoid duplicates
Under src/test/java, create an “outline.feature” file such as:
Feature: annotation #This is how background can be used to eliminate duplicate steps Background: User navigates to Facebook Given I am on Facebook login page #Scenario with AND Scenario: When I enter username as "TOM" And I enter password as "JERRY" Then Login should fail #Scenario with BUT Scenario: When I enter username as "TOM" And I enter password as "JERRY" Then Login should fail But Relogin option should be available
QUESTION: How is Gherkin different than Rules specified in rule-based systems?
- PicoContainer
- Salesforce
- Spring Framework
How to test is the job of Selenium.
The first line of a Selenium program:
require 'selenium-webdriver' driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
Selenium makes use of webdriver to control web browsers.
On Windows:
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.35.0.jar"D:\dev\chromedriver.exe"
So Selenium is more suited to “end to end” testing, for example with nightwatch.js.
Karma is a test runner designed for unit tests, so it is much harder to achieve end to end tests on it, you can add a phantomjs launcher, but it is not the same as real browser tests with Selenium. I think both of them can run any js testing framework if you have an adapter… Mocha, jasmine, qunit, etc…
In Visual Studio, highlight a scenario line and right-click to Generate step definitions.
Mocha is used for unit testing. It’s said that Mocha has better asynchronous support than Jasmine. Jasmine is used for end-to-end testing.
The JUnit plug-in for Cucumber called “cucumber-html-report” tracks scenarios and steps tested and produces HTML reports.
Jest, being from Facebook, at is focused on JavaScript-based apps built using Facebook’s React.
Install Cucumber server
There are several ways to obtain a running instance of Cucumber, listed from easiest to most difficult:
A) You don’t need a local machine if you use the cloud service
B) Pull an image from Docker Hub within a Google Compute or AWS cloud instance.
C) Use the Dockerfile to build your own Docker image containing JMeter.
D) Use Homebrew to install JMeter natively on you Mac.
E) Download installer to install locally.
CAUTION: If you are in a large enterprise, confer with your security team before installing. They often have a repository such as Artifactory or Nexus where installers are available after being vetted and perhaps patched for security vulnerabilities.
Create within your internal cloud, Google Cloud, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, etc. a VM instance of an Ubuntu server. 4 GB RAM and 10 GB drive is the minimum.
A sample command to create a Google Cloud instance:
gcloud beta compute --project "attiopinfosys" instances create "cucumber-1" --zone "us-central1-f" --machine-type "n1-standard-1" --subnet "default" --maintenance-policy "MIGRATE" --service-account "" --scopes "","","","","","" --min-cpu-platform "Automatic" --tags "http","https","web","http-server","https-server" --image "ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20171026a" --image-project "ubuntu-os-cloud" --boot-disk-size "10" --boot-disk-type "pd-standard" --boot-disk-device-name "cucumber-1"
Use Dockerfile to image
- Install Git and Docker.
Run the Dockerfile at
Its contains:
FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ default-jre \ default-jdk \ git \ maven RUN mvn -version RUN git clone --depth=1 CMD ls RUN cd cucumber-jvm/examples/java-calculator --depth=1 && mvn test
The above provides commands to install Cucumber within a blank Docker container.
is a simple sample app, which is replaced with a real app in the real world.Use Docker image
Install Docker.
docker pull graze/cucumber-rest-bdd
Run the image:
docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/opt/src -e endpoint=http://server/ graze/cucumber-rest-bdd
Binary install
Cucumber server software was written in the Ruby programming language. Ruby is the “R” in RSpec, which defines the language grammar.
So Cucumber is supplied as a Ruby gem.
Install the Ruby interpreter.
Declare that our Ruby app depends on this gem and use Bundler to install it.
gedit Gemfile ... add 'gem bundle install
Feature files
Cucumber executes files named with a .feature file extension.
Within that file, the keyword “Feature” is on the first line.
PROTIP: Some teams find it useful to hold a feature brainstorm session to identify as many features as they can think of right away, to get all ideas “on the table” before diving into more detail.
The team would then be in a position to assign various tags to group features in order to tease out duplicates and to classify each feature as:
- @HappyPath
- @ErrorPath
- @EdgeCase
Tags are “arbitrary” in that they can be about any category.
@ignore is recognized as a feature not to be executed during testing.
@wip identify work-in-process that need more attention.
@humanexecuted identify features that are executed manually.
@weekly, @hourly, @daily, @yearly, etc. identify when they are executed.
Other tags, for example:
- Public (before login)
- Login Authentication
- Navigation
- Purchase
- Post-sale
Ideally, each feature should be independent of and isolated from others. So a feature can include several steps to perform.
The team then can dive into estimating and elaboration.
Scenarios are examples of expected system behaviors. Each scenario describes a particular situation that uses the feature.
Sentences not starting with any of these keywords are treated as comment documentation. A fanciful example[1]:
Feature: Brush teeth In order to stay pain free As a human I want to brush my teeth
There are other keywords:
Background provides setup setups common to several scenarios.
Given to set-up initial state
Scenario describes a concrete example illustrating a business rule. It consists of a list of steps.
Scenario Outline
When to perform action(s)
Then for the end-state to check
And adds additional items as the keyword above it.
But is a counter-example on undesired side-effects
Background - to avoid repeating givens in all scenarios.
PROTIP: Instead of English words, French, Japanese, and other words can be used with installation of the target translation. This is because Gherkin is known as a Domain-Specific-Language (DSL).
Helpers in IDEs
SpecFlow is an extension installed into Visual Studio. SpecFlow features are
- SpecFlow Feature File
- SpecFlow Hooks (event binding)
- SpecFlow Step Definition
User stories
A User Story is a low fidelity (inexact) description of a use case.
Feature: user can add a medication Scenario: add a medication Given I am on the patient medications screen When I follow "add new medication" Then I should be on the "New Medication" page When I fill in "Med Name" with "Aspirin" And I select "Route Oral" And I press "Return" Then the list of matched medications should be displayed in the list And I should see Aspirin Tablets
Steps generally
- Given
- Perform action(s)
- Check end state
Key websites
- has 3 hours of videos for $199 either Java or Ruby
- Cukenfest conf. was in London April 17-10
Video Training
Mukesh otwani at created a series of videos about Cucumber
Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy authored The Cucumber Book and “Cucumber Recipies” from Pragmatic Press.
Greg Bee takes issue with their REST API example containing HTTP GET and JSON, then presents a more readable version with explanations:
From 2012
Ripon Al Wasim (”>@riponalwasim</a>) released through Packt on 12/23/15 the “Mastering Selenium Testing Tools” video course. It is also available via Udemy and LinkedIn/Lynda.
Thomas Sundberg
Kevin Skoglund release the “Ruby: Testing with RSpec” video course also available via LinkedIn/Lynda.
Using the Gherkin Language to Write User Stories Tutorial by Reval Govender
An Introduction to BDD by Konstantin Kudryashov of Inviqa
Behaviour Driven Development - Dan North Was Right + FREE CHEAT SHEET Development That Pays
Test Driven Development vs Behaviour Driven Development + FREE CHEAT SHEET Development That Pays
What is BDD? What is Behavior Driven Development? Development That Pays
Gherkin Best Practices by Jared
Interview with Dan North on Behavior-Driven Development Vladimir Gitlevich
Beauty in Code 2019, 6 of 6 — Dan North: “BDD Is Not About Testing”
Introduction to BDD with Cucumber Conygre
What is BDD (example with Cucumber)? QAShahin
- Cucumber Framework || BDD || Data Table to List Data Structure</a> Rahul Rathore
BDD all the way down by Enrico Campidoglio FooCafe
[5:10] BDD vs TDD (explained) by Llewellyn Falco
- Specification
- Feedback
- Regression
- Granularity - info when tests fail