This is what the cool kids are using to create fast and portable apps
- TL;DR; Summary
- Official Go Versions (Release History)
- Install Compiler on your laptop
- Environment Variables for Go
- Obtain golang-samples repository
- Workspace folders
- Instead of git clone
- Source Code Editors
- Who uses Go?
- Other Sample Source Repositories
- Test-Driven Development (TDD)
- Networking
- Vendor prior to Modules
- New module
- Auto format code
- Packages Imported
- Install apps
- Security Vulnerabilities
- Social #golang
- Social Communities
- Conferences
- Rock Stars’ emissions
- Free Tutorials
- Paid Tutorials
- API SDK Server Frameworks
- Structure of program files
- Data Types
- Developer Tools
- Unit testing
- Acceptance Testing
- Web server
- Profiling Go Code
- go test -coverprofile
- Benchmarking
- Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
- Code Generators
- SonarQube
- Machine Learning
- Impose Artificial Load
- APIs
- Resources
- Go in Google App Engine
- Go Tutorials
- Social
This is a quick step-by-step introduction to the Go programming language (GoLang).
NOTE: Content here are my personal opinions, and not intended to represent any employer (past or present). “PROTIP:” here highlight information I haven’t seen elsewhere on the internet because it is hard-won, little-know but significant facts based on my personal research and experience.
TL;DR; Summary
Go is an opinionated language:
- Compiler doesn’t issue warnings, just errors
- Unused local variables are an error
- fmt, a contraction of “format” (pronounced “frumpt”) is Go’s single way to format output
Like C:
Uses its own compiler to create itself. The Go compiler is programmed in Go itself rather than C. * This means Go installers don’t have dependencies like Java and Python programs.
- Go is strongly typed (must specify data type in commands)
- VIDEO: Used by developers of C and Unix (including Brian Kernigan, the K in awk, who literally wrote the book on C, and co-creator of Go with Alan Donovan)
Unlike C:
- Go has no pointer arithmetic
- Go can be used with libraries to create GUI as well as CLI Terminal programs
Unlike Python:
Like both Java and C:
- Needs to be built by a compiler (not interpreted like Python)
- Double slashes for comments
- No parentheses surround the three components of the for statement
Like Java:
- Is memory safe by default
- Networking is baked into its standard library and runtime
- Collects garbage automatically
- Can be coded to be cross-platform
Unlike Java:
- Variables are declared with external scope by being named starting with a capital letter
- Golang does not have a “where” clause, just if.
Unlike JavaScript:
- Go’s built-in concurrency goroutines for threads communicating through channels were not patched in over time. So Go avoids the “callback hell” associated with JavaScript’s single-thread operation. Golang can be transpiled (like BabelJs) using GopherJs into JavaScript for isomorphic web applications, where business logic, templates, template functions, and validation logic, can be shared across client and server environments, for code re-use. VIDEO: For example, built from code following the 2018 Isomorphic Go Book by Kamesh Balasubramanian.
Unlike all:
- Go compiles fast to native code
- Due to its small size, Go can be a good fit for use on a Raspberry Pi small computer to receive and provide small amounts of data occassionally.
- Low GC (Garbage Collection) pause (100 microseconds)
Memory used is zeroed if not explicitly initialized (for security)
- No semicolons at the end of each line
- Coding to Go’s robust standard library (stdlib) avoids risks from including third-party JavaScript template libraries.
- Go is generally seen as not an appropriate fit for mobile development (on iOS, Android).
- As a relatively new language, there are not as many (as Java) who have mastered the language.
Official Go Versions (Release History)
See the home page for the language:
NOTE: “org” in the domain name indicates that it’s a not-for-profit entity.
What is the latest versions of Go? Look at where it’s open-sourced:
Click top menu “Documents”, scroll down to “Releases”, click “Release History”:
Click “Minor revisions” (aka “PATCH” in Semantic Versioning parlance).
Pre-requisite utilities
Follow my tutorial to install XCode:
Switch to a Terminal shell window. Press command+spacebar and type enough of “” for a selection to appear, then press Enter to open it.
Install Compiler on your laptop
The options for installing Go:
Downloading an installer from, if you want to switch among multiple versions installed.
Use Homebrew so new versions can be easily managed automatically from the command-line.
MacPorts is an alternative to Homebrew.
NOTE: has installation setup for Go in Docker, SonarCloud, Travis CI, CodeClimate.
Pay for a free language?
I haven’t had anyone recommend this to me.
Alternately, “beta” as of April, 2017 is a paid, commercially supported, quality-assured Go distribution for big data, database connectivity, code quality, microservices/cloud development, and their (XPCOM-based) multi-platform Komodo IDE:
Multiple versions from
PROTIP: Instead of downloading installer from website from such as download URL: -
To have multiple Go versions installed on the same machine, for testing install specific versions of Go, such as:
go get go1.10.7 download
To run a specific version of Go installed above:
go1.10.7 version
To uninstall a downloaded version, remove its GOROOT directory and the goX.Y.Z binary.
Install on macOS using Homebrew
In Terminal, install Homebrew by triple-clicking this command for copy to Clipboard (using command+C):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Get Homebrew’s information about the go installer:
brew info go
go: stable 1.17.1 (bottled), HEAD Open source programming language to build simple/reliable/efficient software /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.17.1 (10,814 files, 565.7MB) * Poured from bottle on 2021-09-29 at 16:14:38 From: License: BSD-3-Clause ==> Options --HEAD Install HEAD version ==> Analytics install: 112,711 (30 days), 316,523 (90 days), 1,303,820 (365 days) install-on-request: 91,253 (30 days), 254,580 (90 days), 1,061,594 (365 days) build-error: 0 (30 days)
Note the history of growth in files and size over time:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.17.1 (10,814 files, 565.7MB) * /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.4: 9,443 files, 424.7MB /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.13.4: 9,271 files, 414MB
Notice there has been 1,303,820 downloads using Brew in the previous 365 days.
If you use Homebrew on your Mac, install on any folder using:
brew install go
PROTIP: Either go or golang can be specified in the brew install command!
Note in the example response that the installer is for a specific version of macOS (Catalina):
==> Downloading ==> Downloading from ==> Pouring go-1.14.4.catalina.bottle.tar.gz
PROTIP: The sample above contains “catalina”, the name of a verson of MacOS. So remember to upgrade after every macOS version upgrade (to Big Sur, etc.).
Alternately, MacPorts:
sudo port install go
go version
Confirm the go executable works:
go version
shows (at time of writing) on macOS:
go version go1.17.1 darwin/amd64
“darwin/amd64” is the internal name for MacOS running on a 64-bit motherboard computer.
GOPATH (Workspace) error?
If you get this error, read about GOPATH below:
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "$HOME/gopkgs". For more details see: 'go help gopath'
PROTIP: Pipe to more to page break so you don’t have to scroll back up to the beginning of the file:
go help gopath | more
Press Enter/Return/down arrow for another line, page down or q to quit.
It says the default folder for GOPATH is ~/go. So…
Create folder ~/go (not a hidden folder):
mkdir ~/go
In ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
VIDEO, DOCS says: GOPATH points to the container folder where:
- “src/” holds go cloned repos from a particular user/org account
- “src/”
- “src/import/path”
- “pkg” folder where compiled package files are stored based on import statements
- “pkg/mod” folder where Go downloads modules, the default path $GOMODCACHE
- “pkg/sumdb” folder where Go caches downloaded checksum database state
brew Upgrade & Uninstall
PROTIP: Unlike other brew modules, instead of upgrading to the latest on macOS using Homebrew:
brew upgrade goIf there was a previous version installed:
On a Mac, you need to uninstall instead of upgrading:
brew uninstall –ignore-dependencies go
Without –ignore-dependencies you might get:
Error: Refusing to uninstall /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14 because it is required by gox, which is currently installed.
The expected response, for example:
Uninstalling /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.14.3... (9,441 files, 424.6MB) Warning: The following may be go configuration files and have not been removed! If desired, remove them manually with `rm -rf`: /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
NOTE: The above can be ignored.
Help docs
Go is installed with help documentation in text file:
Get detailed advice about writing Go while verifying whether you can do Go commands:
go help | more
PROTIP: If you don’t pipe to more, you’ll see the bottom of the document and have to page back up.
Go displays help as a page in your default text editor.
If you see a colon at the lower-left corner:
- press spacebar to page down
- press
to quit.
Go bug on GitHub - File an Issue
Let’s see where the Go language is open-sourced:
To create a new bug (issue) in the language, use a built-in go command to open the repository holding source code behind the Go language, in a your default browser application:
go bug
The associated GitHub repo is:
Notice results from go version and go env (see below) are automatically pasted there.
(Go’s repo was previously in Mercurial.)
From here you can view the source code behind the Go language.
Click “Insights” to see the number of authors (40 at last count) who made a commit the last week.
Switch back to the Terminal (press command+tab).
Environment Variables for Go
Before downloading, consider the environment variables which define where and how files get downloaded onto your machine.
When Go is installed, several environment variables are defined.
List Go’s environment settings:
go env
shows (at time of writing), on a Mac:
GOARCH="amd64" GOBIN="" GOEXE="" GOHOSTARCH="amd64" GOHOSTOS="darwin" GOOS="darwin" GOPATH="/Users/mac/gits/wilsonmar/golang-samples" GORACE="" GOROOT="/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.1/libexec" GOTOOLDIR="/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.8.1/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_amd64" GCCGO="gccgo" CC="clang" GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/var/folders/j_/gh27gpxj1t58hyryfg9drvdc0000gn/T/go-build434742939=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fno-common" CXX="clang++" CGO_ENABLED="1" PKG_CONFIG="pkg-config" CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_CPPFLAGS="" CGO_CXXFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_FFLAGS="-g -O2" CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2"
QUESTION: CXX=”clang++” vs CXX=”g++”
Typically, the
environment variable is temporarily set to quickly change to the current project workspace. GOPATH is wherego get
commands download stuff.$HOME/gopkgs
echo $GOROOT to see where downloaded packages are deposited. That’s:
/opt/homebrew/opt/go/libexec on ARM64 machines, or
/usr/local/go on Intent x86 $GOROOT api codereview.cfg lib pkg test PATENTS VERSION bin doc misc src
No need to define $GOROOT in ~/.bash_profile unless Go was downloaded to a custom location.
is in folder “usr/local/Cellar” because it was installed by Homebrew. Notice it’s for a specific version of Go. So alternately:
Obtain golang-samples repository
Create a folder to hold various Git repositories (personal preference here after
Use of the ~/gmail_acct folder is the result of setting up my Mac according to the automation and instructions at my
Pull down from GitHub (assuming you’ve installed a git client program):
cd ~/gmail_acct git clone
PROTIP: Go source code files exist within a folder of the same name and have a suffix of .go.
Navigate inside the folder created by the above command:
cd golang-samples
Get the present working directory path:
Workspace folders
Generally a Go workspace is created for each project, with three sub-directories:
src folder contains Go source code UTF-8 files with “.go” ending. Under this folder is the
or other such folder and the account name and repo name cloned by ago get
command. -
pkg folder contains compiled Go ‘dependency’ package objects referenced in imports within the source code. Such files are under a folder for its machine architecture (such as “darwin_arch64”). Each package object named (such as “package-name.a” for archived) contains the compiled package binary code, along with debugging symbols and source information. These files are created by the Go pack tool (compiler) while building/installing a package. Go uses packages here instead of the default packages folder $GOROOT/src or $GOPATH/src directories.
bin folder contains compiled executable packagess created by the
go install
command which trigger ago build
(compile) command. The$GOBIN
environment variable points to this folder as well as$GOPATH/bin
. The default installation directory on macOS is/usr/local/go
Open a text editor to edit (~/.bash_profile on Macs) to:
export GOHOME="$HOME/gmail_acct/golang-samples"
Note that “gmail_acct” folder is the result of setting up my Mac according to the automation and instructions at my
Alternately, append the file by using this command:
echo “export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin” » ~/.bash_profile
Run .bash_profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
Navigate to the default home folder to see it work:
Instead of git clone
Use the equivalent of “git clone” to download slides and code to the “Testing in Go” video class by Brian Ketelsen:
- `go get`
The command above sends files to the $GOPATH folder path:
which is $HOME/gopkgs
$GOPATH by default points to the $HOME/go directory in UNIX and %USERPROFILE%\go on Windows.
Hence, it is not absolutely necessary to setup GOPATH environment variable.
Source Code Editors
Unlike C#, Go is not associated with an IDE such as C# being associated with Microsoft Visual Studio or Java being associated with Eclipse and IntelliJ.
- when using IntelliJ, put
in your project’s.gitignore
GoLand was built especially for the Go language, from JetBrains, for $80 after a 30-day trial. Install using
brew install --cask goland
However, shortcuts and reformat for Go are provided for text editors:
VIDEO: Atom Golang video</a> by Todd McLeod
Gogland from JetBrains, who made IntelliJ for Java, PyCharm, WebStorm, etc.
TextMate 2 has a Go bundle at
vim has a vim-go package at
SublimeText loads fast
Visual Studio Code has a plugin for Go. See below.
Working with VSCode
Install the free VSCode using Homebrew (instead of downloading from
brew install --cask visual-studio-code
NOTE: Installing with brew enables you to upgrade by simply:
brew upgrade --cask visual-studio-code
Open the app where the above installed the executable:
open "/Applications/Visual Studio"
NOTE: The app can be deleted by deleting that .app file.
VSCode extensions
PROTIP: To write better code and make formatting/debugging easier, install the VSCode extensions:
- In VSCode, click the gear (“Manage”) icon at the bottom of the left menu, then select “Extensions” (or press Shift + control + X).
- Type “Go” in the extensions search bar.
- Click on the one by “Go Team at Google” (formerly “lukehoban”) described as “Rich Go language support for Visual Studio”. The “M” says it has been downloaded millions of times.
- Click “Install” when it comes up on the right pane.
Press command+Q to Quit the app entirely.
App icon from Finder to Sidebar
- Switch to Finder. Navigate to your /Applications folder.
Drag the “Visual Studio” file to the edge where the Toolbar resides, and drop it.
This is so you can using a mouse to quickly invoke VSCode.
- In VSCode, click on “”
- In Finder, n to the “golang-samples” repository downloaded from above.
- Right-click on file challenge.go and select Open With, “Visual Studio Code”.
In VSCode,
Language recognition
More extensions recommended
- Open the app again.
- Install “Go for Visual Studio Code”.
Install “Go Test Explorer for VS Code”.
- Bring up the Command Pallet by pressing Shift + command + P.
- Type “Shell”
Click “Shell Command Install ‘code’ command in PATH.
REMEMBER: Folder in variable GOROOT=”/usr/local/opt/go/libexec” is where downloaded packages install Go.
To work with Go (formerly
Component vulnerability scans
Install JFrog Visual Studio Code extensions which reveals in JFrog’s GoCenter online security-related metadata about each reference in your go.mod (modules) files. After installation, “JFrog:” appears at the lower-right corner with a checkmark.
The XRay Software Composition Analysis Tool (SCAT) is based on over 200,000 vulnerabilities identified and codified by Risk Based Security [RBS] in its VulnDB vulnerability database. It displays indirect (transitive) dependencies, in a hierarchical tree view.
- TODO: Install secret scanner.
On-line Go editor Playground
PROTIP: Like Python has “Pythonic”, “Gothic” is the adjective identifying idiomatic Go code (the easiest and most common ways of accomplishing a task using native language constructs rather than porting assumptions from a different language). See the “Idiomatic Go” blog by Dmitri Shuralyov (@dmitshur), who wrote githubv4 client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4.
VIDEO “Introduction to the Go Programming Language” course by Jeremy Cook at Go version 1.13 has a link to code for each sample at and:
See his simple “hello-world” at
View sample Go program source code containing basic coding constructs in an on-line editor at:
Repeated below is that code:
// hello.go at package main import( "fmt"; "time"; "os"; "errors"; "math") var now = time.Now() // wall clock to tell time func circleArea(radius float32) (float32, error) { if radius < 0 { return 0, errors.New("radius should be positive value") } else { return math.Pi * radius * radius, nil } } func main() { start_pgm := time.Now() // monotonic clock to count time fmt.Printf("%s starting at %v \n", os.Args[0], now) argLength := len(os.Args[1:]) if argLength == 0 { fmt.Printf("Arg length is %d \n", argLength) } else { for i, a := range os.Args[1:] { fmt.Printf("Arg %d is %s\n", i+1, a) } // TODO: carry out flags specified } } if area2, err := circleArea(-3); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Println(area2) } defer func(msg string) { if r := recover(); r != nil { fmt.Println("Recovered from panic.") } fmt.Println(msg) }("Done.") t := time.Now() elapsed_pgm := t.Sub(start_pgm) fmt.Printf("Done. Elapsed: %v\n", elapsed_pgm) panic("Die!") }
specifies an in-line comment for the compiler to ignore but humans to read.package main
reflects that its file name ismain.go
, the first file which Go invoked within a folder.import
has semi-colons separating modules.Variables defined outside a function have global scope (any function can reference it). var function takes in a pointer and stores the flag there, whereas, non-var functions return a pointer that can be stored and used.
Functions return a tuple of two values: the result of calculations (in float32 data type) and an
string.if area2
is a sample numeric calculation function to show defensive programming.main()
is the entry point for all Go programs.PROTIP: Code if/then/else statements to issue error immediately after the if statement.
escape character n adds a new line break so several print outputs don’t run on together.Monotonic clock is not subject to clock synchronizations.
Click “Run”.
The response is the default time format as of the time run:
/tmpfs/play starting at 2020-07-04 22:27:22.30492 -0600 MDT m=+0.000169133
The above is the standard output format of the default time.
Unlike Python, Go’s default time functions are timezone aware.
But alas, the Go standard library does not contain localized month, day and zone names.
defines an anonymous function to ensure a normal return code from the run.defer
ensures that the function occurs regardless of the execution path around it. See program
Let’s look at another program which uses flags:
// USAGE: go run sample.go add -a=42 -b=23 // go run sample.go mul -a=25 -b=4
defines examples of how to call this program using flags
Who uses Go?
Although unveiled in 2009, companies who have adopted Go in their products include Atlassian, Docker, Facebook, DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, eBay, Heroku, HashiCorp, Capital One.
PROTIP: The canonical list of companies using Go is at
A 2016 survey found that 40% of respondants used the language for less that 1 year.
When asked what they like most about Go, users most commonly mentioned Go’s simplicity, ease of use, concurrency features, and performance.
What changes would most improve Go? Users most commonly mentioned generics, package versioning, and dependency management. Other popular responses were GUIs, debugging, and error handling.
Other Sample Source Repositories
There are many good examples of Go programming code on the internet. Among the better-known repositories to consider:
6.5 hour VIDEO: from Jun 20, 2019
My own collection of example code:
### My Code Samples
My own collection of example code is private. Contact me to be a collaborator.
Download or git clone
Open a Terminal shell window and give the files execute permissions:
chmod 555 *
hello-time.go template
cd to hello-time, which I use as the basis for creating new files.
- print the elasped time of the program run.
- define a date
- calculate days from hours
- format dates based on a template
- see
A line at the top of the file enables it to be optionally run as a shell sript:
Run it as a program:
go run hello-time.go
Build executables
Build it
go build
A file with no file extension should appear in the folder on Linux. Extension .exe is added on Windows machines.
When compiling packages, build ignores files that end in ‘_test.go’.
To build an executable for running on other operating systems:
GOOS=openbsd go build GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build
PROTIP: Ensure that executable created are excluded from being uploaded to GitHub by an entry in .gitignore:
Executables should be stored in artifact repositories such as JFrog Artifactory, AWS CodeArtifact, etc.
Run the executable on Linux or mac:
Alternately, on Windows, run the executable:
PROTIP: All Go programs must be part of a package. main is the default package.
- Global variable - start time.
- Four character indent. gofmt indents using tabs that take 8 characters.
Run program with flags
./program -a=b -c=d
Test-Driven Development (TDD)
PROTIP: When you create a new go source file, also create a companion _test file* for “black box” unit testing of each function:
Within the _test.go file, for example:
package messages func TestAdd(t *testing.T) { a := 1 b := 2 expected := 3 actual := Add(1,2) assert.Equal(t, expected, actual) }
begins the name of every test function so that you can name specific tests in command such as:
method flags methods to skip a test.
go test Add
The assert statement from importing testify eliminates two lines and repetitive text.
if expected != actual { t.Errorf("Result was incorrect, got: %d, want: %d.", actual, expected) }
reflects the name of the test in messages.
and t.Logf
outputs a message without setting result status.
The “f” as in t.Logf and t.Errorf and t.Fatalf specifies formatted use of %v
for strings.
Like other printf functions, an escaped new line \n
is needed.
skips the test with no message. t.Skip
outputs a string. t.Skipf
outputs with variables.
takes no arguments and doesn’t issue a message when it stops immediately.
t.Log, t.Error after t.Fail are ignored.
t.Error, and t.Fatal are different levels of severity. Error is Log followed by t.Fail
and “t.Errorf” fails out (and stops) on error.
continues on error (non-immeidate failures).
PROTIP: Using assert statements with variables enable you to copy and paste and code less. This also makes it more readable.
registers a function (meaning it won’t do it right away).
is added for faster runs.
To list coverage of unit tests defined:
go test -coverage
func TestAddTableDriven(t *testing.T){ scenarios := []struc { input string expect string }{ {input: "Gopher", expect: "Hello\n"}, {input: "", expect: "hello\n"}, } for _. s := range scenarios { got := Greet(s.input) if got != s.expect { t.Error("Did not get expected $v", s.input, got, s.expect) } } }
Go for Ethical Hackers and Pentesters by Vinit Jain
TDD and other techniques for testing over the network for BDD-style developement. to mock calls.
Vendor prior to Modules
When Go was first released, it provided no mechanism to manage different versions. Vendoring was the first system supported by the Go Core team. In Go 1.12 and before, Go looks in the “vendor” folder before looking in GOPATH for a stated import.
New module
CAUTION: Avoid importing modules from sources you don’t know if you can trust.
import { . "" "" "testing" }
Create a new module:
go mod init
This creates a file, a main.go, folders math and util.
fileNOTE: makes it easy to Make temporary edits to your Go module dependencies.
Generate checksums in
file:go get
Verify the integrity of modules by running checksums again and comparing results against the
list of hashes:go mod verify
The expected response is:
all modules verified
Identify the latest version of dependencies:
go list -u -m -all
Change the
file:go mod tidy
Auto format code
PROTIP: Many developers type code from the first character because they let formatters automatically take care of proper indentation.
Format source code according to Go coding standards using the standard format “fmt” (PROTIP: pronounced “fmpth”)
go fmt ./…
Go is a tool for managing Go source code. Usage: go
[arguments] The commands are: bug start a bug report build compile packages and dependencies clean remove object files and cached files doc show documentation for package or symbol env print Go environment information fix update packages to use new APIs fmt gofmt (reformat) package sources generate generate Go files by processing source get download and install packages and dependencies install compile and install packages and dependencies list list packages or modules mod module maintenance run compile and run Go program test test packages tool run specified go tool The three dots specify recursion down the current folder.
Alternately use the formatter from”> which has flags for more control:
go gofmt -s -d -w main.go
saves the changes..
(dot) instead of the main.go would recursively process.go gofmt ./..
To reformat within VSCode ???
Identify unreachable code with static analysis:
go vet ./..
Install and configuring goimports to automatically run on save to format and auto adjust import statements as needed:
go get
BLAH: I’m getting these messages:
package unrecognized import path "" (parse no go-import meta tags (meta tag did not match import path
Setup vim to auto run goimports on save using vim-go:
let g:go_fmt_command = "goimports"
BLAH: Response is “-bash: let: g:go_fmt_command: syntax error in expression (error token is “:go_fmt_command”)”
Setup reload web server when file change is detected: “Gin” web framework
Tour of Language Syntax
Tours of Go language syntax are presented on these websites:
Go Programming on YouTube by Derek Banas
Packages Imported
Go was created with a rich set of packages built-in in its standard library.
Get a list of them:
go list std
Path of Packages in $GOPATH
In the code, an alternative way to specify 3rd-party libraries:
import ( "testing" "" )
If you get error message “cannot find package” when running a go program:
NOTE: Go looks for packages first within the folder where you installed Go. If you installed using Homebrew, that would be like:
(from $GOROOT)
PROTIP: Don’t install packages under where Go is installed. This is so you won’t have problems after you upgrade to the next version.
Create a $HOME/gopkgs folder to store 3rd party Go packages in one place.
cd ~
mkdir gopkgs
cd gopkgs -
Create a $GOPATH environment variable to store a list of folders containing Go programs, separate by semicolons. In my ~/.bash_profile:
export GOPATH=$HOME/gopkgs
There can be a list in the path, separated by colons in Linux/Mac. Go searches each directory listed in GOPATH to find source code.
CAUTION: New packages are always downloaded into the first directory in the list.
Close Terminal and start it again, or
source ~/.bash_profile
Get a package from below. For example:
go get
go get
does the equivalent of cloning a package repo from GitHub. The manual equivalent of that is:git clone --depth=1
Alternately, other libraries to get:
go get -v
PROTIP: If nothing is returned and you get the prompt again, that’s a good thing.
Look within src is created a folder.
ls ~/gopkgs/src/
If there isn’t one, Go will have created a src folder.
NOTE: The pkg folder holds installed package objects, such as “linux_amd64”.
NOTE: Other “collaboration platforms” like GitHub include:
For each 3rd-party library is created a folder for each GitHub user. For example, stretchr.
cd ~/gopkgs/src/
mkdir stretchr
cd stretchr -
Compile to binary executables all files in current folder to $GOPATH/bin :
go install .
Install apps
To install the Go package for reading from continously updated files (tail -f)
go get
PROTIP: There is no “http://” in front of when getting go packages.
This repo is described in videos at Aaron Schlesinger, Sr. Software Engineer at EngineYard, describes how to write Functional Programming in Go for real projects.
Popular Go Packages
For better, many prefer to use only stdlib features.
The most popular packages for Go as found searching through all of GitHub:
- A “sacred” extension to the standard go testing package
- provides mux.Router which, like Go’s in-built http.ServeMux, matches incoming requests against a list of registered routes and calls a handler for the route that matches the URL or other conditions. “Mux” stands for Multiplexor, to multiplex routes (URLs) to different handlers. Routers are also called dispatchers. This article says install using
brew install go --cross-compile-common go get -u
The Gorilla mux allows devs to really lock down an API.
YOUTUBE: Create A Simple RESTful API With Golang by Nic Raboy</a> with blog shows use of a mock database.
YOUTUBE: Building a RESTful API in Go Using Only the Standard Library (Episode 1) by “Go In 5 Minutes”</a>
- by Simon Eskildsen @shopify
Structured, pluggable logging for Go. -
A golang registry for global request variables.… -, formaerly,
A simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go. -
sqlite3 driver for go that using database/sql -
Go MySQL Driver is a MySQL driver for Go’s (golang) database/sql package -
TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language) parser for Golang with reflection. -
Go client for Redis -
Leveled execution logs for Go - by Onsi Fakhouri @ Pivital
BDD Testing Framework for Go -
Ginkgo’s Preferred Matcher Library - at Ubuntu Canonical
Common juju errors and functions to annotate errors. Based on juju/errgo. Model and deploy applications to any cloud -
provides additional base test suites to be used with gocheck. Testing gocheck suites and checkers used across juju projects. - and mock
are libraries to test interfaces and API functions using easy assertions, mocking. -
contains Go support for OpenCensus. says OpenCensus makes getting critical telemetry out of your services easy and seamless. It provides libraries for a number of languages to capture, manipulate, and export metrics and distributed traces to the backend(s) of your choice – from client applications, large monoliths, or highly-distributed microservices. OpenCensus started at Google but is now developed by a broad community of service developers, cloud vendors, and community contributors. OpenCensus isn’t tied to any particular vendor’s backend or analysis system. vs. PrometheusOthers
go-homedir homedir.Dir() detects the user’s home directory without the use of stdlib os/user cgo, so the library can be used in cross-compilation environments. -
provides a streaming interface to LZ4 data streams as well as low level compress and uncompress functions for LZ4 data blocks. The implementation is based on the reference C one. -
Julien Schmidt’s high performance replacement of stock HTTP request router at
is a trie based. -
is a Golang port of the exponential backoff algorithm from Google’s HTTP Client Library for Java. It uses feedback to multiplicatively decrease the rate of some process in order to gradually find an acceptable rate. The retries exponentially increase and stop increasing when a certain threshold is met. -
Go-spew implements a deep pretty printer for Go data structures to aid in debugging. -
JMESPath is a query language for JSON, to transform one JSON document into another JSON through a JMESPath Search expression. -
mapstructure is a Go library for decoding generic map values to structures and vice versa, while providing helpful error handling. It’s for decoding values from data streams (JSON, Gob, etc.) where you don’t quite know the structure of the underlying data until you read a part of it. You can therefore read a map[string]interface{} and use this library to decode it into the proper underlying native Go structure. -
Objx - Go package for dealing with maps, slices, JSON and other data.
Internationalization? Not Yet
The Golang StdLib, message, etc. does not fully support I18N (at time of writing). A proposal describes remains Open.
So although extensive, many have found the documentation lacks clarity and the library difficult to use. Marcel van Lohuizen (@mpvl) worked on it alone on a 50% basis at Google Vienna. VIDEO: In 2017 he was working on date localization, with bidi (bi-directional) and gender in the future.
- by Nick Snyder is an easier way to localize Go apps. It supports (with good documentation):
- Pluralized strings for all 200+ languages
- Strings with named variables
- Implements CLDR plural rules.
- Uses text/template for strings with variables.
- Translation files are simple JSON.
- Message files of any format (e.g. JSON, TOML, YAML, etc.).
- Code and tests are automatically generated from CLDR data.
However, go-i18n (at time of writing) does not support gender rules or complex template variables.
VIDEO: “Internationalization is a Piece of Cake” by Eli Schutze Ramirez CLDR (Unicode Common Locale Data Repository) contains all aspects for each BCP47-defined locale. ICU provides a wrapper to CLDR. Do not build sentences yourself. Let the program arrange word order to the locale.
Pave Loborin’s repo shows (in Russian) how to use the Sprintf function to translate for localization.
Instead of ICU is still not powerful enough.
Kafka, a streaming commit log service, kinda like Git for applications data as a “system of record”. Kafka sends topics.
Zookeeper (ZK)
Cherami: Uber Engineering’s Durable and Scalable Task Queue in Go
Security Vulnerabilities
All the CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) reported for Golang into the NVD (National Vulnerability Database). Each CVE may be linked to a CWD (Common Weakness Enumeration) within underlying code such as cwe-444.
Social #golang
Go users call themselves Gophers. Thus the logo.
Social Communities
- Communities and user conferences sherperded by takes you to
Highest rated Go questions
@GopherCon - - July 13-15, 2017 in Denver, Colorado
Rock Stars’ emissions
The Go language was invented within Google
by Robert Griesemer and Unix luminaries Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.[1]
Rob Pike (Go Commander, Google)
Introducing the Go Programming Language GoogleTechTalks 30 October 2009 [59:25]
Concurrency Is Not Parallelism 20 Oct 2013.
TJ Holowaychuk is perhaps the most visible defector from Node, as he wrote Node. See
Todd McLeod presents his deep knowledge in a laid-back style so it’s like listening to him at a party:
- videos
BOOK: Introducing Go: Build Reliable, Scalable Programs
from O’Reilly Media January 2016 Pages: 124 -
Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language $14 at Udemy
- Web Development with Google’s Go Programming Language (golang) $20
- (@ToddMcLeod)
Mike Van Sickle (@vansimke)
Mark Summerfield [1]
- Book: Programming in Go: Creating Applications
Dave Chaney
Francesc Campoy
- Google Developer Advocate
Understanding nil
Nic Raboy
Brian Hatfield
Tweets about GC pause times
William Kennedy
- @goinggodotnet
- “Ultimate Go Programming, 2nd edition” video course at O’Reilly
provides an intensive, comprehensive, and idiomatic view of the Go programming language.
Free Tutorials (“Go, Getting Started”)
Paid Tutorials
API SDK Server Frameworks
On web servers, many Go gurus say just use sub-routers using stdlib net/http
instead of encapsulating all routing decisions into one single component using <a target="_blank" href="">http.ServeMux</a>
or Not even <a target”_blank” href=””>httprouter</a>
Some like Echo at Some resources on Echo:
- VIDEO by BlueBot about Echo.
- Echo Quick Start Guide
### For Multiple Operating systems
View multi-platform.go
Build for macOS
go build
Build for Windows
GOOS=go GOARCH=amd64 go build -o godemo-win-amd64.exe .
List the platforms (GOOS/GOARCH):
go tool dist list
Random number generator
- Import flag to obtain arguments from command line
- Reflection of elasped time is not appropriate here because it is intended to run as a utility.
- Defined in a main plus separate utility functions.
- Loop the number of repeats specified.
- Slice of an integer array containing prime numbers. See Notice there can be a ending comma after the last item in the list. This avoids one of the most annoying error messages in other languages.
- Pointer
Loop until manually stopped
Within a main infinite loop:
func main() { var input string for { fmt.Scanln(&input) } }
- Print command to construct a line printed over several command lines
- Recognize operating system being used by using “runtime.GOOS”.
- One Println with several commands.
It manages latitudes and longitudes in a map data type containing a key-value structure.
- Uses float64 floating point number for latitude/longitude
- Uses function to do repeated lookups
It provides examples of counting and comparing Asian characters encoded in UTF-8.
- Provides an illustration of fmt.Print() vs. fmt.Println() with escapted double-quotes.
- Provides an example of using range.
cd to env-vars (in Git branch env-vars)
Different Operating Systems
Structure of program files
Data Types
boolean constants are lower case: true, false
Numbers are not permitted at the start of an identifier (variable).
Go detects unused imports as an error.
Go has an array type, but most interactions are with slices which are built off arrays. I don’t worry too much about the name and just use them The specification for slices are “[]T” where T is the type. So “[]string” is a set of strings, “[]int” is a set of integers, and so on.
var n int = 4
var i = 0
for i = 1; i < n; i++ {
int is actually an alias! Like C, Go has signed and unsigned integers:
- int holds a maximum value of 32,000.
- int8,
- int16,
- int32,
- int64
UTF-8 Data Types
Alias rune are single-character constants: ‘a’, す’, ‘シ’, ‘1’, …
When working with unicode you should be converting your strings to []rune. That’s why the utf8 package is so sparse, most things are covered by []rune conversion and the unicode package. The utf8 package is like a very thin abstraction layer for using strings as []rune.
All source code in Go is UTF-8, so you can use an emoji, Japanese Kanji, or other language in variable names:
var π = 3.14159 var radius = 6371.0 // radius of the Earth in km var circumference = 2 * π * radius println("Circumference of the earth is", circumference, "km")
Run result in scientific notation:
Circumference of the earth is +4.003014e+004 km
Developer Tools
Display documentation for the Println function within fmt:
godoc fmt Println
Println formats using the default formats for its operands and writes to standard output. Spaces are always added between operands and a newline is appended. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error encountered.
Code Quality Scanner
golint for “code smells”
go vet to identify nonsensical code.
Google’s shenzhen-go is a Visual Go environment
Unit testing
PROTIP: Get to know about all the different ways to invoke go test:
go help testflag
Install the Go Present tool:
- `go get`
cd testablecode/freemail
Run all internal tests defined in the current folder:
go test -v -run=G
The response for a single method invoked shows the time it took to run:
=== RUN TestGmail --- PASS: TestGmail (0.00s) PASS ok 0.637s
sets the verbosity mode to “verbose”.-run=G
runs tests based on pattern matching the letter “G” in the test name “TestGmail”.
Table-driven tests
“External” Tests are in a separate package (scope) than the code being tested, such as in documentation. External test names are suffixed with “_test”. Due to its external nature, identifiers must be prefixed by the package identifier.
Acceptance Testing
Agouti is an acceptance testing framework for Go.
Debugger Reduce your time to resolution. Go beyond stacktraces and logs. Get to the root cause quickly with deep application introspection at your fingertips.
Semaphore Distributed semaphore for Etcd in go forked at
Web server”>Video course: Using Marathon to Schedule Mesos Containers on DC/OS Creating a Golang Web Application Binary</a> contains code for Tood McLeod’s WebDev class for Go at
A static web server to serve Jekyll generated static files:
// From package main import "net/http" func main() { http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("_site"))) err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } }
Profiling Go Code
flame graphs
go test -coverprofile
Output a cover profile as you are testing a package, then use go tool to visualize them on a browser.
go test -coverprofile=c.out && go tool cover -html=c.out
go test -bench=. monitor
Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
### Webpage folder templates
In webpage, main.go uses a templating capability with mustache markers:
\{{{/* comments don't nest */}}
- Display a line before running as a server which locks no command line input:
fmt.Println("Use internet browser to view localhost:8080.") fmt.Println("Press control+C to stop server.") http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Code Generators by Santiago M. Mola (@mola_io) generates Go source files Go Package Templates use double moustache pairs {{ {} around variables.
SonarQube Sonarqube plugin for the golang language created by Falque Thibault with 34 rules from GoLint. Sonar for Golang - PoC created during 24h hackaton
Machine Learning reads a databse of iris flowers, as KNN (Nearest Neighbor) makes predictions using the training dataset directly. k is just the number of neighbors “voting” on the test example’s class. See
Impose Artificial Load consists of two utility Go programs used to impose load on servers by making HTTP and HTTP/2 requests.
The program is influenced from Tarek Ziade’s tool at tarekziade/boom.
It was written by Google for use in its Google’s Scale and Load Balance Instances and Apps tutorial.
To send 10 requests per second to the load balancer (substituting your load balancer’s external IP):
hey -n 12000 -c 10 -q 1 http://load-balancer-IP
Additional arguments enable HTTP headers to set authentication data, etc.
Monitoring is achieved by other means.
APIs Go library for accessing the GitHub AP
- great resources for Gophers in general
- awesome weekly podcast of Go awesomeness
- examples of how to do things in Go
- how to use SQL databases in Go
- tips on how to write more idiomatic Go code
- will help you avoid gotchas in Go
- (if you e-mail @wkennedy at you can get a free copy for being part of this Slack)
Other tutorials
contains an awesome amount of learning in the go lang. Each topic has actual code problem, solution, and description. -
The Go play ground to try out solutions:
- has gopher cover art.
Hacker News
@GopherAcademy - podcasts
@cool_golang is a bot that automatically retweets any mention of #golang on Twitter.
@gophersauce - Golang backend web framework #golang #go checkout. “The easiest App SDK in the world.”
William Kennedy, author of blog GoingGo.Net, created “Ultimate Go Programming, Second Edition” (September 2018) containing 15 hours of videos in a “Top Gun” course for experienced Go developers. He covers Language Syntax, Data Structures, Decoupling, Composition, Error Handling, Packaging, Data Races, Channels, Concurrency Patterns, Testing, Profiling and Tracing. He also co-wrote Go in Action (Manning) Benjamin Muschko (bmuschko) Learn Go with Tests
Go in Google App Engine
Google App Engine is a serverless compute platform that is fully managed to scale up and down as workloads demand. Cold Start (zero instances running) request initial response times are often between 80 and 1400 milliseconds. Hot (at least 1 instance running ) requests are fulfilled immediately.
Google Qwiklabs “Getting Started with Go on Google Cloud” has 5 steps:
“Use Go Code to Work with Google Cloud Data Sources” (BigQuery SQL of Calif zip codes and Firestore document db collection called symbols of sample retailer UPC and product information.) by the “GCP Data Drive” program from git clone 1 hour 10 minutes, 5 Credits
Deploy Go Apps on Google Cloud Serverless Platforms. Use GO (golang) to deploy an app on App Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions using Cloud Build. 1 hour 10 minutes, 5 Credits
App Engine: Qwik Start - Go. Create a small App Engine application that displays a short message. Watch the short video Build Apps at Scale with Google App Engine. 20 minutes, 1 Credit
HTTP Google Cloud Functions in Go, 30 minutes
Quiz: Getting Started with Go
Go Tutorials
Stephen Grider (ste.grider at gmail) created his highly-rated Udemy “Go: The Complete Developer’s Guide (Golang)” in 2017 and has kept it maintained. It contains 9 hours of videos. Code (edited using VSCode) and diagrams for the course are at Within each numbered folder, click on its diagrams.xml file, then “Raw” button for its URL.
In, for “Save Diagrams To…” click “Decide later”. Click menu File, Import From, URL. Paste the link. Press Enter (click Import) for the diagram to appear. Click on the tabs at the bottom of the window. You can then save the file. Click File, Close, Discard changes. For the next file, change the chapter number in the URL and repeat this paragraph of steps.
Jon Calhoun of
BOOK: “Let’s Go” by Alex Edwards
PODCAST: Creating a Video Course Hosting Platform to Learn Go by Jon Calhoun at