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Wilson Mar


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Ways to get out of the Facebook echo chamber

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One of the revelations about the 2016 presidential elections is the “echo chamber” for Facebook users since Facebook provides its users more of what they like.

That means Facebook users are insulated from conflicting opinions.

And fake news and misleading ads are troublesome.

Auto-refresh news sites

Click on one of these links to display a web page that refreshes automatically (listed by frequency of auto-refresh):

BTW, a website is set to refresh itself by this HTML:

   <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="600; url=index.php">


From a list of 12 Weather APIs:


Static news

HTML5 web cams

These sites display constantly on feeds from web cams using HTML5 (rather than relying on a browser plug-in such as Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight):

Adobe Flash


This uses Java which browsers now block because of security issues.