I’m innocent! Really!
Several utility websites are available publicly to scan websites for issues based on their rules.
This page describes their output and whether each finding is applicable/usable.
Status: 501 Protocol scheme ‘skype’ is not supported Could not check this link: method not implemented or scheme not supported.
Action: Ignore this alert because the link is valid for clients which have a Skype client installed.
Status: 301 -> 200 OK This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.
http://www.pinterest.com/wilsonmar4 redirected to https://www.pinterest.com/wilsonmar4
Action: Fix links using https:// instead of http:// to avoid redirects that rob time from end-users and cycles from servers.
Status: 404 -> Not Found The link is broken. Double-check that you have not made any typo, or mistake in copy-pasting. If the link points to a resource that no longer exists, you may want to remove or fix the link.
- https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=wilsonmar%40gmail.com
- http://masoncurrey.com/Daily-Rituals/
Action: Ignore. These links actually do resolve and get found.
Status 200 -> OK Some of the links to this resource point to broken URI fragments (such as index.html#fragment). Broken fragments:
http://chartingthebeatles.com/#schedule (line 417)
Action: At first it displays on a specific computer it sends an error, but if you wait a few seconds the website actually appears. The second time the website is requested then it loads correctly.
Status 200 -> OK
Broken fragments: http://zeroturnaround.com/rebellabs/the-curious-coders-java-web-frameworks-comparison-spring-mvc-grails-vaadin-gwt-wicket-play-struts-and-jsf/2/#!/ (line 245)
Action: Ignore. This link may have issues opening the first time, but the website works. No issues to resolve.
Status 301 -> 200OK Line: 304 https://calendar.google.com/ redirected to https://www.google.com/
This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.
Action: Investigate. This is code that directs the user to their own calendar.
Status 301 -> 200 OK and also HTTP status code 3xx (Redirection) received and the HTTP Location header targets a relative URI
Redirections should be avoided because of the usually high latency of mobile networks. Since the final URI of the resource is on the same server, server-based redirection may be possible and would save a round-trip between the server and the end user This is a permanent redirect. The link should be updated.
http://gitter.im/wilsonmar redirected to https://gitter.im/login
Action: Ignore. This is code that brings the user to the login for wilsonmar.
If the user does not have a login yet, then it brings them to the main screen to create a login. It is working correctly here, nothing to change.
Google Page Speed
TODO: Add Google Page Speed
TODO: Add HP Service Virtualization