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Get bits working in lightweight containers

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This is among several articles about Docker:

The objective of this tutorial is a succinct yet deep step-by-step instructions to setup of Docker on MacOS, CentOS Linux, and Windows.

VMs on MacOS vs. Docker

This is a more complex diagram than others so that interrelationships can be illustrated. TODO: Video to gradually reveal this.

docker flowchart v04-650x312-97kb
Click this for a pop-up containing a larger sized image.

Prior to Docker, a developer working on a Mac Pro can, in addition to native apps for Mac, also run Microsoft Visual Studio for Windows in a full install of Windows 10 by running them within a VMware Fusion or Vagrant hypervisor that manages Virtual Memory instances. See https://www.upguard.com/articles/docker-vs-vagrant

Each additional VM (virtual machine) instance would take several more Gigabytes of disk space and memory because operating system files are duplicated inside each VM instance.

By contrast, Docker’s containers take a more lightweight approach. Docker aims to cleanly separate applications that need the same shared operating system read-only files.

Docker for Mac

The Docker for Mac installer is downloaded from Docker’s website. It makes use of hypervisor software that doesn’t need Oracle’s Virtualbox previously needed.

Docker for Mac makes use of a Hyperkit hypervisor which runs Docker images such as NGINX.

Later Macs have Intel’s hardware support for MMU (memory management unit) EPT (Extended Page Tables) virtualization.

Docker images are obtained from Docker Hub on-line or a more private and trusted image repository. Many images are visible searches within Docker Hub.

That same container image can run on another platform unchanged, typically a GNU/Linux kernel such as Debian running on a commodity server within AWS EC2 cloud. Docker is designed with cloud computing providers in mind.

The Docker Engine takes care of loading images and running them. It is installed from the package manager over the internet.

Docker is lighter weight because it provides the read-only portion of a Linux operating system to be shared among several images. Each image has its own bin and lib folders.

Docker is also lightweight and thus more scalable because each image intends to run and watch one single process. SSH ports are not opened into images.

A data volume outside the image is referenced to read private keys.

Additional data volumes (such as InfluxDB) are shared for logging with an additional image. It receives stats collected by the cAdvisor image (from Google) and structures data for display in a Grafana dashboard.

Images that go into container repositories are created by a build command in Docker for Mac and Windows. The build is based on source code for an app in GitHub having a Dockerfile and .dockerignore file.

Docker for Mac was released in 2016 as a native app that keeps itself updated, so no Homebrew for it as with previous versions. This new version makes use of 64-bit processor in a 2010 or newer Mac, which has Intel’s hardware support for virtualization. The operating system is MacOS Yosemite version 10.10 or newer, such as El Capitan 10.11 or Sierra 10.12.

Docker for Mac uses underlying software not in prior versions, so NO obsoleted docker-machine commands that load and manage images depend on the installation of Virtualbox by the deprecated Docker Toolbox.


docker flowchart v04-650x312-97kb
Click this for a pop-up containing a larger sized image.

To recap, Docker containers are created using docker images, built by parsing a Dockerfile containing Docker commands.

“By using containers, resources can be isolated, services restricted, and processes provisioned to have a private view of the operating system with their own process ID space, file system structure, and network interfaces. Multiple containers can share the same kernel, but each container can be constrained to only use a defined amount of resources such as CPU, memory and I/O.” – Wikipedia

Each container runs as an isolated process on a shared kernel. The isolation mechanisms that keeps resources (CPU, memory, filesystem, network, etc.) of each process isolated from others is a Linux kernel feature CGroups (abbreviated from “Control Groups”) developed within Google.

During PyCon on Friday, March 15, 2013. Solomon Hykes, the founder of Docker, gave a lightning talk on “The future of Linux Containers, delivered”.

Alternatives to Docker

Linux installer boots

PROTIP: Docker was initially developed to run under different flavors of GNU/Linux (not FreeBSD nor Windows):

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • BSDLinux
  • Debian

docker-filesystems-multilayer 650x534-211kb

Different operating systems use different file-system software for union-mount. For example, Debian uses bootfs. Wikipedia notes aufs (Advanced multi-layered Unification File System) was rejected for merging into mainline Linux. Its code was criticized for being “dense, unreadable, and uncommented”. Instead, OverlayFS was merged into the Linux kernel.

btrfs (B-tree File System) is intended to address the lack of pooling, snapshots, checksums, and integral multi-device spanning in Linux file systems.

Docker Engine-Community only target Docker for AWS and Docker for Azure. Docker Enterprise uses Docker certified infrastructure tooling, using Terraform and Ansible to target VMware, Azure, and AWS implementations.

Setup Shell Script

The contribution of this article is a shell script that automates the install of Docker and other stuff on macOS:

    https://github.com/wilsonmar/mac-setup/blob/master/mac-setup.zsh/a> </ul> Techniques used in the Bash shell script are described in my bash coding tutorial. 1. The script does the following if "-k" is specified when calling the script:
    if [ "${USE_DOCKER}" = true ]; then   # -k
    1. It senses if the Docker executable is available. If not, it installs it.
    if ! command -v docker ; then
                brew install docker  
    1. It senses if the Docker app is running. If not, it invokes it:
    # on mac: open "$HOME/Applications/Docker.app"  
        # On Linux:
           sudo systemctl start docker
           sudo service docker start
    1. There is a "Remove_Dangling_Docker function. Separate scripts to run specific apps contain these additional steps. There is a run-time parameter for each step below: 1. Code (for CONSUL, EGPLANT, etc.) is run when USE_DOCKER is true: 1. Docker images are created from Dockerfiles if specified. 1. Docker images are pulled from DockerHub or Jira Artifactory. 1. List of Docker images and processes are listed.
     docker image ls -digests
    1. Apps in Docker containers are invoked if parameter is specified. 1. Metrics from run is displayed if parameter is specified. 1. Docker containers are stopped if parameter is specified. 1. Docker app is stopped if parameter is specified.
    ### GPG SecureApt Some scripts, especially those to install unvetted packages, public key it associates with the cryptographic signature it generates for each file so that you can verify whether files have been tampered with or bits lost during transit. Use of GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) or PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is stronger than MD5 hashes. With Ansible, see this. 1. Download Docker's signature into your Debian local key vault:
    # Add Docker's public GPG key :
    curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
        # OK is the expected response.
    The script captures the fingerprint in the response. 2. To verify the key downloaded, search for the last 8 characters of the signature's fingerprint (such as "0EBFCD88" below) to ensure it's same as what the publisher generated:
    sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
    3. Add the stable repository:
    sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable"
    4. Update the apt package index again according to official site.
    sudo apt-get update
    5. Install the latest version of Docker CE
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce
    If a packager does not offer one, skip validation of the signature by specifying RedHat’s yum has --nogpgcheck or Debian’s dpkg --no-debsig. Alternately, edit GPGCHECK=1 to 0. rpm (for MySQL) 6. We can check the version of the Docker:
    sudo docker -v
    7. Run the hello world image to see whether it is installed successfully:
    sudo docker run hello-world
    The response should be "Hello from Docker!". https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ ## Install Docker on MacOS # PROTIP: Docker for Mac is a Mac native application, not a virtual machine running in VirtualBox. It uses the Mac's native virtualization system, Hypervisor, which is faster than VirtualBox. Before Docker for Mac, Docker Toolbox was used. Docker Toolbox is now deprecated. PROTIP: The version of Linux that comes with Mac (based on Debian) isn't completely compatible with Linux. So an extra layer was needed to emulate a Docker host. That’s Boot2Docker, which is a lightweight Linux distribution made specifically to run Docker containers. Boot2Docker is now deprecated: https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker 0. If you've previously installed Boot2Docker or Docker for Mac, uninstall it by deleting it within your Applications folder. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac is the official docs. Versions of Mac before Yosemite would need to use the now deprecated Docker Toolbox, which is no longer used. It depended on Virtualbox. If Virtualbox version 5.1.2 is installed, it can be left installed. Docs here says VirtualBox prior to version 4.3.30 must NOT be installed (it is incompatible with Docker for Mac). Alternately, if you have are still running OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion or earlier, install https://www.docker.com/products/docker-toolbox 0. In Finder, within Applications, remove the Docker app and Docker folder. 0. Install the Stable version of Homebrew:
    brew install --cask docker && docker ps
    If one was already installed, it is replaced:
     ==> Downloading https://download.docker.com/mac/stable/19611/Docker.dmg
    ==> Verifying checksum for Cask docker
    ==> Installing Cask docker
    ==> Moving App 'Docker.app' to '/Users/wilsonmar/Applications/Docker.app'.
    🍺  docker was successfully installed!
    Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
    Skip to Open Docker client app later in this doc. Alternately: ### Manual Docker for Mac Docker for Mac was added 2016 for installing Docker on macOS It uses the HyperKit VM ("xhyve", pronounced "x-hive") to virtualize the Docker Engine environment. That technology requires OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite or newer. Go to the page where you download the "Docker Community Edition (CE) Desktop for Mac" at:
    https://store.docker.com/editions/community/docker-ce-desktop-mac 0. Scroll down to "Get Docker CE for Mac (stable)". 0. Click "Get Docker for Mac" to download Docker.dmg to your Downloads folder. 0. In the browser or Finder, navigate to you Download folder to double-click the Docker.dmg file 0. PROTIP: Change the file name if you're keeping back versions. | Date of file | Version | Download | Unzipped | | -----------: | ----------------- | -------: | -------: | | Oct 17, 2017 | Docker.dmg | 133.6 MB | 129.9 MB | | Aug 27, 2017 | Docker.dmg | 129.9 MB | 129.9 MB | | Oct 17, 2016 | Docker.dmg | 111.0 MB | 208.1 MB | | July 19, 2016 | Docker.dmg | 114.0 MB | 225.1 MB | | July 19, 2016 | Docker.dmg | 107.0 MB | 225.1 MB | | June 17, 2016 | 1.12.0-rc2-beta16 | 113.5 MB | 224.1 MB | 0. If you prefer, navigate in Finder to your Downloads folder to find the Docker.dmg file. 0. Double-click on Docker.dmg to open it. ![docker-drag-and-drop-600x284-99025](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/300046/29752990-4666a56c-8b36-11e7-9029-a93551a8b4d9.jpg) 0. In the pop-up, drag and drop the "Docker.app" whale onto the Applications folder. 0. Click Replace the previous version with the new one, if applicable. 0. If the "Docker needs privileged access" pop-up appears, click OK and type it in, then dismiss the pop-up. 0. Click outside the drop-down to dismiss it. ### Clean up the installer 0. Exit the "Drag and Drop" pop-up. 0. Delete the Docker.dmg file within Finder (to reclaim disk space). 0. In the Applications folder, under the Devices section on the left, press the eject icon to the right of Docker. ### Open Docker client app 0. In the Applications folder, click on the Docker.app. PROTIP: The Docker command line stores its configuration files in a hidden directory .docker within your $HOME directory (cd ~). 0. Click "Open" if the pop-up appears. 0. Click "Next" at the "Welcome to Docker for Mac!". 0. Click "OK" to the "Docker needs privileged access" pop-up. 0. Provide your password when asked. 0. Click the whale icon at the top of your Mac for this menu: ![docker-menu-281x368-59736](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/300046/29753015-bfba2088-8b36-11e7-9697-60e4cf0c2887.jpg) 0. PROTIP: If you are not a frequent user, click Preferences (or press command + comma) to un-check "Automatically start Docker when you log in" to avoid using up memory. 0. Skip to verify Docker install below. ### Previously VIDEO Obsolete instructions to install using Homebrew cask: Linux kernel-specific features for the Docker daemon. Alternately, Docker 0.8 or newer can be run on Macs thanks to a specially developed, lightweight VirtualBox VM. To start this, use the "quickstart terminal" which fires up Virtualbox. ## Install Docker on Windows 10+ # My recommendation is to install using Chocolately so you don't have to click through the https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows official installer.
    choco install docker-desktop
    https://community.chocolatey.org/packages/docker-desktop ### Install in Amazon EC2 clouds # Native Windows images have been running within AWS EC2 clouds. But since Docker images containing Windows OS can run on other machines (such as MacOS and Linux), their use would reduce testing and admin. effort. The marketing page about run Windows within AWS EC2 is
    https://docs.docker.com/machine/examples/aws/ 1. Create an Amazon user account (after using IAM to create it using an Admin account used for billing). 0. Login to the Console at
    https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home Using the Amazone CLI: 0. Create `~/.aws/credentials` file based on keys copied during user creation in AWS IAM, such as:
       aws_access_key_id = AKID1234567890
       aws_secret_access_key = MY-SECRET-KEY
    This is so you don't need to specify the keys in the command line:
    `--amazonec2-access-key AKI******* --amazonec2-secret-key 8T93C*******` 0. In AWS, create an EC2 instance named "aws-sandbox"
       docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 --amazonec2-region us-west-1 aws-sandbox
        --volumes-from ?
    "amazonec2" is the driver name for Amazon EC2. Alternatives are
    "digitalocean" (with `--digitalocean-access-token=`) and
    "azure" (with `--azure-subscription-id`). `--volumes-from` is how data volumes are associated (for sharing). * ### Install local Windows 10/11 # CAUTION: A 64-bit Windows machine is necessary to run Docker. Not 32-bit. 1. Enable Microsoft Hyper-V necessary to run Docker for Windows. CAUTION: This renders ususable Oracle Virtual Box VMs running Docker Toolbox. 2. Upgrade Windows 10 to at least the "Anniversary Update" 1607 (KB3194798) released October 11, 2016 or more recent. See the video. In Settings > Updates & Security > Windows Update > Update & Security > Check for Updates > Update. ### Chocolatey 3. The easiest approach is to use Docker on Chocolately.org
       choco install -y docker
    Ignore the installer "docker-machine". It's for an older version of Docker. 0. Skip to verify Docker install. ### Manual install 1. Alternately, at https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows,
    Click "Get Docker for Windows (stable)" (not the more volatile Beta). 0. This downloads InstallDocker.msi (105 MB), typically to your account's Downloads folder. 0. Right-click file InstallDocker.msi to run (not just Save) the installer as Administrator. 0. Follow the install wizard to accept the license, authorize the installer, and proceed with the install. 0. Authorize Docker.app with your system password when prompted, since privileged access is needed to install networking components, links to the Docker apps, and manage the Hyper-V VMs. 0. Click Finish on the setup complete dialog to launch Docker. Modules are installed. 0. Skip to verify Docker install. ### Default folders The default NGINX configuration root directory * `/usr/share/nginx/html` is the root directory * `/etc/nginx` contains configuration files

    To remap configuration files to a different location, specify that first:
       -v /var/nginx/conf:/etc/nginx:ro
    ## Alpine Linux # Within Docker for Mac, the Docker engine runs in an Alpine Linux distribution on top of a Mac xhyve (pronounced "x-hive") Virtual Machine. Alpine comes with Docker for Mac, but for additional information, see: https://alpinelinux.org | File Date | Download | Type | Size MB | | ---------- | ----------------: | ----- | -------: | | 2016-09-28 | alpine-virt-3.4.4-x86_64.iso | Virtual | 39 MB | | 2016-09-28 | alpine-3.4.4-x86_64.iso | Standard | 85 MB | | 2016-09-28 | alpine-extended-3.4.4-x86_64.iso | Extended | 311 MB | BTW, The Alpine Linux distribution (distro) is so small that there is an edition of it for the Raspberry Pi. ## Install Docker in CentOS # There are two methods for installing Docker on CentOS 7: 1. Installing Docker on an existing installation of the operating system. 2. Spin up a server with Docker Machine which auto-installs Docker. NOTE: Docker Cloud supercedes Docker Machine. See https://docs.docker.com/machine/reference/ls/ The Docker installation package available in the official CentOS 7 repository may not be the latest version. To get the latest and greatest version, install Docker from the official Docker repository. 0. First, update the package database:
    sudo yum check-update
    The response:
    Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
    Loaded plug-ins: fastestmirror
    Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
     * base: mirror.n5tech.com
     * extras: mirror.pac-12.org
     * updates: mirror.math.princeton.edu
    0. Add the official Docker repository, download the latest version of Docker, and install it:
    curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com/ | sh
    The response:
    + sh -c 'sleep 3; yum -y -q install docker-engine'
    Failed to set locale, defaulting to C
    warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/docker-main-repo/packages/docker-engine-selinux-1.11.2-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID 2c52609d: NOKEY
    Public key for docker-engine-selinux-1.11.2-1.el7.centos.noarch.rpm is not installed
    Importing GPG key 0x2C52609D:
     Userid     : "Docker Release Tool (releasedocker) <docker@docker.com>"
     Fingerprint: 5811 8e89 f3a9 1289 7c07 0adb f762 2157 2c52 609d
     From       : https://yum.dockerproject.org/gpg
    setsebool:  SELinux is disabled.
    libsemanage.semanage_exec_prog: Child process /sbin/setfiles did not exit cleanly.
    libsemanage.semanage_install_active: setfiles returned error code -1.
    libsemanage.semanage_exec_prog: Child process /sbin/setfiles did not exit cleanly.
    libsemanage.semanage_install_active: setfiles returned error code -1.
    /usr/sbin/semodule:  Failed!
    If you would like to use Docker as a non-root user, you should now consider
    adding your user to the "docker" group with something like:
      sudo usermod -aG docker your-user
    Remember that you will have to log out and back in for this to take effect!
    0. With installation complete, start the Docker daemon:
    sudo systemctl start docker
    No response is returned. NOTE: By default, docker commands require root privileges. So commands need to be prefixed with Linux sudo. 0. Verify it's running:
    sudo systemctl status docker -l
    The response: The output should be similar to the following, showing that the service is active and running:
    ● docker.service - Docker Application Container Engine
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
       Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-07-27 22:37:40 UTC; 1min 10s ago
         Docs: https://docs.docker.com
     Main PID: 3158 (docker)
       Memory: 16.3M
       CGroup: /system.slice/docker.service
               ├─3158 /usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd://
               └─3161 docker-containerd -l /var/run/docker/libcontainerd/docker-containerd.sock --runtime docker-runc --start-timeout 2m
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.656780521Z" level=warning msg="Running modprobe bridge br_netfilter failed with message: modprobe: WARNING: Module br_netfilter not found.\ninsmod /lib/modules/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64/kernel/net/llc/llc.ko \ninsmod /lib/modules/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64/kernel/net/802/stp.ko \ninsmod /lib/modules/3.10.0-327.22.2.el7.x86_64/kernel/net/bridge/bridge.ko \n, error: exit status 1"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.673905283Z" level=info msg="Firewalld running: false"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.749552123Z" level=info msg="Default bridge (docker0) is assigned with an IP address Daemon option --bip can be used to set a preferred IP address"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.812028054Z" level=warning msg="mountpoint for pids not found"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.812680271Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: start."
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.812815226Z" level=info msg="Loading containers: done."
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.812841211Z" level=info msg="Daemon has completed initialization"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.812872955Z" level=info msg="Docker daemon" commit=b9f10c9 graphdriver=devicemapper version=1.11.2
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 docker[3158]: time="2016-07-27T22:37:40.850984219Z" level=info msg="API listen on /var/run/docker.sock"
    Jul 27 22:37:40 centos-512mb-sfo2-01 systemd[1]: Started Docker Application Container Engine.
    0. Configure to git it to start at every server reboot:
    sudo systemctl enable docker
    NOTE: This only needs to be done once per instance. The response: Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/docker.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service. 0. Skip to verify Docker install.
    ### Install Docker on Windows 10 1. Upgrade your Windows 10 to the Anniversary Edition update or later. 0. Download "Docker for Windows" https://www.docker.com/docker-windows NOTE: Do not download the Beta (as of September 2016) https://download.docker.com/win/beta/InstallDocker.msi as mentioned in https://stefanscherer.github.io/run-linux-and-windows-containers-on-windows-10/ and https://blog.docker.com/2016/09/build-your-first-docker-windows-server-container/ 0. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/ 0. Skip to verify Docker install below. 1. Spin up a standard AWS Linux 2 EC2 instance. 1. Login the instance and run:
       sudo yum update -y
       sudo amazon-linux-extras install docker
       sudo service docker start
    1. Add the ec2-user to the docker group so you can execute Docker commands without using sudo:
    sudo usermod -a -G docker ec2-user
    1. Log out and log back into your EC2 instance so ec2-user can assume the new permissions. 1. Verify the ec2-user can run Docker commands without sudo:
    docker info
    1. Skip to verify Docker install below.
    ## After install, Menu, Verify # These instructions apply to Docker running within all operating systems. 1. Open a Terminal shell window. After Docker installation, the same Docker commands are applicable on all operating systems: PROTIP: Some Docker commands work without the Docker daemon running. 0. List all docker command options:
    The response:
    Usage:   docker COMMAND
    A self-sufficient runtime for containers
      --config=~/.docker              Location of client config files
      -D, --debug                     Enable debug mode
      -H, --host=[]                   Daemon socket(s) to connect to
      -h, --help                      Print usage
      -l, --log-level=info            Set the logging level
      --tls                           Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert=~/.docker/ca.pem    Trust certs signed only by this CA
      --tlscert=~/.docker/cert.pem    Path to TLS certificate file
      --tlskey=~/.docker/key.pem      Path to TLS key file
      --tlsverify                     Use TLS and verify the remote
      -v, --version                   Print version information and quit
        attach    Attach to a running container
        build     Build an image from a Dockerfile
        commit    Create a new image from a container's changes
        cp        Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
        create    Create a new container
        deploy    Create and update a stack from a Distributed Application Bundle (DAB)
        diff      Inspect changes on a container's filesystem
        events    Get real time events from the server
        exec      Run a command in a running container
        export    Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive
        history   Show the history of an image
        images    List images
        import    Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
        info      Display system-wide information
        inspect   Return low-level information on a container, image or task
        kill      Kill one or more running container
        load      Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
        login     Log in to a Docker registry.
        logout    Log out from a Docker registry.
        logs      Fetch the logs of a container
        network   Manage Docker networks
        node      Manage Docker Swarm nodes
        pause     Pause all processes within one or more containers
        plugin    Manage Docker plugins
        port      List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
        ps        List containers
        pull      Pull an image or a repository from a registry
        push      Push an image or a repository to a registry
        rename    Rename a container
        restart   Restart a container
        rm        Remove one or more containers
        rmi       Remove one or more images
        run       Run a command in a new container
        save      Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
        search    Search the Docker Hub for images
        service   Manage Docker services
        stack     Manage Docker stacks
        start     Start one or more stopped containers
        stats     Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
        stop      Stop one or more running containers
        swarm     Manage Docker Swarm
        tag       Tag an image into a repository
        top       Display the running processes of a container
        unpause   Unpause all processes within one or more containers
        update    Update configuration of one or more containers
        version   Show the Docker version information
        volume    Manage Docker volumes
        wait      Block until a container stops, then print its exit code
    Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
    0. Get Docker version property using either the short or long form of parameter:
    docker \-\-version
    The response:
    Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4
    The "experimental" in previous versions has been removed. 0. Obtain the version number using a sub-command:
    docker version
    Sample response on the Mac:
     Version:      17.09.0-ce
     API version:  1.32
     Go version:   go1.8.3
     Git commit:   afdb6d4
     Built:        Tue Sep 26 22:40:09 2017
     OS/Arch:      darwin/amd64
     Version:      17.09.0-ce
     API version:  1.32 (minimum version 1.12)
     Go version:   go1.8.3
     Git commit:   afdb6d4
     Built:        Tue Sep 26 22:45:38 2017
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Experimental: true
    Sample response on Centos:
     Version:      1.11.2
     API version:  1.23
     Go version:   go1.5.4
     Git commit:   b9f10c9
     Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:23:11 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
     Version:      1.11.2
     API version:  1.23
     Go version:   go1.5.4
     Git commit:   b9f10c9
     Built:        Wed Jun  1 21:23:11 2016
     OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
    Sample response on Windows:
       Version:      1.12.0
       API version:  1.24
       Go version:   go1.6.3
       Git commit:   8eab29e
       Built:        Thu Jul 28 21:04:48 2016
       OS/Arch:      windows/amd64
       Experimental: true
       Version:      1.12.0
       API version:  1.24
       Go version:   go1.6.3
       Git commit:   8eab29e
       Built:        Thu Jul 28 21:04:48 2016
       OS/Arch:      linux/amd64
       Experimental: true
    PROTIP: A Windows Server Docker image runs within a Linux Docker instance on a Windows 10 machine. Strange but true because Docker makes use of Linux drivers. ### Full Docker Info 0. PROTIP: The most detailed status is obtained using the info sub-command, which requires the docker daemon to be running.
    docker info
    An example of command output for docker info on Windows:
    Containers: 0
     Running: 0
     Paused: 0
     Stopped: 0
    Images: 0
    Server Version: 17.09.0-ce
    Storage Driver: overlay2
     Backing Filesystem: extfs
     Supports d_type: true
     Native Overlay Diff: true
    Logging Driver: json-file
    Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs
     Volume: local
     Network: bridge host ipvlan macvlan null overlay
     Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file logentries splunk syslog
    Swarm: inactive
    Runtimes: runc
    Default Runtime: runc
    Init Binary: docker-init
    containerd version: 06b9cb35161009dcb7123345749fef02f7cea8e0
    runc version: 3f2f8b84a77f73d38244dd690525642a72156c64
    init version: 949e6fa
    Security Options:
      Profile: default
    Kernel Version: 4.9.49-moby
    Operating System: Alpine Linux v3.5
    OSType: linux
    Architecture: x86_64
    CPUs: 4
    Total Memory: 1.952GiB
    Name: moby
    Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker
    Debug Mode (client): false
    Debug Mode (server): true
     File Descriptors: 18
     Goroutines: 29
     System Time: 2017-10-17T22:22:38.984450422Z
     EventsListeners: 1
    No Proxy: *.local, 169.254/16
    Registry: https://index.docker.io/v1/
    Experimental: true
    Insecure Registries:
    Live Restore Enabled: false
    ### Container Registries # * Amazon ECR (EC2 Container Registry) is designed to serve requests within AWS, at lower latency than external registries. ECR does not yet support vulnerability scanning. * GCR (Google Container Registry) * ACR (Azure Container Registry) supports all kinds of containers, including Mesosphere. Azure manages network latency by leveraging its vast cloud computing network so that the closest clusters are used. Good for use with Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). * GitLab a container registry? * JFrog Artifactory G2 in 2019 gave these crowd-sourced ratings:
    ![dockerhub-competitors-613x540-21197](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/300046/58724335-88cecd00-8399-11e9-9b10-30d97b0339e6.jpg) Not in their analysis are: * quay.io container registry Red Hat (now IBM) created to compete with DockerHub by providing enterprise features such as vulnerability scanning. Its RHEL Enterprise Linux 8 Beta introduces a new Container Tools module to replace Docker. ### Setup Docker Hub # 0. https://hub.docker.com 0. If you don't have a Docker account already, Sign-up for an account and click the "Confirm your email" button in the email with subject "Please confirm email for your Docker ID‏". 0. Link Docker Hub to your GitHub account. Click on your photo at the upper right. Select Settings, "Linked Accounts & Services". If you're already linked, an "Unlink" appears. Proceeding as if there isn't. 0. CAUTION: Selecting "Public and Private" means Docker can see ALL your private repositories. PROTIP: Open a another set of GitHub and Docker accounts based on another email account to work only with public-facing repos for this exercise. 0. At the top menu, pull down the Create menu to select "Create Automated Build". Click the Github button. NOTE: The above is covered by a segment in this Pluralsight video. 0. Click on the repo. 0. Type in a short description and click Create. 0. Under the "Docker Pull Command" at the right pane, for example:
    docker pull wilsonmar/99bottles-jmeter
    Notice that, to Dockerhub, "target" isn't a URL but an account name. 0. Copy and paste the command above. The response if you're in the right folder for Docker:
    Using default tag: latest
    Pulling repository docker.io/wilsonmar/99bottles-jmeter
    Tag latest not found in repository docker.io/wilsonmar/99bottles-jmeter
    ### List and remove image 0. List images pulled:
    docker images -a -q
    A sample response:
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    jenkins/jenkins     latest              9ec0e1781a1b        41 hours ago        815MB
    nginx               latest              1e5ab59102ce        8 days ago          108MB
    0. Remove all images pulled, to save disk space:
    docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
    0. Remove a list of dangling images:
    docker rmi $(docker images -f dangling=true -q)
    ### Setup Credential Store https://github.com/docker/docker-credential-helpers/releases 0. Click the latest "osxkeychain": docker-credential-osxkeychain-v0.6.0-amd64.tar.gz 0. In Finder, double-click to expand the file 0. Move to within a $PATH:
       cd ~/Downloads
       mv docker-credential-osxkeychain /usr/local/bin
       chmod 555 /usr/local/bin/docker-credential-osxkeychain
    CAUTION: The credential helper is used whenever it is discovered on $PATH, not only if config.json "credsStore" value declares it. 0. Open Apple's Keychain Access.app within Applications Utilities. 0. Store your Docker credentials:
       docker-credential-osxkeychain store
    ### Log into Docker Hub https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/advanced-authentication https://github.com/docker/cli/blob/master/docs/reference/commandline/login.md 0. Login using your Docker: The response:
    WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
    PROTIP: Using STDIN prevents the password from ending up in the shell's history and log files. 0. PROTIP: At your home folder create a `.secrets` file containing set statements:
       echo set >.secrets
    0. Edit the text file to contain the username and password you setup at https://hub.docker.com/ for example:
       export DOCKER_USERNAME=wilsonmar
       export DOCKER_PASSWORD=12345abcde7890jl;k
       echo $DOCKER_USERNAME
       echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin -e none
    0. Run the file:
    source .secrets
    You should see your user name reflected. Alternately, supply the authentication information in the command (replacing **** with your own):
    docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p "$DOCKER_PASSWORD"
    (The --email flag was required by Docker older that 1.11) PROTIP: TODO: Advanced users create a .dockercfg file. The successful response is:
    WARNING: login credentials saved in C:\Users\...\\.docker\config.json
    When Docker is installed, it creates a .docker folder at your account root folder. It contains files daemon.json and ~/.docker/config.json:
      "auths" : {
        "https://index.docker.io/v1/" : {
             "auth": "YW11cmRhY2E6c3VwZXJzZWNyZXRwYXNzd29yZA==",
             "email": "amurdaca@redhat.com"
      "credsStore" : "osxkeychain"
    On Linux, the credsStore is populated with the string `secretservice`. PROTIP: Other auths can be added. After a successful Docker login, Docker stores a base64 encoded string from the concatenation of the username, a colon, and the password and associates this string to the registry the user is logging into file `...\myuser.docker\config.json` The trouble with this is that it’s encrypted. The base64 string can be converted back to clear ASCII text:
       echo YW11cmRhY2E6c3VwZXJzZWNyZXRwYXNzd29yZA== | base64 -d -
    0. The authentication information is removed upon:
    docker logout
    The response is about `cat ~/.docker/config.json`
    Removing login credentials for https://index.docker.io/v1/
    which would avoid the following error later:
    docker: Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/library/hello-world/manifests/latest: unauthorized: incorrect username or password.
    However, if you are not setup correctly, you'll see:
    Warning: failed to get default registry endpoint from daemon (Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?). Using system default: https://index.docker.io/v1/
    Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to https://hub.docker.com to create one.
    Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: unauthorized: incorrect username or password
    ### Troubleshoot Docker daemon start 0. If you also see this message: `Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?` Use Linux operating system commands to see whether it starts up. On Linux: /etc/systemd/system/docker.service
    systemctl status docker.service
    For detail:
    journalctl -u docker.service
    On ubuntu server, restart: sudo shutdown -r now $ systemctl daemon-reload $ sudo service docker restart $ sudo service docker status (should see active (running)) To start:
    systemctl start docker
    ### Modules installed # Installing Docker gives you not just the Docker service (daemon) but also the docker command line utility, or the Docker client. Regardless of the OS, the installation provides: * Docker Machine * Docker CLI client * Docker Engine * Docker Compose * Docker Swarm

    0. See the list of supported drivers at
    https://docs.docker.com/machine/drivers 0. PROTIP: There's a different version of each Docker module:
    docker-compose \-\-version
    A sample response:
       docker-compose version 1.14.0, build c7bdf9e
    0. PROTIP: There's a different version of each Docker module:
    docker-machine \-\-version
    A sample response:
       docker-machine version 0.12.0, build 45c69ad
    ## Set Maximum File Descriptors The `vm_max_map_count` kernel setting needs to be set to at least 262144 for production use. Depending on your platform: On Linux: 0. Edit file /etc/sysctl.conf
    grep vm.max_map_count /etc/sysctl.conf
    The above sets permanently. To apply the setting on a live system type:
    sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
    macOS with Docker for Mac The vm_max_map_count setting must be set within the xhyve virtual machine:
    screen ~/Library/Containers/com.docker.docker/Data/com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/tty
    Log in with root and no password. Then configure the sysctl setting as you would for Linux:
    sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
    MacOS with Docker Toolbox: The vm_max_map_count setting must be set via docker-machine:
    docker-machine ssh
    sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
    ## Run from Docker Hub PROTIP: Similar to Python, most people run commands within a Docker machine (which is the whole point of installing Docker). From https://docs.docker.com/v1.8/introduction/understanding-docker/ ![docker-flow-505x264-37904](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/300046/31818177-94513b16-b55c-11e7-834e-699f7ea9c4d6.jpg) This section describes how to run a Docker image. 0. You need to be logged into Docker Hub. 0. To verify whether you can access a simple image:
    docker run hello-world
       Like Maven Central, 
       a Docker run command automatically pulls from the public Docker Repository, 
       such as:
    https://hub.docker.com/_/hello-world It's defined at
    with docs at
    https://github.com/docker-library/docs/tree/master/hello-world If the image is not available locally, it is pulled from Dockerhub:
    Unable to find image 'hello-world:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
    c04b14da8d14: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:0256e8a36e2070f7bf2d0b0763dbabdd67798512411de4cdcf9431a1feb60fd9
    Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
    The expected response is:
    Hello from Docker!
    This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly.
    To generate this message, Docker took the following steps:
     1. The Docker client contacted the Docker daemon.
     2. The Docker daemon pulled the "hello-world" image from the Docker Hub.
     3. The Docker daemon created a new container from that image which runs the
        executable that produces the output you are currently reading.
     4. The Docker daemon streamed that output to the Docker client, which sent it
        to your terminal.
    To try something more ambitious, you can run an Ubuntu container with:
     $ docker run -it ubuntu bash
    Share images, automate workflows, and more with a free Docker Hub account:
    0. Run the container just downloaded in a Mac:
    docker run -it ubuntu bash
    PROTIP: Mac uses Ubuntu commands. The response:
    Unable to find image 'ubuntu:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from library/ubuntu
    43db9dbdcb30: Pull complete 
    2dc64e8f8d4f: Pull complete 
    670a583e1b50: Pull complete 
    183b0bfcd10e: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:c6674c44c6439673bf56536c1a15916639c47ea04c3d6296c5df938add67b54b
    Status: Downloaded newer image for ubuntu:latest
    Wait for "Pull complete" for all the dependencies. Alternately, on a CentOS machine:
    docker run -it centos bash
    The response:
    Unable to find image 'centos:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from library/centos
    8c3d77a518cb: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:7b754086d2c7d74ac39dc0a2545d7b06d4266f873d502feb5b3e8bfca27c5dd8
    Status: Downloaded newer image for centos:latest
    WARNING: The terminal prompt has changed because you are now inside the container. ### Docker Help `-it` means iteractive and TTY, which provides you the terminal prompt. 0. Get a list of all the docker run command parameters:
    docker run \-\-help
    Usage:   docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
    Run a command in a new container
          --add-host list                  Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip)
      -a, --attach list                    Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR
          --blkio-weight uint16            Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000, or 0 to
                                           disable (default 0)
          --blkio-weight-device list       Block IO weight (relative device weight) (default [])
          --cap-add list                   Add Linux capabilities
          --cap-drop list                  Drop Linux capabilities
          --cgroup-parent string           Optional parent cgroup for the container
          --cidfile string                 Write the container ID to the file
          --cpu-count int                  CPU count (Windows only)
          --cpu-percent int                CPU percent (Windows only)
          --cpu-period int                 Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period
          --cpu-quota int                  Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota
          --cpu-rt-period int              Limit CPU real-time period in microseconds
          --cpu-rt-runtime int             Limit CPU real-time runtime in microseconds
      -c, --cpu-shares int                 CPU shares (relative weight)
          --cpus decimal                   Number of CPUs
          --cpuset-cpus string             CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
          --cpuset-mems string             MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1)
      -d, --detach                         Run container in background and print container ID
          --detach-keys string             Override the key sequence for detaching a container
          --device list                    Add a host device to the container
          --device-cgroup-rule list        Add a rule to the cgroup allowed devices list
          --device-read-bps list           Limit read rate (bytes per second) from a device (default [])
          --device-read-iops list          Limit read rate (IO per second) from a device (default [])
          --device-write-bps list          Limit write rate (bytes per second) to a device (default [])
          --device-write-iops list         Limit write rate (IO per second) to a device (default [])
          --disable-content-trust          Skip image verification (default true)
          --dns list                       Set custom DNS servers
          --dns-option list                Set DNS options
          --dns-search list                Set custom DNS search domains
          --entrypoint string              Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image
      -e, --env list                       Set environment variables
          --env-file list                  Read in a file of environment variables
          --expose list                    Expose a port or a range of ports
          --group-add list                 Add additional groups to join
          --health-cmd string              Command to run to check health
          --health-interval duration       Time between running the check (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
          --health-retries int             Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy
          --health-start-period duration   Start period for the container to initialize before starting
                                           health-retries countdown (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
          --health-timeout duration        Maximum time to allow one check to run (ms|s|m|h) (default 0s)
          --help                           Print usage
      -h, --hostname string                Container host name
          --init                           Run an init inside the container that forwards signals and
                                           reaps processes
      -i, --interactive                    Keep STDIN open even if not attached
          --io-maxbandwidth bytes          Maximum IO bandwidth limit for the system drive (Windows only)
          --io-maxiops uint                Maximum IOps limit for the system drive (Windows only)
          --ip string                      IPv4 address (e.g.,
          --ip6 string                     IPv6 address (e.g., 2001:db8::33)
          --ipc string                     IPC namespace to use
          --isolation string               Container isolation technology
          --kernel-memory bytes            Kernel memory limit
      -l, --label list                     Set meta data on a container
          --label-file list                Read in a line delimited file of labels
          --link list                      Add link to another container
          --link-local-ip list             Container IPv4/IPv6 link-local addresses
          --log-driver string              Logging driver for the container
          --log-opt list                   Log driver options
          --mac-address string             Container MAC address (e.g., 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33)
      -m, --memory bytes                   Memory limit
          --memory-reservation bytes       Memory soft limit
          --memory-swap bytes              Swap limit equal to memory plus swap: '-1' to enable unlimited swap
          --memory-swappiness int          Tune container memory swappiness (0 to 100) (default -1)
          --mount mount                    Attach a filesystem mount to the container
          --name string                    Assign a name to the container
          --network string                 Connect a container to a network (default "default")
          --network-alias list             Add network-scoped alias for the container
          --no-healthcheck                 Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK
          --oom-kill-disable               Disable OOM Killer
          --oom-score-adj int              Tune host's OOM preferences (-1000 to 1000)
          --pid string                     PID namespace to use
          --pids-limit int                 Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)
          --privileged                     Give extended privileges to this container
      -p, --publish list                   Publish a container's port(s) to the host
      -P, --publish-all                    Publish all exposed ports to random ports
          --read-only                      Mount the container's root filesystem as read only
          --restart string                 Restart policy to apply when a container exits (default "no")
          --rm                             Automatically remove the container when it exits
          --runtime string                 Runtime to use for this container
          --security-opt list              Security Options
          --shm-size bytes                 Size of /dev/shm
          --sig-proxy                      Proxy received signals to the process (default true)
          --stop-signal string             Signal to stop a container (default "SIGTERM")
          --stop-timeout int               Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container
          --storage-opt list               Storage driver options for the container
          --sysctl map                     Sysctl options (default map[])
          --tmpfs list                     Mount a tmpfs directory
      -t, --tty                            Allocate a pseudo-TTY
          --ulimit ulimit                  Ulimit options (default [])
      -u, --user string                    Username or UID (format: <name|uid>[:<group|gid>])
          --userns string                  User namespace to use
          --uts string                     UTS namespace to use
      -v, --volume list                    Bind mount a volume
          --volume-driver string           Optional volume driver for the container
          --volumes-from list              Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
      -w, --workdir string                 Working directory inside the container
    ### Docker terminal inside the container # 0. Make sure the Docker process can run by getting a Terminal inside the container:
    docker exec -it test ps aux
    Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
    docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
    See 'docker run --help'.
    BLAH: If you are running this within a corporate firewall, you may need to obtain permissions and/or specify client network settings. ### Docker pull 1. To bring the Dockerfile local without running it also:
    docker pull library/hello-world
    A sample response:
    Using default tag: latest
    latest: Pulling from library/hello-world
    b04784fba78d: Pull complete 
    Digest: sha256:f3b3b28a45160805bb16542c9531888519430e9e6d6ffc09d72261b0d26ff74f
    Status: Downloaded newer image for hello-world:latest
    0. List images downloaded locally:
    docker images
    The response:
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    centos              latest              50dae1ee8677        8 days ago          196.7 MB
    hello-world         latest              c54a2cc56cbb        3 weeks ago         1.848 kB
    node                0.10.44-slim        f73347dab179        12 weeks ago        192.6 MB
    The "centos" image contains CentOS with no apps installed. The "node" image contains CenOS with Node installed, but no custom Node apps. PROTIP: You won't find Docker images on your local folder. See Where are docker images stored? See https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-docker-on-centos-7 0. Turn your Wi-Fi off. 0. Run it again from your local cache using the default "library" user, so the command is equivalent to:
    docker run library/hello-world

    ### Dockviz PROTIP: Consider a third-party tool to display visualizations of image data: dockviz presents Docker image and container information in graphic form to help you understand what's going on inside the system. ImageLayers.io is an Adobe Flash site that shows how each command in Dockerfile contributes to the final Docker image, and discover which layers are shared by multiple images. It presents an ImageLayers badge about the size of an image, and how many layers it is composed of.
    ### Base DockerHub Search # See the Officially supported repositories at:
    https://hub.docker.com/explore They include: * operating systems (ubuntu, centos) * database server base (redis, mongo, mysql, postgres, elasticsearch) * app server base (node, nginx, httpd) * blog app server base (wordpress, alpine)

    ### Windows Insider Images Before pulling Microsoft's images from https://hub.docker.com/u/microsoft/ note they are designed to be used from "Windows Insider program" Windows Server or Windows 10 Container hosts. They are of "beta" quality.
    docker pull microsoft/windowsservercore-insider
    ### Ubuntu search 0. Search for Ubuntu images on the free and public repository at
    docker search ubuntu
    The response (27 Jul 2016):
    NAME                              DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
    ubuntu                            Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating s...   4343      [OK]       
    ubuntu-upstart                    Upstart is an event-based replacement for ...   65        [OK]       
    rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd            Dockerized SSH service, built on top of of...   30                   [OK]
    torusware/speedus-ubuntu          Always updated official Ubuntu docker imag...   26                   [OK]
    ubuntu-debootstrap                debootstrap --variant=minbase --components...   25        [OK]       
    nickistre/ubuntu-lamp             LAMP server on Ubuntu                           8                    [OK]
    nuagebec/ubuntu                   Simple always updated Ubuntu docker images...   6                    [OK]
    nickistre/ubuntu-lamp-wordpress   LAMP on Ubuntu with wp-cli installed            6                    [OK]
    nimmis/ubuntu                     This is a docker images different LTS vers...   5                    [OK]
    maxexcloo/ubuntu                  Docker base image built on Ubuntu with Sup...   2                    [OK]
    admiringworm/ubuntu               Base ubuntu images based on the official u...   1                    [OK]
    darksheer/ubuntu                  Base Ubuntu Image -- Updated hourly             1                    [OK]
    jordi/ubuntu                      Ubunt
    u Base Image                               1                    [OK]
    esycat/ubuntu                     Ubuntu LTS                                      0                    [OK]
    datenbetrieb/ubuntu               custom flavor of the official ubuntu base ...   0                    [OK]
    life360/ubuntu                    Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux operating s...   0                    [OK]
    konstruktoid/ubuntu               Ubuntu base image                               0                    [OK]
    widerplan/ubuntu                  Our basic Ubuntu images.                        0                    [OK]
    croscon/ubuntu                    Crosconized Ubuntu                              0                    [OK]
    teamrock/ubuntu                   TeamRock's Ubuntu image configured with AW...   0                    [OK]
    ustclug/ubuntu                    ubuntu image for docker with USTC mirror        0                    [OK]
    smartentry/ubuntu                 ubuntu with smartentry                          0                    [OK]
    dorapro/ubuntu                    ubuntu image                                    0                    [OK]
    lynxtp/ubuntu                     https://github.com/lynxtp/docker-ubuntu         0                    [OK]
    webhippie/ubuntu                  Docker images for ubuntu                        0                    [OK]
    0. Widen the Terminal window so lines don't wrap.
    0. Search for centos images on the free and public repository at 
    docker search centos
    The response (27 Jul 2016):
    NAME                          DESCRIPTION                                     STARS     OFFICIAL   AUTOMATED
    centos                        The official build of CentOS.                   2475      [OK]       
    jdeathe/centos-ssh            CentOS-6 6.8 x86_64 / CentOS-7 7.2.1511 x8...   26                   [OK]
    nimmis/java-centos            This is docker images of CentOS 7 with dif...   13                   [OK]
    million12/centos-supervisor   Base CentOS-7 with supervisord launcher, h...   12                   [OK]
    consol/centos-xfce-vnc        Centos container with "headless" VNC sessi...   10                   [OK]
    torusware/speedus-centos      Always updated official CentOS docker imag...   8                    [OK]
    nickistre/centos-lamp         LAMP on centos setup                            4                    [OK]
    centos/mariadb55-centos7                                                      3                    [OK]
    nathonfowlie/centos-jre       Latest CentOS image with the JRE pre-insta...   3                    [OK]
    consol/sakuli-centos-xfce     Sakuli end-2-end testing and monitoring co...   2                    [OK]
    timhughes/centos              Centos with systemd installed and running       1                    [OK]
    darksheer/centos              Base Centos Image -- Updated hourly             1                    [OK]
    blacklabelops/centos          CentOS Base Image! Built and Updates Daily!     1                    [OK]
    ericuni/centos                centos dev                                      0                    [OK]
    kz8s/centos                   Official CentOS plus epel-release               0                    [OK]
    grossws/centos                CentOS 6 and 7 base images with gosu and l...   0                    [OK]
    harisekhon/centos-scala       Scala + CentOS (OpenJDK tags 2.10-jre7 - 2...   0                    [OK]
    grayzone/centos               auto build for centos.                          0                    [OK]
    aguamala/centos               CentOS base image                               0                    [OK]
    dmglab/centos                 CentOS with some extras - This is for the ...   0                    [OK]
    jsmigel/centos-epel           Docker base image of CentOS w/ EPEL installed   0                    [OK]
    januswel/centos               yum update-ed CentOS image                      0                    [OK]
    ustclug/centos                 USTC centos                                    0                    [OK]
    smartentry/centos             CentOS with smartentry                          0                    [OK]
    repositoryjp/centos           Docker Image for CentOS.                        0                    [OK]
    #### Quay.io private Dockerfiles https://github.com/codemy/dockerfile contains Docker images containing mysql and elasticsearch hosted at the quay.io private repository. BTW, a "quay" (pronounced "kee") is a wharf where boats dock. 0. Sign in at https://quay.io/signin using your GitHub or Google credentials. pricing begin from $12/month for security scanning and geo-replication redundancy. ## Run Dockerfile from GitHub ### Run from my GitHub 0. In a Terminal, navigate to where you can add a repo. 0. Get it and navigate into the repo:
    git clone https://github.com/wilsonmar/Dockerfiles && cd Dockerfiles
    PROTIP: I recommend putting the Dockerfile for an app within that app's repository rather than in a separate one. 0. List the contents of the repo:
    ls -al
    cd hello-world;docker run hello-world
    0. Turn your Wi-Fi back on because the rest of this tutorial assumes it. ### Other Dockerfiles from GitHub Many have posted their collection of Dockerfiles publicly to GitHub: * https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker#dockerfile has an annotated list of public repositories containing Dockerfile * https://github.com/jessfraz/dockerfiles also live on dockerhub under jess. Because you cannot use notary with autobuilds on dockerhub I also build these continuously on a private registry at r.j3ss.co for public download. (You're welcome.) * https://github.com/yaronr/dockerfile * https://github.com/vimagick/dockerfiles has over 500 stars. * https://github.com/veggiemonk/awesome-docker has over 7.9K stars. * https://github.com/kstaken/dockerfile-examples has a build step for salt, couchdb, rethinkdb * https://github.com/jbergknoff/Dockerfile contains a Dockerfile for mysql, postgreSQL, redis, node, youtube-dl * https://stefanscherer.github.io/is-there-a-windows-docker-image-for/ Nano servers containing Windows with .Net, ASP.NET, NodeJs, Python, Go,
    ### Run Latest Nginx from Docker Hub 0. Run the latest version image pulled for nginx:
    docker run -i -t nginx:latest /bin/bash
    `-i` means interactive: Keep STDIN open even if not attached `-t` means tty: Allocate a pseudo-TTY (command line) Alternately: Run an NGINX web server detached:
    docker run -d -p 8080:80 nginx
    `-d` specifies running in detached mode so the container continues to run in background until stopped, but does not respond to commands run on the command line. `-p` means publish list: Publish a container's port(s) to the host to set port mappings manually. PROTIP: Even though we are using the MySQL default port, if we don't tell docker explicitly we want to map it, it will block access through that port (because containers are isolated until you tell them you want access). The "8000:80" means we'll use http://localhost:8080. The correct response is a hash, the container's ID, such as:
    0. To see if that machine responds:
    curl $(docker-machine ip default):8080
       A common error message is like this:
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 8000: Connection refused
    Fix the above by making sure you're specifying the correct port (8000 vs 80). ### List Docker processes 0. List the history of processes:
    docker ps -a
    Widen to see a response such as this, with random NAMES automatically assigned by Docker:
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                    PORTS                         NAMES
    0b7f9b9eb35a        hello-world         "/hello"                 4 hours ago         Exited (0) 4 hours ago                                  eager_lamarr
    ago                                  compassionate_leakey
    aa2ccdb153cc        nginx               "nginx -g 'daemon ..."   5 hours ago         Up 5 hours      >80/tcp, 443/tcp   webserver
    NOTE: The hello-world script contains an exit statement, so it automatically stopped on its own. However, other scripts, such as web services, do not exit on their own. 0. Get the history of space for an image:
    docker history hello-world
    0. To get the JSON associated with a 12-character container ID:
    docker inspect 0b7f9b9eb35a
       ### Stop 
    0. Stop running containers based on list:
    docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
    The response is a list of container IDs like this:
    0. Remove the list of all containers listed:
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
    See https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-remove-docker-images-containers-and-volumes
    ## MySQL DOC To prevent attacks using default passwords, MySQL now requires its password to be changed when instantiated:
    docker run --name db -d \
       -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123 \
       -p 3306:3306 mysql:latest
    0. Connect to the image:
    docker exec -it db /bin/bash
    The prompt changes to include the Container ID:
    0. Run a process:
    mysql -uroot -p123  
    The prompt changes to SQL after some information:
    mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 3
    Server version: 5.7.20 MySQL Community Server (GPL)
    Copyright (c) 2000, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
    ## Dependencies in Docker When an application starts, it's a problem if its dependencies are not available: * Load configuration settings from a JSON encoded config file * Access a working data directory * Establish a connection to an external mysql database

    Traditionally, the approach is to ensure the database is started before starting the applications that depend on it by using Puppet, Chef, Ansible, or other configuration management tool. "This is nothing more then a band-aid covering up the larger problem." Kelsey Hightower says and recommends having app code handle the dependency problem. His sample in Go: https://github.com/kelseyhightower/12-fractured-apps/blob/master/v3/main.go TODO: Put startup-related code in a library for re-use. * load configuration files if it exists, but fall back to sane defaults. * Read environment variables to override configuration settings. * Manage working directories inside the application. If they are missing create them. * Retry the database connection, using some sort of backoff, and log errors along the way so alerts can be sent out. This "defensive programming" code is the "optimistic" approach. It's usually a transient problem. At some point the database will come online. ### MySQL security # Docker does have different security requirements which can seem to be a hindrance. Security can be integrated but it does require knowledge of the Linux container environment. https://blog.docker.com/2013/08/containers-docker-how-secure-are-they/
    ## Run custom reference 0. This blog shows this command to run image named "mynginx1":
    docker run \-\-name mynginx1 -P -d nginx \
    "-P" (capital P) tells Docker to map the Ports exposed by the NGINX image – ports 80 and 443 – to ports on the Docker host randomly selected from the range between 49153 and 65535 each time the container is started or restarted. This is to avoid conflicts on standard ports 80 and 443 if we later create multiple NGINX containers on the same Docker host. The `docker ps` command under PORTS would show something like this:>443/tcp,>80/tcp
    ## Ubuntu inside Mac 0. To run the latest Ubuntu box inside your Mac:
    docker run -it --rm --publish 3000:3000 ubuntu bash
    "--publish" forwards port 3000 on the host from port 3000 in the container. "bash" is the command issued in the container when it becomes active. Alternately, "ruby /app/hello_world.rb" would invoke a ruby program. Alternately, run version 14.04 of Ubuntu:
    docker run --net=host \
       -ti ubuntu:14.04 bash
    After downloads, you should see a bash prompt such as:
    0. Get version information using a Linux command (which doesn't work on MacOS):
    cat /etc/lsb-release
    The response:
    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS"
    NOTE: You can't run docker commands on this prompt because you're inside. 0. Press Control+C or type exit:
    ### List Docker Containers # 0. List Docker containers and their identifiers:
    docker ps -a
    PROTIP: In Linux the ps command is for processes. In a way, that's what Docker containers are, a process. `-a` shows inactive as well as the default active listing. (Kinda counter-intuitive) Widen your screen to avoid wrapping:
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                      PORTS                                           NAMES
    2289fc019878        nginxdemos/hello    "nginx -g 'daemon off"   32 minutes ago      Up 32 minutes     >80/tcp,>443/tcp   trusting_euler
    75ae035ab68b        hello-world         "/hello"                 39 minutes ago      Exited (0) 39 minutes ago                                                   serene_sammet
    0. PROTIP: Customize the layout by specifying a memory variable containing format template using tabs and line breaks.
    docker ps -a --format $FORMAT
    ### Manage Images Downloaded 0. To list Docker images downloaded:
    docker images
    REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    nginxdemos/hello    latest              0ec165d1eb3a        12 hours ago        54.24 MB
    ubuntu              latest              f753707788c5        4 weeks ago         127.2 MB
    hello-world         latest              c54a2cc56cbb        4 months ago        1.848 kB
    0. List Docker machines:
    docker-machine ls
    Example response:
    NAME      ACTIVE   DRIVER       STATE     URL                         SWARM   DOCKER    ERRORS
    default   -        virtualbox   Running   tcp://           v1.12.3   
    See https://docs.docker.com/machine/get-started/ 0. Connect your shell to the new machine (per https://docs.docker.com/machine/reference/env/):
    eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
    No response is displayed because the "eval" command above runs the output of the command:
    docker-machine env default
    ### Configre Docker client
    # export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1" specifies authentication of the Docker daemon 
    # the client attempts to communicate with:
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY="1"
    # export DOCKER_HOST informs the client of the socket location to use when 
    # communicating with the Docker daemon:
    export DOCKER_HOST="tcp://"
    # export DOCKER_CERT_PATH specifies the location of key and certificates the 
    # client uses for TLS-enabled communication:
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH="/Users/mac/.docker/machine/machines/default"
    export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME="default"
    # Run this command to configure your shell: 
    # eval $(docker-machine env)
    PROTIP: On a Mac, the docker-machine VM is called "default", existing in directory
    /Users/\/.docker/machine/machines/default/ 1. Verify the environment variables are set:
    env | grep DOCKER
    1. In the tls folder, edit the file CA-CSR.json that defines the algorithm (rsa), the size of bits (4096), and names of the OU hierarchy used to generate the cert:
    cfssl gencert -initca ca-csr.json | cfssljson -bare ca -
    1. File daemon-csr.json defines the CN (Common Name) and hosts as well used to generate the cert:
    cfssl gencert -ca=ca.pem -ca-key=ca-key.pem \
          -config=ca-config.json -profile=daemon daemon-csr.json \
          | cfssljson -bare daemon -
    1. Verify the daemon-key.pem and daemon.pem files were generated:
    ls -l daemon*.pem
    1. Use regex to specify all files to make readable:
    chmod -v 0400 {ca,daemon}*.pem
    1. Copy the file to where they are referenced:
    sudo mkdir /etc/docker/tls
       sudo cp {daemon*,ca}.pem /etc/docker/tls
       rm -f daemon*.pem
    1. After use, to unset environment variables:
    eval $(docker-machine env -u)
    which runs:
    unset DOCKER_HOST
    # Run this command to configure your shell: 
    # eval $(docker-machine env -u)
    ### Remove images 1. To remove an individual Docker image listed above (to free up disk space):
    docker rmi hello-world
    A common error response if you have not first Error response from daemon: conflict: unable to remove repository reference "hello-world" (must force) - container 75ae035ab68b is using its referenced image c54a2cc56cbb 1. To stop all running docker containers:
    docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
       The response is a list of CONTAINER ID's stopped, such as:
    1. To save disk space, remove containers identified in a list of container IDs obtained:
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
    You may see this error message:
    Error response from daemon: You cannot remove a running container aa2ccdb153cc54070e6e2ef24e004b40e3e78555b0bca77badd143c3d984bb1c. Stop the container before attempting removal or force remove
    See https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows Inside the container we will create a simple ‘Hello World’ script.none
    powershell.exe Add-Content C:\helloworld.ps1 'Write-Host "Hello World"'
    ### No Error Report # PROTIP: Whenever an attempt to provision a Dockerized host using Docker Machine fails, or Docker Machine crashes, some diagnostic information is sent automatically to a Docker account on Bugsnag. 0. Disable this reporting by creating an empty file called no-error-report under your installations .docker/machine directory:
    touch ~/.docker/machine/no-error-report
    ### Start using old boot2docker 0. Start again, you don't need to specify "default":
    docker-machine start default
    0. Connect:
    docker-machine ssh
    You should see a whale in ASCII art:
                            ##         .
                      ## ## ##        ==
                   ## ## ## ## ##    ===
               /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
          ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
               \______ o           __/
                 \    \         __/
     _                 _   ____     _            _
    | |__   ___   ___ | |_|___ \ __| | ___   ___| | _____ _ __
    | '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| __| __) / _` |/ _ \ / __| |/ / _ \ '__|
    | |_) | (_) | (_) | |_ / __/ (_| | (_) | (__|   <  __/ |
    |_.__/ \___/ \___/ \__|_____\__,_|\___/ \___|_|\_\___|_|
    Boot2Docker version 1.12.3, build HEAD : 7fc7575 - Thu Oct 27 17:23:17 UTC 2016
    Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec
    NOTE: Docker deprecated the Boot2Docker command line in favor of Docker Machine. https://docs.docker.com/machine/migrate-to-machine/ 0. Now do whatever you need to do here. ## Stop # 0. Hard stop the default machine:
    docker-machine stop default
    PROTIP: Those who use this a often create aliases to limit typing. For example, "dmon" for the above command.
    ## docker-machine install # Docker Machine provisions Docker on virtual machines that reside on local or on a cloud provider. NOTE: Docker Machine makes it easy to provision and manage multiple Docker hosts remotely from your personal computer. 0. Type the command by itself for a list of sub-commands:
    The response shows the sub-commands and options available:
    Usage: docker-machine [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
    Create and manage machines running Docker.
    Version: 0.8.2, build e18a919
      Docker Machine Contributors - <https://github.com/docker/machine>
      --debug, -D           Enable debug mode
      --storage-path, -s "/Users/mac/.docker/machine" Configures storage path [$MACHINE_STORAGE_PATH]
      --tls-ca-cert           CA to verify remotes against [$MACHINE_TLS_CA_CERT]
      --tls-ca-key            Private key to generate certificates [$MACHINE_TLS_CA_KEY]
      --tls-client-cert           Client cert to use for TLS [$MACHINE_TLS_CLIENT_CERT]
      --tls-client-key          Private key used in client TLS auth [$MACHINE_TLS_CLIENT_KEY]
      --github-api-token          Token to use for requests to the Github API [$MACHINE_GITHUB_API_TOKEN]
      --native-ssh            Use the native (Go-based) SSH implementation. [$MACHINE_NATIVE_SSH]
      --bugsnag-api-token           BugSnag API token for crash reporting [$MACHINE_BUGSNAG_API_TOKEN]
      --help, -h            show help
      --version, -v           print the version
      active    Print which machine is active
      config    Print the connection config for machine
      create    Create a machine
      env     Display the commands to set up the environment for the Docker client
      inspect   Inspect information about a machine
      ip      Get the IP address of a machine
      kill      Kill a machine
      ls      List machines
      provision   Re-provision existing machines
      regenerate-certs  Regenerate TLS Certificates for a machine
      restart   Restart a machine
      rm      Remove a machine
      ssh     Log into or run a command on a machine with SSH.
      scp     Copy files between machines
      start     Start a machine
      status    Get the status of a machine
      stop      Stop a machine
      upgrade   Upgrade a machine to the latest version of Docker
      url     Get the URL of a machine
      version   Show the Docker Machine version or a machine docker version
      help      Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    Run 'docker-machine COMMAND --help' for more information on a command.
    0. Widen the Terminal window so lines don't wrap. 0. Create a Docker machine on the Digital Ocean cloud:
    docker-machine create -d digitialocean \
    0. List Docker machine instances:
    docker-machine ls
    The response is a heading above lines, if any:
    0. List Docker machine Internet Protocol addresses:
    docker-machine ip
    The response:
    ### Create Docker machine 0. Using your Mac's Finder, look in your Applications folder for a Docker folder. In there is a Docker Quickstart Terminal. You can also invoke it by typing on the Mac's Search box. It creates a window containing:
    Creating CA: /Users/mac/.docker/machine/certs/ca.pem
    Creating client certificate: /Users/mac/.docker/machine/certs/cert.pem
    Running pre-create checks...
    (default) Default Boot2Docker ISO is out-of-date, downloading the latest release...
    (default) Latest release for github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker is v1.12.3
    (default) Downloading /Users/mac/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso from https://github.com/boot2docker/boot2docker/releases/download/v1.12.3/boot2docker.iso...
    Creating machine...
    (default) Copying /Users/mac/.docker/machine/cache/boot2docker.iso to /Users/mac/.docker/machine/machines/default/boot2docker.iso...
    (default) Creating VirtualBox VM...
    (default) Creating SSH key...
    (default) Starting the VM...
    (default) Check network to re-create if needed...
    (default) Found a new host-only adapter: "vboxnet1"
    (default) Waiting for an IP...
                            ##         .
                      ## ## ##        ==
                   ## ## ## ## ##    ===
               /"""""""""""""""""\___/ ===
          ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ /  ===- ~~~
               \______ o           __/
                 \    \         __/
    docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
    For help getting started, check out the docs at https://docs.docker.com
    bash: print: command not found
    0. Create a Docker machine named node1 in the local Virtualbox, in debug mode:
    docker-machine create -d virtualbox node1
    Alternately, if you are running docker-machine on windows, you should use Hyper-V :
    docker-machine create \-\-driver hyperv vm
    ## Docker Compose # See https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/. Compose file version 3 reference lists the correspondance between Compose file format and Docker Engine release. 1. Describe you stack in a docker-compose.yml. Example:
          build .
          command: python app.py
        - "5000:5000"
        - .:/code
        - redis:redis
         image : redis
    NOTE: Another example docker-compose.yml here 1. Type the command by itself for a list of sub-commands:
    The response:
    Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.
      docker-compose [-f <arg>...] [options] [COMMAND] [ARGS...]
      docker-compose -h|--help
      -f, --file FILE             Specify an alternate compose file (default: docker-compose.yml)
      -p, --project-name NAME     Specify an alternate project name (default: directory name)
      --verbose                   Show more output
      -v, --version               Print version and exit
      -H, --host HOST             Daemon socket to connect to
      --tls                       Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
      --tlscacert CA_PATH         Trust certs signed only by this CA
      --tlscert CLIENT_CERT_PATH  Path to TLS certificate file
      --tlskey TLS_KEY_PATH       Path to TLS key file
      --tlsverify                 Use TLS and verify the remote
      --skip-hostname-check       Don't check the daemon's hostname against the name specified
                                  in the client certificate (for example if your docker host
                                  is an IP address)
      build              Build or rebuild services
      bundle             Generate a Docker bundle from the Compose file
      config             Validate and view the compose file
      create             Create services
      down               Stop and remove containers, networks, images, and volumes
      events             Receive real time events from containers
      exec               Execute a command in a running container
      help               Get help on a command
      kill               Kill containers
      logs               View output from containers
      pause              Pause services
      port               Print the public port for a port binding
      ps                 List containers
      pull               Pulls service images
      push               Push service images
      restart            Restart services
      rm                 Remove stopped containers
      run                Run a one-off command
      scale              Set number of containers for a service
      start              Start services
      stop               Stop services
      unpause            Unpause services
      up                 Create and start containers
      version            Show the Docker-Compose version information
    https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference provides more detail. 1. Docker compose creates multiple containers with a single command:
    docker-compose up --x-smart-recreate
    The above command refers to Dockerfile and compose.yml files. To start containers in the background and leaves them running:
    docker-compose up -d
    The above aggregates the output of each container (essentially running docker-compose logs -f). ## Kubernetes TOOL: Kompose is a convenience tool to go from local Docker development to managing your application with Kubernetes. Transformation of the Docker Compose format to Kubernetes resources manifest may not be exact, but it helps tremendously when first deploying an application on Kubernetes. Install on Windows machines:
    choco install kubernetes-kompose
    ### Monitoring There are several alternatives to collects stats for monitoring dashboard: opencensus.io vendor-agnostic distributes tracing to Zipkin, Yeager, Google Stackdriver Trace, etc. AppDynamics Docker monitoring Use https://github.com/google/cadvisor (Container Advisor) to analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running Docker containers. It keeps (in background) resource isolation parameters, historical resource usage, histograms of complete historical resource usage, and network statistics. Stats of NVIDIA GPU are also supported. Might want to change the port number when you run the command:
    sudo docker run \
      --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \
      --volume=/var/run:/var/run:ro \
      --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \
      --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro \
      --volume=/dev/disk/:/dev/disk:ro \
      --publish=8080:8080 \
      --detach=true \
      --name=cadvisor \
    This describes setting up cAdvisor can write to InfluxDB time-series database for display by Grafana. 1. Get the IP address of the running Docker instance:
    DOCKER_HOST=$(docker-machine ip $(docker-machine active))
    curl -v http://$DOCKER_HOST  # visit in your browser.
    ## Docker Swarm # Docker Swarm creates and manages clustered (pool of) Docker servers. It scales containers by dispersing containers across multiple hosts. 1. Be at a folder. 1. Download the `wordpress-swarm.yml` 1. Initializing Docker Swarm launches a container that is used as the Swarm Manager master which communicates with all nodes in a Swarm cluster.
    docker swarm init
    The response:*
    Swarm initialized: current node (x3t9fal0if4a84mn7o5y1o6mf) is now a manager.
    To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
        docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-0l1x7cjd605n2m1uo3w2il86kngdb2q0otzzhf2du2idshr0xw-0otui67aoq7r7tf7h3meqk6g1
    To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.
    2. Do it:
    docker stack deploy -c wordpress-stack.yml  mywordpress
    Creating network mywordpress_default
    Creating service mywordpress_wordpress
    Creating service mywordpress_db
    3. Get IP address of the host (""):
    ip a
    	ether 8c:85:90:2b:ad:e9
    	inet6 fe80::10e1:325e:a565:1a27/64 secured scopeid 0x8
    	inet brd en0
    4. Open the website:
    If you get "Error establishing a database connection"
    docker run swarm create
    See https://docs.docker.com/swarm
    docker run -d swarm join --addr=node_ip:2375 token://cluster_id
    docker run -d -p swarm_port:2375 swarm manage token://cluster_id
    See http://autopilotpattern.io ## Debug within container 1. To reach the CLI console inside a Docker container, substitute example values in:
    ssh -tt -i myKey user@remoteHost \
       docker exec -it myContainer /bin/bash
    `myKey` is the path to the private key. `user` is the username for use by SSH. `remoteHost` is the IP address of the Docker instance. `myContainer` is the Docker Container ID listed by `docker ps`
    ## Securing Docker # OReilly video course: Container Security Fundamentals Aug 8-9, 2023 by Raju Gandhi references https://github.com/looselytyped/container-security-fundamentals/blob/master/README.md sec-terms-773x340.png * cgroups are like dials where you can set limits on memory, CPU, etc. * Use a secure parent image from CIS or NIST. * Pin down the exact tag (or even better the digest to reference the image).
    FROM alpine:3.17   # will get security fixes
       # Alternatively, more secure but you won't get any patches or fixes:
       FROM alpine@sha256:69665d02cb32192e52e07644d76bc6f25abeb5410edc1c7a81a10ba3f0efb90a
    Images that use the v2 or later format have a contentaddressable identifier called a digest. As long as the input used to generate the image is unchanged, the digest value is predictable. https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/images/#digests * Inspect ancestor images for anything that can be inherited * Don't put secrets or sensitive information in env * Rather than copying secrets into images, exclude secrets in .dockerignore
    # Ignore vscode files
    * Store secrets in files on a temporary volume (tmpfs) * Multi-stage allow for smaller images, makes builds faster keeps secrets safe allows for different builds to aid debugging/development * lint using Hadolint * Scan image for vulnerabilities using Trivy. In trivy-secret.yaml file:
      - aws-access-key-id
      - aws-account-id
      - aws-secret-access-key
    * multi-stage Dockerfiles * Be cognizant of what the host directories available to the container (via -v) * Only mount the docker socket under special circumstances * Use dedicated & immutable hosts to run your containers (IaC) * Consider smaller OS (eg RancherOS) for the host machine * Install as little as you can get away with on the host * Design immutable containers * Consider using read-only filesystem within containers * Reduce permissions with seccomp, apparmor, selinuz Kata containers
    ## References
    ## More on DevOps # This is one of a series on DevOps: 0. [DevOps_2.0](/devops_2.0/) 0. [ci-cd (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)](/ci-cd/) 0. [User Stories for DevOps](/user-stories-for-devops/) 0. [Enterprise Software)](/enterprise-software/) 0. [Git and GitHub vs File Archival](/git-and-github-vs-file-archival/) 0. [Git Commands and Statuses](/git-commands-and-statuses/) 0. [Git Commit, Tag, Push](/git-commits/) 0. [Git Utilities](/git-utilities/) 0. [Data Security GitHub](/data-security-github/) 0. [GitHub API](/github-api/) 0. [TFS vs. GitHub](/tfs-vs-github/) 0. [Choices for DevOps Technologies](/devops-choices/) 0. [Pulumi Infrastructure as Code (IaC)](/pulumi/) 0. [Java DevOps Workflow](/java-devops-workflow/) 0. [Okta for SSO & MFA](/okta/) 0. [AWS DevOps (CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy)](/aws-devops/) 0. [AWS server deployment options](/aws-server-deploy-options/) 0. [AWS Load Balancers](/loadbal/) 0. [Cloud services comparisons (across vendors)](/cloud-services-comparisons/) 0. [Cloud regions (across vendors)](/cloud-regions/) 0. [AWS Virtual Private Cloud](/aws-vpc/) 0. [Azure Cloud Onramp (Subscriptions, Portal GUI, CLI)](/azure-quickly/) 0. [Azure Certifications](/azure-certifications/) 0. [Azure Cloud](/azure-cloud/) 0. [Azure Cloud Powershell](/azure-cloud-powershell/) 0. [Bash Windows using Microsoft's WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)](/bash-windows/) 0. [Azure KSQL (Kusto Query Language) for Azure Monitor, etc.](/kql/) 0. [Azure Networking](/azure-networking/) 0. [Azure Storage](/azure-storage/) 0. [Azure Compute](/azure-compute/) 0. [Azure Monitoring](/azure-monitoring/) 0. [Digital Ocean](/digital-ocean/) 0. [Cloud Foundry](/cloud-foundry/) 0. [Packer](/packer/) automation to build Vagrant images 0. [Terraform](/terraform/) multi-cloud provisioning automation 0. [Hashicorp Vault and Consul](/hashicorp-vault/) to generate and hold secrets 0. [Powershell Ecosystem](/powershell-ecosystem/) 0. [Powershell on MacOS](/powershell-on-mac/) 0. [Powershell Desired System Configuration](/powershell-dsc/) 0. [Jenkins Server Setup](/jenkins-setup/) 0. [Jenkins Plug-ins](/jenkins-plugins/) 0. [Jenkins Freestyle jobs](/jenkins-freestyle/) 0. [Jenkins2 Pipeline jobs using Groovy code in Jenkinsfile](/jenkins2-pipeline/) 0. [Docker (Glossary, Ecosystem, Certification)](/docker/) 0. [Make Makefile for Docker](/make-makefile/) 0. [Docker Setup and run Bash shell script](/bash-scripts/) 0. [Bash coding](/bash-coding/) 0. [Docker Setup](/docker-setup/) 0. [Dockerize apps](/dockerize/) 0. [Docker Registry](/docker-registry/) 0. [Maven on MacOSX](/maven-on-macos/) 0. [Ansible](/ansible/) 0. [Kubernetes Operators](/k8s-operators/) 0. [OPA (Open Policy Agent) in Rego language](/opa-rego/) 0. [MySQL Setup](/mysel-setup/) 0. [Threat Modeling](/threat-modeling/) 0. [SonarQube & SonarSource static code scan](/sonarqube/) 0. [API Management Microsoft](/api-management-microsoft/) 0. [API Management Amazon](/api-management-amazon/) 0. [Scenarios for load](/scenarios-for-load/) 0. [Chaos Engineering](/chaos-engineering/)