How to make it clean, pretty, easy, fun
Here are tools and rules I try to use for styling websites.
### Colors:
- What is too many colors?
font-awesome SVG icons
Algolia search
EmailOctopus (based in London, England) provides analytics, bounce/complaint tracking, and email campaigns for contacts sent to it via an API. It is low cost because it stored emails in AWS cloud, under your account.
This video explains the product
This CodePen by Saijo George provides HTML and CSS for a simple form to send subscription info to EmailOcotopus.
A Wordpress plug-in is available.
Prism.js and prism.css (2KB minified) is a syntax highlighter. In the examples page, click the various styles at the right of the page to see changes reflected.
Google Analytics
CSS wisdom
Many developers have declared “enough” and have switched to HTML5-only websites as less and less enterprises have given up on demanding their users only use Microsoft-only browers.
Use HTML5 tags instead of <div :
<main so screen readers know where to look for content
<section to separate topics within a page
Within <header & <footer, use <div to separate sub-sections
Use a pre-processor which substitute actual CSS for variables you define:
Use cleaner indented syntax:
- .styl for stylus files (rather than .styl)
- .sass for Sass files ()
- displays expanded CSS from SASS.
- Use CSS IDs (#tag) for navigation JavaScript (they’re faster)
- Use CSS classes (.tag) for styling
Code CSS or SCSS in several files:
- _base.css
- _typography.css
- _layout.css
Name files with leading underline when they are combined into a main.css file.
Use HTML5 Data-* attributes to supply additional information
Normalize “user agent stylesheet” of each browser (inconsistent) by adding styles in a stylesheet rather than starting out with a CSS Reset that creates an un-styled baseline
Harry Roberts at CSSWizardry recommends putting “hack-y” questionable CSS in a separate file named “shame.css” For example, styles specific to a browser, such as ie9, put in a separate file:
File: ie-9.css .ie9 a { padding: 20px; } File: ie-10.css .ie10 a { margin: 2px; } .ie10 p { line-height: 1; }
Use view port percentage lengths (1 vh = 1% of height, 1 vw = 1% of width, vmin, vmax)
Cache selectors for re-use:
var modal = document.getElementById('modal'); modal.onclick = function(){ // do something. } // jQuery: var modal = $("#modal"); modal.fadeIn(); modal.fadeOut();
Specific CSS
Use “last” ascender to lists to add extra space after the last item in a list.
Use to experiment with CSS and JavaScript rendering online.
Automation tasks
Here are automation tricks:
Identify CSS tags not referenced in HTML
Mimify CSS files for publishing to sites so there is no penalty for adding comments
For websites not using HTTP2, combine several CSS into one file
Pre-Compress images in basic sizes (HD display, tablet, mobile, etc.) to save download time.
Automation Tools
The workflow is automated by task runners:
CodeKit refreshes the browser whenever it detects file changes occurred
Autoprefixer uses the to code for you
CSS Naming conventions
These prevent errors:
- Use hyphens to separate words in a sentence
Use underlines to separate compound words
- Use functional names such as “submit-button”
- Avoid names such as “red-button” what it looks like
- Separate scripts in modals.js and themes.js
Combine all minified files together in one global.js for production publication
- Use CDN but have fall-back local copy
These are from:
- (Block, Element, Modifier) frontend development methodology to provide transparency and meaning
Code Guide by @mdo, developer at GitHub
Wordpress Coding Standards include HTML and CSS, not just the PHP
- CSS Performance has changed (for the better)
- CSS Performance revisited: selectors, bload, and expansive styles
More on front-end software development
This is one of several topics:
- UI Design Systems
- Text Editors
- Markdown text for GitHub from HTML
- gRPC (g___ Remote Procedure Call)
- Front-end UI creation options
- Docusaurus static website generator
- Static websites
- JAM Stack Website Project Plan
- Jekyll Site Development
- Website styles
- Website Styling
Protractor to automate testing of Angular and other web pages
- Email from website
- Search within Hyde format Jekyll websites
- Data Visualization using Tableau