Getting started with Jekyll
- The objective
- Ruby build
- Upgrade Apple XCode
- Install rbenv
- Create a folder
- Bundle install
- Grunt tasks
- Serve Jekyll landing page
- Change content
- Tabs, folders, and files (for SEO)
- Images
- Markdown coding
- Affiliate Ads
- Site Search
- .gitignore
- Additional features
- Deploy to server
- Questions
- Footnotes
- Jekyll MinimalMistake users in the wild
- More on front-end styling
NOTICE: moved their docs to Hugo in 2018.
This article contains notes on getting started with Jekyll and other static websites.
This is one in a series:
- Static website development
- Jekyll site development
- Jekyll templates and themes
- Email from Jekyll sites
- Add search to Jekyll sites
- Authenticate on static sites
- Clickable maps in Jekyll sites
NOTE: Content here are my personal opinions, and not intended to represent any employer (past or present). “PROTIP:” here highlight information I haven’t seen elsewhere on the internet because it is hard-won, little-know but significant facts based on my personal research and experience.
There is also Gatsby and others.
But Jekyll is still currently the most popular among static site builder options.
The objective
What we would like to do after going thrugh the below is to type this on a Terminal and a browser would open to show your Jekyll site locally.
In the macOS
add a shortcut, but substitute “wilsonmar” with your own GitHub account name:alias js='cd ~/gits/wilsonmar/; \ bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml'
Create the folder.
Ruby build
Upgrade Apple XCode
Install the latest XCode from Apple. See my tutorial at
brew install openssl libyaml libffi
Install rbenv
brew install rbenv ruby-build
Jana Bergant’s Udemy course uses a mac install Jekyll 3.3.0 at last viewing:
gem update --system -n /usr/local/bin --no-document
-n /usr/local/bin
ensures avoids “You don’t have write permissions for the /usr/bin directory.”
to avoid installing documentation (which can be accessed online anyway)
The response, at time of writing was:
Updating rubygems-update Fetching rubygems-update-3.0.3.gem Successfully installed rubygems-update-3.0.3 Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.0.3 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-update-3.0.3 Installing darkfish documentation for rubygems-update-3.0.3 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 36 seconds Parsing documentation for rubygems-update-3.0.3 Done installing documentation for rubygems-update after 0 seconds Installing RubyGems 3.0.3 Bundler 1.17.3 installed RubyGems 3.0.3 installed Regenerating binstubs Parsing documentation for rubygems-3.0.3 Installing ri documentation for rubygems-3.0.3 === 3.0.2 / 2019-01-01 Minor enhancements: * Use Bundler-1.17.3. Pull request #2556 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Fix document flag description. Pull request #2555 by Luis Sagastume. Bug fixes: * Fix tests when ruby --program-suffix is used without rubygems --format-executable. Pull request #2549 by Jeremy Evans. * Fix Gem::Requirement equality comparison when ~> operator is used. Pull request #2554 by Grey Baker. * Unset SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in the test cases. Pull request #2558 by Sorah Fukumori. * Restore SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH. Pull request #2560 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. === 3.0.1 / 2018-12-23 Bug fixes: * Ensure globbed files paths are expanded. Pull request #2536 by Tony Ta. * Dup the Dir.home string before passing it on. Pull request #2545 by Charles Oliver Nutter. * Added permissions to installed files for non-owners. Pull request #2546 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. * Restore release task without hoe. Pull request #2547 by SHIBATA Hiroshi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RubyGems installed the following executables: /Users/wilsonmar/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1/bin/gem /Users/wilsonmar/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1/bin/bundle Ruby Interactive (ri) documentation was installed. ri is kind of like man pages for Ruby libraries. You may access it like this: ri Classname ri Classname.class_method ri Classname#instance_method If you do not wish to install this documentation in the future, use the --no-document flag, or set it as the default in your ~/.gemrc file. See 'gem help env' for details. RubyGems system software updated
Create a folder
CAUTION: In 2019, GitHub changed their pricing policies to begin charging for hosting websites (at $7/month). That $84 per year is less than what many hosting companies charge to provide a single machine. But GitHub also provides free scaling and a fast world-wide CDN for no additional cost.
In GitHub create a repo.
Delete file .bundle from my Home folder (rm -rf ~/.bundle). You can check out your configuration running bundle env
In Terminal, from any folder,
sudo gem uninstall bundler gem update --system
If the latest version is not installed, you get a message like this:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM) Operation not permitted @ rb_sysopen - /System/Library/Frameworks/Ruby.framework/Versions/2.3/usr/bin/gem
rbenv rehash sudo gem install bundler
A valid response I got:
Successfully installed bundler-2.0.1 Parsing documentation for bundler-2.0.1 Done installing documentation for bundler after 4 seconds 1 gem installed
### Install Jekyll (instead of Homebrew):
gem install jekyll --no-document
The response:
Successfully installed jekyll-3.8.5 Parsing documentation for jekyll-3.8.5 Done installing documentation for jekyll after 1 seconds 1 gem installed
In _config.yml
exclude: [“vendor”, “lib”,
### Demo Site
Use or create an enclosing folder, such as “projects”.
jekyll new demosite
The response should be “New jekyll site installed …”.
BLAH: I’m getting this message:
Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system RubyGems. You can cancel this installation and run: bundle install --path vendor/bundle to install the gems into ./vendor/bundle/, or you can enter your password and install the bundled gems to RubyGems using sudo. Password:
Bundle install
After downloading, have Maven pull in dependencies based on the Gemfile:
bundle install
NOTE: Technically, “install” is not needed since it’s the default command for bundle.
Bundling makes the list of dependencies in the Gemfile to be downloaded.
Your user account isn't allowed to install to the system RubyGems. You can cancel this installation and run: bundle install --path vendor/bundle
Grunt tasks
Behind the scenes is a running of the Gruntfie.js that comes with the theme. It defines the parameters of various tasks that are downloaded:
- clean clears files and folders.
- jshint validates files with JSHint, based on the .jshintrc configuration file at the root folder.
- uglify minfies files with UglifyJS.
- watch runs tasks whenever watched files change.
- imagemin minifies PNG graphics files.
- grunt-svgmin minifies SVG graphics files.
NOTE: File names beginning with a dot are hidden.
Serve Jekyll landing page
Theme programming goes to work generating HTML files in folder _site when this command is issued when the present working directory is the site’s folder:
To see the site the way GitHub would generate it (without additional plug-ins some templates provide):
bundle exec jekyll serve --safe
The precise version of plug-ins used by GitHub on-line is listed here.
bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl ''
Alternately, override local URLs:
bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml
PROTIP: Define an alias, such as “bs” in ~/.bash_profile file:
alias bs='bundle exec jekyll serve --config _config.yml,_config_dev.yml'
PROTIP: Leave this terminal instance running and open another Terminal instance to work on the content of the site.
The generated HTML files can then be accessed from an internet browser at this URL:
The landing page of the site is defined in the file at the root folder.
The theme by itself does not show much. The template’s author assumes that technical people will be using his creation.
When the web server starts, it is industry standard for the index.html
file to be rendered.
- Edit file index.html file. By default it contains this:
Between the two triple-dash characters is the “front matter” for Jekyll to interpret.
Jekyll uses the layout tag’s value archive to build out the page according to the archive.html file within the _layouts folder.
Another layout type, splash, arranges the page with thumbnail pictures.
The other layout types are default, single, and compress.
Jekyll converts files to index.html files.
Edit index.html author_profile
Having author_profile: true
tells Jekyll to add the profile on the left side.
- If you would rather have text greet your visitors, add it.
- If you would rather have text greet your visitors, add it.
TODO: Substitute the image file name in the feature: variable with an alternative file you placed in the images folder.
Return to this page from any other by clicking on the site’s title presented at the upper left corner.
Change content
Use a text editor program to open the file at the root.
This file is not shown on the website.
It was written for those who work with the site’s code, not readers of the resulting website.
So the content of this page should be changed from being about the theme to about the website derived from the theme template, such as:
“I hope you’ll file an issue or send a Pull Request. I need the help.”
File mm-theme-post-600.jpg within the images folder can be deleted.
Edit _config.yml and reset server
Use a text editor to edit _config.yml.
# Site Settings locale : "en-US" title : "Home" title_separator : "-" name : "Wilson Mar" description : "Hello. Hire me."
Change the
text from “USER_” to"Home"
or whatever you want. -
Change the name value to your screen name.
- Save and exit the file.
- Stop the server so the changes take.
Start the server again.
- When you view the page again, notice the heading has changed to your title value.
Edit _config.yml author info
Again use a text editor to edit the _config.yml file to change other values.
Scroll down the file to:
# Site Author author: name : "Wilson Mar" avatar : "bio-photo.jpg" bio : "Hello." location : "Everywhere"
Change the default author name, bio text, and location.
<a href=”#avatar>Change the avatar</a>. PROTIP: Don’t change more than one or two values before you reset and view again so you know what change break the system.
Tabs, folders, and files (for SEO)
Links at the top of the page (“QUICK-START GUIDE”, “ABOUT”, etc.) are specfied by the navigation.html file within the _data folder.
Edit that file.
The title: key specifies the text of each tab, such as “About”.
NOTE: CSS in the theme automatically turns all letters into capital.
Change url values such as this:
- Save and restart the server. under About folders
Next let’s use a text editor to look into that about folder specified in the .yml file.
github: repo: # “GitHub project” link on sidebar under folders
Jekyll converts the contents of each file (containing markdown text) into index.html files containing HTML.
Open the file in the about folder.
HOORAY: The use of folders above an index.html file enables calls using SEO-friendly links. For example, to reference the about link:
HOORAY: This technique does not require use of mechanisms in the underlying web server container (such as IIS).
The text is added to page titles that appear in browser tabs through this HTML:
Parsing of post file names
The posts tab link to files within the _posts folder. In the case of the sample file named “”, Jekyll programming parses the “sample-post” out of the file name and uses that as if it’s named “sample-post.html”.
UI Text Translation
An addition
Metadata within .md files
At the top of each markdown file, between a set of 3 dashes, are key-value pairs providing metadata about the page, such as this example from the file within folder about:
EXTRA: Detailed YAML specifications are at:
HOORAY: Such metadata takes the place of a database referenced to dynamically generate pages (as WordPress does). Jekyll’s lack of a database vastly simplies matters and speeds up processing. This enables static page HTML to be distributed in CDNs (Content Distribution Networks) around the world. That maximizes download speed for visitors.
Layout types
The various layout types are defined in files (with no extension) within the _templates folder:
- archive
- page
- post
HOORAY: This approach enables additional types to be defined.
Text within square braces define an array of several values.
Liquid engine
Tags within { curly braces } are processed by the Liquid templating engine.
Liquid can perform if/then/else decisions and loops.
EXTRA: More detail about Liquid is at:
One of the most powerful features provided by Liquid is Collections.
Collections is explained at:
- 2015/02/20/jekyll-collections by Ben Balter (product manager at GitHub).
Collections refer to a custom folder containing many markdown files, each having front-matter than can be parsed by Liquid code.
Ben has a great decision diagram:
NOTE: site.categories and site.tags only works on _posts.
Link icon YAML
In the list of posts, post titles with a link icon get that way because in its YAML is a line link post line such as this:
.yml metada
Default values are specified in a _config.yml file at the root of the site folder.
EXTRA: All keys are detailed at
Here are the first few lines of a sample file:
PROTIP: Changes in the _config.yml file are applied only when the Jekyll service is recycled. At the command terminal window where Jekyll was launched, press control+C, then invoke the command to start the server again.
Another theme (Poole Hyde) adds:
sitemap.xml in _site
Theme programming also generates the _site folder and in it generates feed.xml and sitemap.xml files for web crawlers to read.
Bing it on
TODO: Get a value for the bing-verify: variable in your _config.yml.
Open a Webmaster Tools account at
Sign In with a Windows Live ID. If you don’t have a Microsoft account already, get one.
Type in your Site Name (mine’s and click Add a site.
Type in the URL to your Site Map. (mine’s
The sitemap.xml file is generated in the _site folder, but will be the root folder when deployed on a web server.
Fill out the other fields (contact info and preferences), then click Save.
In the Verify ownership page, copy the string from:
Paste that string to the right of the bing-verify: variable.
- Click the BingSiteAuth.xml link to save the file.
Move the file into the root folder where the _config.yml file is (NOT in the _site folder, which gets deleted and repopulated automatically).
- Recycle the Jekyll server to see the BingSiteAuth.xml in the _site folder.
Google Ownership
This is explained in
Access Webmasters Tools using your Google account.
Add a Property (such as
Download the html file (such as google923b0745fb3293c1.html) to the Downloads folder.
Move the file into the root folder where the _config.yml file is (NOT in the _site folder, which gets deleted and repopulated automatically).
Download the file.
Disqus comments
- Use an internet browser to get to:
This is about creating a publisher account such as “wilsonmarcom”.
PROTIP: Create a separate personal commenter account (such as “wilsonmar”) to track your responses on other websites.
Click the cog next to your picture to select Add Disqus To Site, or
Click Install on your site.
Specify a site name such as “wilsonmar-github-io”.
Click Next and answer the demographic questions (how many visits, etc.).
You don’t need to select installation for Universal code and copy paste JavaScript because the theme has already done that in file _disqus_comments.html within folder _includes.
Copy the site.owner.disqus-shortname, such as “wilsonmargithubio” from:
Open for edit file _config.yml in the root folder.
Paste the Disqus short name as the value to key disqus-shortname:.
Read more about configuration of Disqus at:
Disqus Setup Disqus on a New Site.
Multiple authors
Lower in the file is information about the default author displayed on all pages. This can be overridden in a particular or post file by a line such as:
“billy_rick” is a key to more information in the authors.yml file within the _data folder:
HOORAY: This mechanism presents the photo and links to multiple alternative authors to appear on the website.
Social links +
If you’d like more links, add them in folder _includes file _author-bio.html:
Social sharing
On the bottom of every page of the minimal-mistakes theme are large buttons for sharing tweets, Facebook, and Google.
Unlike links on the left pane of every page, clicking on these links pops up a new browser window.
You can change that pre-populated text (the URL) by changing the _social-share.html file withing folder _includes. The default pulls in the value of variables:
The pop-up relies on cookies previously created when the visitor signed into Twitter, Facebook, and Google on the same browser used to access this site.
Images can be defined in GFM or standard HTML.
In-line GFM images
Positioning of GFM-specified images can be specified using a special tag.
renders as:
NOTE: Most images are stored in the site’s images folder.
Clickable images
GFM is not yet able to handle code to specific clickable images, either as HTML image maps nor as CSS.
One Up
renders to:
Half/Three Up
The theme has a half
class to split the available horizonatl space in half
to display two images side by side (and share the same caption).
renders to:
Three Up
The theme has a third
class to split the available horizontal space in thirds
to display three images side by side (and share the same caption):
is rendered as:
Layout responsive to screen size
The MadeMistakes themes make use of the Semantic Grid System to define fluid grids for each major page layouts with a few lines of CSS code referencing @media queries. This makes the theme responsive – adapting to various size screens:
Desktop default (up to the largest HD & 4XHD screen)
Min-width: 780px
Tablet Portrait (to landscape and desktop)
Min-width: 768px / Max-width: 979px
Smartphone (and all smaller screens)
Max-width: 480px
Image sized to screen?
The size of screens.
The image for Twitter Cards is a square image around 120 x 120 pixels.
Markdown coding
The next few sections are based on
Notice boxes
To put text in a box, add {: .notice}
under the text to be boxed:
renders to:
CAUTION: Invalid markup can crash the server.
PROTIP: Make a small change (one phrase) then verify rendering. Commit to git at every verified set.
A leading > marks a line as a blockquote:
renders as:
Lorem ipsum
A paragraph ending with the &Vcirc; “circumflex” character (upper case of the number 6 key) between square brackets defines the footnote number:
Footnotes are Syntax Highighting1.
A repeat of the sequence at the beginning of a paragraph defines the definition:
Button colors in HTML
Use pre-defined classes:
renders to:
If you are viewing this on a desktop, mouse-over each button to see the color change.
To change the colors, edit in folder _sass file variables.scss, then compile the file to .css.
sass variables.scss variables.css
Sass, or Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets, is an extension language for CSS.
$background-transparent :
Paragraph Indents
By default, the theme assumes formatting is for books by removing extra lines and adds indents to second and subsequent paragraphs. Well, we’re in the internet age where long paragraphs are the exception.
To disable the indents and add spacing between paragraphs, edit in folder _sass file variables.scss to change:
$paragraph-indent: true !default;
$paragraph-indent: false;
PROTIP: This change in the theme enables use of indented items using GFM.
Numbered lists
As with GFM, numbers in front of ordered list items can be preceded by zeros since they are automatically numbered:
renders to:
- Item one
- sub item one
- sub item two
- Item two
some text after 3 spaces.
- Item three
Code Snippets
Instead of a set of three back quotes, blocks of programming code are enclosed with special tags like this:
{% highlight css %}
#container {
float: left;
margin: 0 -240px 0 0;
width: 100%;
{% endhighlight %}
renders as:
Snippets of code on can be displayed on the web page with a simple line containing the userid and snippet number:
{% gist userid/6589546 %}
Standard GFM mark-up
Several coding techniques ar the same as in GitHub Flavored Markdown.
- Asterisks precede text in unordered lists preceded with bullets.
- The number of # characters preceding heading text specifies the level.
- One asterisk enclosing text makes it italics.
- Two asterisk enclosing text makes it bold.
Just as with GFM, regular HTML is recognized and processed as such.
Custom Includes
Jekyll can process several special tags beyond what GFM can do. An entire HTML file can be inserted:
{% include _toc.html %}
The tag is processed by Kramdown which generates the Table of Contents displayed on the right side of the screen.
A custom include can be coded within markdown like this:
{% include evangelist_links.html %}
Doing this takes some mental contortion because of the automatic processing.
The evangelist_links.html file referenced needs to be in the _includes folder.
During processing, the folder "_includes" is automatically added to the link.
Therefore you can't put the include file anywhere else, or you'll get a message such as:
Error: Included file '_includes/includes/1loadrun_map.html' not found
However, there can be markdown in the evangelist_links.html file, such as:
NOTE: HTML code above to ignore can be included in the file.
A rule can be specified for formatting tables coded in GFM:
renders to:
Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |
cell4 | cell5 | cell6 |
Foot1 | Foot2 | Foot3 |
Affiliate Ads
Amazon Affiliate Ads
Search for a product to get its URL, such as: So Amazon’s product code is “B00IR2VEUS”.
Specify the product code to get the HTML containing your affiliate tracking code, such as:
Note the link has a one-pixel image link Amazon uses to track the number of impressions.
If you would like to list products you make on Amazon, get an account Seller Account at
Google Affiliate Ads
Ideally, I would put a vertical ad under the table of contents.
Site Search
A Node.js library to add search functionality to any Jekyll blog Demo here is available from this repo.
Theme activates each page using it with the search_omit: true front matter.
This list of folders and files is about what processing occurs locally.
{$ endhighlight text %} _site .sass-cache .DS_Store *.sublime-project *.sublime-workspace codekit-config.json node_modules _asset_bundler_cache .jekyll-metadata {$ endhighlight %}
Additional features
Deploy to server
- to sites/
QUESTION: How to add regular .html files to the site.
TODO: Inspired by Shamime’s photomap building, I added a Photomap tab and folder on my site.
QUESTION: Spell checking in GitHub?
There is no need to repeat excellent tutorials:
Jekyll MinimalMistake users in the wild
- to hide text unless clicked
More on front-end styling
This is one of several topics:
- UI Design Systems
- Text Editors
- Markdown text for GitHub from HTML
- gRPC (g___ Remote Procedure Call)
- Front-end UI creation options
- Docusaurus static website generator
- Static websites
- JAM Stack Website Project Plan
- Jekyll Site Development
- Website styles
- Website Styling
Protractor to automate testing of Angular and other web pages
- Email from website
- Search within Hyde format Jekyll websites
- Data Visualization using Tableau