A robot python mimics what human testers do manually (to entertain real developers)
This article talks about the Robot Framework (RF) open-sourced at https://github.com/robotframework and described at http://robotframework.org
RF repeats a sequence of keystrokes and mouse clicks that you specify.
It is used to test software by applying (Acceptance Test Driven Development) approaches that looks for screens and fields before the app is developed.
It is also used as the base for “Robotic Process Automation” to help people do work.
There are many products and frameworks which do that. Selenium works on web browsers. FitNesse, Cucumber, HP QTP (‘Unified Functional Testing’ or ‘UFT’).
The Robot Framework (RF) is written in the Python language, so it installs with this command:
pip install robotframework-ride
This can be done on any OS that runs the Python interpreter: Windows, OS X, Linux.
NOTE: Through a Remote Library Interface, RF can run (but slower) on IronPython or Jython when automating on a Java application or implementing a custom RF test library in Java.
Consequently, RF can be used with non-Python libraries such as the Java JDBC Database Library by running RF on Jython. The Jython interpreter not only compiles the RF Python code into Java bytecode for execution within a JVM, but also allows for the importing of Java classes (such as those of the Database Library) as (if they were) Python modules. See http://blog.xebia.com/the-robot-framework-remote-library-interface-using-the-remote-database-library-to-connect-to-ibm-db2/
Additionally, install the Robot IDE (RIDE):
pip install robotframework-ride
Also, install the documentation utility:
pip install docutils
RF is written to be a “keyword-driven”, using the human-readable “Gherkin” syntax.
So one does need to memorize some keywords in order to be efficient at it.
Instead of coding programming code, it’s faster to write keyword-driven syntax driven by text data files.
The Robot IDE (RIDE) requires a 32-bit Python version on MacOS and does not yet support Python 3.
The Robot Framework (RF)’s components are typical of most other test automation frameworks:
Green boxes signifies Robot framework utility components whereas grey refers to app-specific components or artefacts, such as test code and product code, that are to be created by the development organization. The numbers indicate the order in which a typical test execution run would flow.
generic, keyword- and data-driven test automation framework for acceptance test driven development (ATDD).
- http://blog.xebia.com/tag/robot-framework/ by Michael Hallik
- http://blog.xebia.com/robot-framework-the-unsung-hero-of-test-automation/
- http://blog.xebia.com/robot-framework-and-the-keyword-driven-approach-to-test-automation-part-1-of-3/
- http://blog.xebia.com/robot-framework-and-the-keyword-driven-approach-to-test-automation-part-2-of-3/
- http://blog.xebia.com/running-robot-frameworks-remote-server-as-java-agent/ by Serge Beaumont September 14th, 2016
- @robotframework on Twitter.
RF is maintained by IT contractor Pekka Klärck (@pekkaklarck, http://eliga.fi/) See Pekka on Joe’s video using this slidedeck. Note it’s copyrighted by Nokia Networks (Finland).
Robot Framework Install
The core framework is operating system and application independent because it’s implemented using Python for running on Jython (JVM) and IronPython (.NET).
See https://github.com/robotframework/QuickStartGuide/blob/master/QuickStart.rst
Install the Robot Framework core:
pip install robotframework
The response:
Collecting robotframework Downloading robotframework-3.0.tar.gz (430kB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 440kB 399kB/s Building wheels for collected packages: robotframework Running setup.py bdist_wheel for robotframework ... done Stored in directory: /Users/mac/Library/Caches/pip/wheels/9e/61/ee/b4bb4b9b7824594cc785a577975bec2fce9c54b09bbf39eb3f Successfully built robotframework Installing collected packages: robotframework Successfully installed robotframework-3.0
To test databases and for example REST APIs, also install:
pip install robotframework-databaselibrary pip install requests pip install botframework-requests
PROTIP: I don’t recommend installing docutils because you can look it up online.
To install the demo Robot login script, create a folder to hold the demo repo:
cd ~/gits/wilsonmar/pattern-recognition git clone https://github.com/robotframework/QuickStartGuide.git --depth=1 cd QuickStartGuide
Position your present working directory to thePROTIP: I don’t recommend installing docutils because you can look it up online.
Run the demo:
robot QuickStart.rst
NOTE: The file name extension (ending) .rst is also used by Ansible scripts.
You will see this if the .rst file is not in the present folder:
[ ERROR ] Parsing 'QuickStart.rst' failed: Data source does not exist.
The expected response is:
============================================================================== QuickStart ============================================================================== User can create an account and log in | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ User cannot log in with bad password | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ User can change password | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Invalid password | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ User status is stored in database | PASS | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QuickStart | PASS | 5 critical tests, 5 passed, 0 failed 5 tests total, 5 passed, 0 failed ============================================================================== Output: /Users/mac/gits/wilsonmar/pattern-recognition/QuickStartGuide/output.xml Log: /Users/mac/gits/wilsonmar/pattern-recognition/QuickStartGuide/log.html Report: /Users/mac/gits/wilsonmar/pattern-recognition/QuickStartGuide/report.html
Robot QuickStart Login Demo script
Many of the functions are common to other similar programs, such as Selenium, HP QTP, etc.
But there are plugins for IntelliJ/PyCharm & Eclipse, Atom, Sublime, TextMate, Vim, etc.
See http://sikulix-2014.readthedocs.io/en/latest/scenarios.html#using-robotframework
Run scripts
robot some_tests.robot OR robot test_cases/
More on IoT
This is one of a series on IoT:
IoT Acronymns and Abbreviations on Quizlet
- IoT Apprentice school curriculum
- IoT use cases
- IoT reminders prevent dead mobile battery
- IoT text to speech synthesis
- IoT AWS button
- Intel IoT
- IoT Raspberry hardware
- IoT Clouds
- Samsung IoT Cloud
NOTE: Pages about GE’s Predix have been removed.
This is one of a series on Python:
- Python install on MacOS
- Python install on MacOS using Pyenv
- Python tutorials
- Python Examples
- Python coding notes
- Pulumi controls cloud using Python, etc.
- Test Python using Pytest BDD Selenium framework
- Test Python using Robot testing framework
- Python REST API programming using the Flask library
- Python coding for AWS Lambda Serverless programming
- Streamlit visualization framework powered by Python
- Web scraping using Scrapy, powered by Python
- Neo4j graph databases accessed from Python