This robot butler is simple, but not stupid
- Jeff Geerling
- Background
- Ansible Tower
- Ansible functionality
- Exam prep
- Install Ansible
- Configure Ansible Server
- Configure host nodes
- Ansible-Galaxy Roles
- Modules
- Steps Modules do
- Templates
- Role files
- Tasks
- Windows support
- SSH into Hosts
- Python Ansible Control Server on Linux, not Windows
- Playbooks
- Config. settings
- Include files
- Roles
- Daemon Sets
- Rolling updates
- Social Community
- Videos
- Ansible on laptops
- Misc
- More on DevOps
The object of this tutorial is provide deep but succinct commentary (without marketing generalizations) as we take a carefully crafted step-by-step hands-on tour. All on a single searcheable page.
NOTE: Content here are my personal opinions, and not intended to represent any employer (past or present). “PROTIP:” here highlight information I haven’t seen elsewhere on the internet because it is hard-won, little-know but significant facts based on my personal research and experience.
Below is a map of my Ansible tour (TOBE: animated video), in which I cover one concept at a time:
The objective of Ansible is to configure software within host nodes securely, but also quickly and easily.
(Ansible is not a configuration management system like Jenkins. Ansible is an infrastructure management system.)
The name “ansible” is popularized by the science-fiction book and movie “Ender’s Game” which uses what it calls an “ansible” to communicate, in real-time, with many ships at once, to many galaxies far away.
is one of the command-line executables installed by Python when the Ansible (Core) Control Server is installed. The word “Core” is there because it is a dependency of the Ansible Tower product which provides an API and GUI front-end to the open-source Control Server, which provides only a command line interface.
The Ansible Project (Ansible Core) was identified as, among the hundreds of thousands of repositories in GitHub, #7 most contributors and most discussed projects (in front of even Kubernetes, npm). PROTIP: This means there will be changes ahead.
Mentions in Reddit Hacker News (HN) forum show higher uptake in Ansible vs. other configuration management solutions:
The ansible-galaxay command retrieves from the Ansible Galaxy website, which is a community-submitted repository of Roles that define the installation of many categories of software (database, etc).
The website shows a “quality rating” based on runs of the ansible-lint program which validate changes. The program used on by the website can be run on your server after being installed by pip to validate changes after downloading and editing.
Files in the Galaxy are versioned in a GitHub repository files can also be pulled by the ansible-pull program which (like Git) can pull other files such as the inventory of host nodes to be populated. Inventory files are managed by the ansible-inventory executable. Among downloads can be (dyn) programs that act like a static inventory file, but dynamically retrieve inventory data.
When the ansible program is invoked, it delegates work to various Modules. Additional custom modules can be defined, such as for building assets within AWS using CloudFormation as well as other clouds (Digital Ocean, Linode, Rackspace, etc.).
Jeff Geerling
The use of SSH (Secure Shell) is Ansible’s differentiatior. This is the approach that makes Ansible easy and secure because SSH is a standard tool in all Linux distributions for users to communicate with servers. SSH uses a commonly open port 22, one does not need to beg for special ports to be opened through the enterprise firewall (which one needs to do with custom agent programs used by Chef, Puppet, and others.
Use of SSH does require the Linux ssh-keygen program to create pairs of “cryptographic” key files. The public key is copied to each host node created. This does not compromise secrets because the private key stays on the machine where the pair is created. The SSH program encrypts communications with its private key for the receiver to decrypt using the public part of the key pair.
By default, JSON messages are communicated back to the Control Server’s API listening on standard port 80. Internally, Ansible uses the Django-REST framework, PyYAML.
Various modules run on remote hosts provide the plumbing for other networking protocols, such as HTTP, runing on remote machines.
Ansible plug-ins can also be downloaded and installed so Ansible can communicate via ZeroMQ “fireball mode” or other means.
To connect with Windows machines, Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is used (from Vista SP1 or Windows 2008 R1 and up).
Windows modules include win_feature
(to install and uninstall Windows Features) and
(Add, Edit, or Remove Registry Keys and Values). WinRM python module
Tasks, Plays, Playbook
Modules are invoked by a series of Tasks defined as plays in playbooks.yml files.
Instead of using a database server, Ansible stores declarations in text files of yml format (pronounced as “yamil”) that are both human and machine readable. So Playbooks can be edited by any text editor.
A task can trigger handlers (shell scripts) which run on some condition, usually once at the end of plays.
Plays map a group of hosts to roles. Each role is like a (subroutines) which make code in playbooks reusable by putting the functionality into generalized “libraries” that can be then used in any playbook as needed.
The ansible-playbook program manages playbooks.
ansible-vault encrypts and derypts entire playbooks.
ansible-console can execute individual tasks (during debugging).
Within each host node, a facts.d in created within the /etc/ansible
Finally, the ansible-doc executable presents additional information.
The @ansible Twitter account is titled “Red Hat Ansible” because it’s initiating author, Michael DeHaan from North Carolina (@laserllama), began writing Ansible in his spare time in 2006 while working at RedHat (after a stint at Puppet). His AnsibleWorks got acquired by RedHat in 2015. See the slides to his video Python-Powered Radically Simple IT Automation” at PyCon 2014.
His advice at All Things Open lightning talk Dec 3, 2014:
- “Your IT infrastructure should be boring”
- “How do we get sysadmins and developers together to cheat off each other, even at competing companies”
- “Automation should not be your day job”
- “Build early and often. Build a culture of testing.”
- “Have Dev/QA/Stage environments that mirror production to see what can go wrong early.” lists the major aspects of Ansible:
Ansible Network (ecosystem) lists overview books and videos.
Ansible Tower builds on top of Ansible Core provides better user provisioning and audit trails running playbooks at enterprise scale, all done within a web UI. It is licensed (beyond 10 hosts).
Ansible Galaxy is a website, like GitHub, an API-powered community-submitted repository of Roles (subroutines) which make code in playbooks reusable by putting the functionality into generalized “libraries” that can be then used in any playbook as needed.
Ansible Lint validates playbook contents.
Ansible Tower
VIDEO: Red Hat (IBM) Ansible Tower adds a web server UI for “push button deployment” to manage projects (set of playbooks).
For example, checking “ENABLE PRIVILEGE ESCALATION” is the same as adding -b
in ansible ad-hocc commands.
Tower installs within Linux base configurations at /etc/tower/
Look at this after install.
Ansible Tower makes use of a PostgreSQL database, either locally, remotely, or in a HA inventory group cluster. Tower provides Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to acccess its database via REST API.
Alternatives to Ansible
“Comparison of open source configuration management software” on Wikipedia
This mentions the free Remote Execution Enabler for PowerShell tool from Solarwinds.
Ansible & Docker Make Chef & Puppet Unnecessary by John Minnihan (@jbminn, Slidedeck
Chef vs. Puppet vs. Ansible vs. Salt - What’s Best for Deploying and Managing OpenStack?
Ansible functionality
- Provisioning - install software, patch security, copy files in, customize configurations, start web service.
- Change management of configurations with configuration remediation. Ansible evaluates to mark changed states.
- Automation - make decisions. A single change can impact several machines.
- Complex Orchestration of dependencies.
Exam prep
Linux Academy has the most complete set of video classes on Ansible:
Stosh Oldham’s video prep class [21:24:31] with diagrams and sample practical exams for the 4-hour $400 Red Hat Certified Specialist in Ansible Automation (EX407) tasks based on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 7.5 and Ansible 2.7:
- Create Ansible inventory filies to define groups of hosts
- Create Ansible playbooks to configure systems (hosts) to a specified state
- Create and use Ansible (Jinga2) templates to create customized configuration files for hosts
- Create Ansible roles stored in Ansible Galaxy
- Use Ansible Vault in playbooks to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data
Mercifully, Tower is not a significant requirement in the exam.
Install Ansible
Know what version may be installed already:
ansible --version
The response for the version at time of writing (substitute “$USER” with your own account name):
config file = None configured module search path = ['/Users/$USER/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/2.8.0/libexec/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ansible executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible python version = 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 09:23:15) [Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.3)]
NOTE: Ansible makes use of Python, so install that.
If you don’t see the above and instead see “command not found”, continue:
If you’re on a Mac, install XCode.
On MacOS, on any folder location, after Homebrew installed:
brew install ansible
To update Ansible:
sudo pip install ansible --upgrade
On Red Hat operating systems:
sudo yum -y install ansible
On Ubuntu, see about using
, the service management utility in all latest version of Linux distribution such as Ubuntu OS, Redhat OS, CentOS.VIDEO: Installing Ansible on Ubuntu from GitHub:
sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:ansible/ansible sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y ansible
- Skip to Configuration instructions.
Setup Vagrant and Virtualbox
Download and install:
- A virtual image manager from (87.9 MB for vagrant_1.8.1.dmg).
- A vm provider (hypervisor) to run virtual machines from Oracle’s VirtualBox
Verify availability from a command-line Terminal:
vboxmanager -
Create a folder (of any name) for Ansible configuration files. This is typically for a project. This can be in a git folder if you’d like version management.
cd ~
mkdir ansible
cd ansibleThe ~ (tilde character above) refers to your home folder.
Switch to an internet browser to open a repository of Vagrant server base images: (which redirects to a site owned by hashicorp, who owns Vagrant, thus the advert for the Atlas licensed product)
NOTE: Many enterprises instead use an internal repository.
In the box under “Discover Vagrant Boxes”, search for ubuntu or CentOS, etc.
Choose one and copy its text in blue, such as “nrel/CentOS-6.5-x86_64” from contributor nrel or “ubuntu/trusty64”.
Close down any process making use of port 8080, as that’s Vagrant’s default port. (Jenkins also uses port 8080 by default)
Initialize a Vagrantfile for use by Vagrant:
vagrant init
Sample response:
A `Vagrantfile` has been placed in this directory. You are now ready to `vagrant up` your first virtual environment! Please read the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on `` for more information on using Vagrant.
If you have a file named Vagrantfile from another source, copy it into the folder to replace the file generated.
Alternately, open a text editor to create a file name Vagrantfile in end up with this sample content to specific the acs (Ansible Control Server), web, and db servers:
The (2) in Vagrant.configure(2) configures the configuration version.
Names between | (pipe) characters provide handles to identify each server.
Two spaces are used to indent.
Internal IP addresses ( are used in this example.
Change 8080 to another port if it is already used by another process on your computer.
Vagrant up
- Navigate to a folder containing a Vagrantfile specification file.
Bring up a machine based on the Vagrantfile in the folder:
vagrant up
This can take several minutes if this is the first time, since images for servers specified need to be downloaded.
Switch to a Finder to see that a .vagrant (hidden) folder has been added. Under the machines folder is a folder for each type specified between pipe characters (acs, web, db, etc).
Open another terminal shell to check what is running:
vboxmanage list runningvms
The response are hashes:
Provision Ansible Control Server
SSH into the acs server via vagrant:
vagrant ssh acs
This takes several seconds to connect.
This adds the ey to the known_hosts file within the .ssh folder for future reference.
When you’re done:
Use a package manager to download bits. On a CentOS or RHEL server:
sudo yum -y install ansible
Alternately, on a Debian Ubuntu server:
sudo apt-get -y install ansible
Notice the log says Python is installed as well.
ansible --version
Provision web server
SSH into the web server via vagrant:
vagrant ssh web
Use a package manager to download bits:
sudo yum -y install epel-release
Install by Compiling Source Code
Install the C-language compiler used with Python:
sudo yum install gcc
sudo yum install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo yum install python-devel
sudo pip install ansible
Configure Ansible Server
Linux machines instead install to:
But on Macs, as with all program installed on a Mac by Homebrew:
- A link to the
program is installed in folder/usr/local/bin/
- Links to the latest version of Ansible is in
- Links are also in
- Various versions of actual Ansible files are installed to
Ansible executables
Install the tree command if you haven’t already:
brew install tree
Construct the command to list files down to the 2nd level of the folder tree:
tree /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/2.8.0 -sh -L 3 | less
Press Enter to display more lines, q to quit.
The programs that can be executed on the CAS CLI console are:
- ansible -
- ansible-config -
- ansible-connection -
- ansible-console -
ansible-doc -
- ansible-galaxy -
- ansible-inventory -
- ansible-playbook -
- ansible-pull -
- ansible-vault -
Configure host nodes
Ansible works under the concept of “idempotance”, where repeated executions of the same script results in the same state at the end of each run. If something doesn’t exist, it is created. If something does exist already, it is left alone and another isn’t created.
A function is “idempotent” if repeated applications has the same affect as a single (initial) invocation.
Ansible reads declarations of desired state (what is wanted after processing) rather than imperative programming commands (to do this and that in a specified sequence). This is like when you get in a taxi and you provide a destination address rather than providing turn-by-turn directions to that location.
This makes definitions more reusable.
Ansible-Galaxy Roles
Install the Ansible-Galaxy CLI Python library:
pip install ansible-tower-cli
To download a particular role file from in the format:
ansible-galaxy install username.role_name
ansible-galaxy install elastic.elasticsearch
CAUTION: When deleting roles, its dependencies are not deleted automatically, leaving orphans not used by roles that remain.
Core Modules listed alphabetically:
- ad-hoc - one-line commands executed by the ansible binary (instead of running a Playbook)
- archive & unarchive
- copy - copy files from src to dest. also change mode
- file - create, rename, delete files
- get_url
- git - interact with git repositories
- group
- lineinfile - changes an existing line using a back-referenced regular expression
- mount - drive (in Tower)
- ping - validate server is up and reacheable using ICMP protocol
- playbooks
- replace
- service - control daemons, provided name and state
- setup - gathers ansible facts
- shell & command
- user - manipulate system users
- apt, apt_key, apt_rpm, yum - use package manager
Get documentation on a specific module:
ansible-doc lineinfile
Press q to quit out of list.
ad-hoc commands
Run ansible without parameters to get list of options:
Install software on host:
ansible node1 -i ansible/inv.ini \ -b \ -m yum \ -a "name=httpd state-latest" \ -f 100
is the host name-b
specifies “become user” to avoid permission errors by using elevated root permissions-i
specifies the iinventory file and its path-b
specifies user-m yum
specifies the module yum command-a "name=httpd state-latest"
specifies the arguments to the ansible program saying install the latest version of httpd (http daemon web server)state=absent
is specified instead to remove the program, since Ansible is declarative.-f
specifies the number of forks running copies of Ansible simultaneously“SUCCESS” is the expected response.
- Check system properties (disk space, RAM)
Check system performance
- Check log commands
- Check daemon up/down
- Process management
Steps Modules do
- Gather facts on hosts into variables such as ansible_os_family.
- Fetch md5 checksum from remote to verify downloaded file
- Create and manage local users and groups
Enable and disable OS features and preferences
- Fetch files from remote sites
- Install software (web server, app server, database, virus scanner, etc.)
Update software security patches
- Copy app configurations
- Copy files into server
Call databases to retrieve data
- Enable service to start on reboot
- Start web service
- Deploy load balancer configurations (put in or take out server on rotation)
Let’s look at a playbook with full annotations:
Ansible with Cloud Formation
Book Ansible for AWS ($19.99+) by Yan Kurniawan provides Ansible playbook examples:
- vpc_create.yml
- sg_empty.yml to create empty security groups.
- sg_modify.yml to modify security groups for each type of server
- sg_delete.yml
- ec2_vpc_web_create.yml to launch an instance in a particular subnet
- ec2_vpc_db_create.yml without assigning a public IP address
- nat_launch.yml to launch a “staging_nat” paravirtual t1.micro instance (with AMI name that includes “amzn-ami-vpc-nat”)
- vpc_delete.yml
- vpc_create_multi_az.yml
- sg_jumpbox.yml
- ec2_vpc_jumpbox.yml to launch jump box instance in public subnet A
- ansible -i tag_class_jumpbox -m ping
- sg_openvpn.yml still requires manual retrieval of the AMI ID on
Tweets about the book, #ansible4aws, is inactive since 2016 when the book was done.
The book provides an Ansible module in folder: library/vpc_lookup
- an update of (from John Jarvis) to lookup a VPC or subnets ID stored in local (safe) folder based on a particular filter specified in a script.
PROTIP: Each Ansible module is associated with a command, and return JSON.
PROTIP: Disable host key checking in ssh configuration so ssh will automatically add new host keys to the user known hosts files without asking (the default is “ask”).
- Disable host key checking with StrictHostKeyChecking set to “no” in /etc/ssh/ssh_config file.
View sample configurations
Use an internet browser to open
Open a sample playbook.
Playbooks are defined in .yml files, which begin with three dashes in the first line.
Playbooks define plays. consisting of one or a set of tasks.
tasks invoke modules.
Tasks trigger handlers which run on some condition, usually once at the end of plays.
Spaces after dashes and colons are required.
An Ansible Config define Ansible control server configuration.
Jeff Geerling
Notice the repos downloaded more than anyone is by @geerlingguy, Jeff Geerling (all around nice guy and Drupal expert who has been contributing to Ansible community since early 2013.
In addition to series on Raspberry Pi and Drupal, he wrote completed 2020-05-13 on LeanPub).
Code for the book is at, which has an issue for each of 15 episodes of his Ansible 101 series on YouTube. He has chapter markers into each video at his blog plus Q&A (written in Markdown).
Introduction to Ansible 2.9.6 and Python 3.7.6 on CentOS via dhcp.
“DevOps is a philosophy”. Use
pip3 install ansible
BOOK chapter 5.
Inside the Ansible main.yml:
To encrypt a file [15:16] replaced it with:
ansible-vault encrypt vars/api_key.yml
[17:40] Reference a password file:
ansible-playbook main.yml --vault-password-file ~/.ansible/api-key-pass.txt
[18:05] Re-Encrypt with a new key without decrypting:
ansible-vault rekey vars/api_key.yml
ansible-playbook main.yml --ask-vault-pass
Include another file with
import_tasks: tasks/apache.yml
Jeff’s provides tools to install executables on MacOS using Ansible.
Ansible Vault Encryption
To encrypt a file so it can be stored in a repository such as GitHub:
ansible-vault file \ --ask-vault-password no_log
censors log output.Adding
resets the password.
Encrypted data within playbooks stored in GitHub can be unencrypted in memory using Ansible Vault.
In the templates folder are Ansible template files which specify values which resolve variables defined in other files, such as: ``.
--- hosts: webservers tasks: - name: ensure apache is at the latest version - yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: write the apache config file template: src=/srv/httpd.j2 dest=/etc/httpd.conf
Template files have the .j2 file extension because they are processed by the Jinga2 templating program that comes with the Ansible installer. Written in Python, Jinga2 is also by Django, Flask, and other Python frameworks.
Role files
Role files encapsulate instructions on how Ansible performs a discrete unit of work, such as building a webserver.
A role folder contains sub-folders with these names:
acme_sample/ webserver/ defaults/ - entered vis main.yml files/ handlers/ - tasks flagged to run using the notify keyword meta/main.yml - role dependencies and configurations such as allow_duplicates tasks/ templates/ tests/ vars/
The main.yml in meta defines dependencies:
The role_use.yml
Ansible tasks are commands executed from command line terminals.
Tasks are shereable and repeatable.
Inventory file
Ansible inventory files lists hosts can be defined within:
The folder contains .ini format or yml format:
[webservers] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=mpdehaan [webservers:vars] webserver_port=2222 [db] [lbservers] lbserver http_port=80 maxRequestsPerChild=808 [monitoring] nagios
Group names are defined within square brackets. Groups are referenced in playbooks.
Variables applicable to all items within a group can be defined. What’s wrong with the example?
To get the status of servers under [webservers] in the inventory file above:
ansible webservers -m ping
PROTIP: Inventory files should not contain variables.
In addition to this ad-hoc run, Ansible can be run based on the contents of Playbooks with a command such as:
ansible-playbook file.yml
Add -v
for more detailed response.
Such inventory files are typically kept in a Git repository.
Inventory files can be dynamic, issued by a program that returns to STDOUT. Examples is Cobbler, LDAP, cloud such as AWSEC2, retrieving from CMDB, etc.
ansible all -l -m ping
Notice two parameters: -l
) and --host
There are two arguments a dynamic inventory must respond to: –list and –host [hostname]
The –list argument must return a JSON-encoded hash or dictionary containing all groups that are part of the inventory. The groups must include all host and child group information.
{ "httpd": { "hosts": ["httpd1","httpd2"], "vars": { "httpd_port": 80 }, "children": ["cdn"] }, "cdn": { "hosts": ["cdn1","cdn2"], "vars": { "content_dir": "/var/www/content" }, "children":[] } }
The –host [hostname] argument must return either an empty JSON hash or dictionary or a hash or dictionary of variables to make available to templates and playbooks.
{ "VAR001": "VALUE", "VAR002": "VALUE", }
Create inventory
To ccreate a simple Ansible inventory on the control node in /home/ansible/inventory
containing node1
and node2
- keyboard_arrow_up
On the control host:
sudo su - ansible (if not already ansible user) touch /home/ansible/inventory echo "node1" >> /home/ansible/inventory echo "node2" >> /home/ansible/inventory
Modules in various languages
Unlike Puppet, Ansible does not require agent software to be installed and thus potentially leave residual bits on servers.
Modules are the “brains” of Ansible.
Various modules running on remote hosts provide the plumbing for other networking protocols, such as HTTP, runing on remote machines.
List of available modules, or locally:
ansible-doc -l
Press q to quit list, cursor up/down individual line, or space bar to page down.
Responses returned to the Ansible Control Server are in JSON messages.
Write Custome Module
Modules (hopefully written by following Module Development Guide) can be selected from various sources:
ansible-modules-core are writtin Python.
ansible-modules-extras developed by others have slightly lower use or priority.
Ansible Module development can be in any dynamic language, not just Python on the server.
- Simplejson library on *NIX.
Windows support
Ansible’s native Windows support uses Windows PowerShell remoting to manage Windows like Windows in the same Ansible agentless way that Ansible manages Linux like Linux.
Windows Remote PowerShell 2.0 enabled.
- Push and execute any PowerShell scripts you write
SSH into Hosts
To configure sudo access for Ansible on node1
and node2
such that Ansible may use sudo for any command with no password prompt.
- keyboard_arrow_up
Log in to node1 and edit the sudoers file to contain appropriate access for the ansible user:
ssh cloud_user@node1
sudo visudo
Add the following line to the file and save:
Repeate above steps for node2.
Next, verify that each managed node is able to be accessed by Ansible from the control node using the
module. Redirect the output of a successful command to/home/ansible/output
. -
To verify each node, run the following as the ansible user from the control host:
ansible -i /home/ansible/inventory node1 -m ping
ansible -i /home/ansible/inventory node2 -m ping
To redirect output of a successful command to /home/ansible/output:
ansible -i /home/ansible/inventory node1 -m ping > /home/ansible/output
Python Ansible Control Server on Linux, not Windows
New major releases of Ansible come out approximately every two months, with release cycles of about four months.
PROTIP: Ansible was written in Python 2.6+ and open-sourced within GitHub’s ansible organization. Thus, it can run natively on NIX (Linux/Unix/Mac), but Windows not currently supported nor recommended. However, run virtual instances on a Windows, Mac, or other native OS if you want to use them to run Ansible.
To build Ansible from source on GitHub:
git clone --recursive cd ./ansible make rpm sudo rpm -Uvh ./rpm-build/ansible-*.noarch.rpm
is needed because the repo contains sub-repos.
The “ansible_python_interpreter” variable in inventory points to the Python executable folder.
Python to WinRM
To enable Python to talk with Windows WinRM:
sudo pip install pywinrm
Test whether a connection can be made:
Test-WsMan (WinRM does not run within MacOS 10) PowerShell
VIDEO: Getting Started with Ansible on Windows 1h 23m Released 21 Jun 2016 by JP Toto (@jptoto, shows use of a Mac running Vagrant VirtualBox to emulate Windows.
This yaml file launches the hello.ps1 PowerShell script:
- name: Run Powershell Scripts hosts: test tasks: - name: run a powershell script script: scripts/hello.ps1 register: out - debug: var=out
The script:
To execute the script, run:
ansible-playbook powershell.yml -i hosts
Using Ansible for your Windows Configuration Management by David O’Brien (by @david_OBrien, at NICconf 24 Feb 2016.
Play behavior can be controlled several ways:
with_items, failed_when, changed_when, until, ignore_errors
Register Output to Variable
To capture the result or output of a task so that follow-on tasks can act accordingly:
Conditional Handlers
An example:
NOTE: .j2 files are processed by Jinja2, the template engine for Python, which replace variables with data values in static files.
Another example:
To set a register to put result in a variable, then if the debug sees that a previous task failed, it would send a message.
NOTE: Handlers don’t run until all playbook tasks have executed.
NOTE: A particular handler only executes once if needed.
NOTE: Handlers don’t run until all playbook tasks have executed.
Config. settings
Variables can be defined in different locations. Ansible looks for configuration variables in this sequence, and stops searching once it finds one.
- $ANSIBLE_CONFIG system environment variable
- ./ansible_cfg in current directory
- ~/ansible.cfg ($HOME directory of currently logged in account)
- /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg global config. file installed by default
Edit the file to make common changes, such as:
- inventory location from
- SSH timeout from default 10 seconds
number of hosts acted upon (by forks) at the same time by Ansible. The default is 5. This can be overridden within a playbook by the serial keyword.
An example $ANSIBLE_CONFIG environment variable from the full list is:
This sets the maximum number of parallel operations allowed on an Ansible server, determined through performance and capacity testing.
Include files
Daemon Sets has a DaemonSet for Kubernetes monitoring.
Rolling updates
Ansible achieves zero-downtime deployments with multi-tear rolling updates to each specific node in a cluster.
This specifies taking 5 machines at a time out of a cluster:
- hosts: webservers serial: 5 pre_tasks: - name: take out of load balancer pool local_action: command /usr/bin/take_out_of_pool roles: - common - webserver - monitored post_tasks: - name: add back to load balancer pool local_action: command /usr/bin/add_back_to_pool
Social Community
- Twitter: @ansible by Red Hat, @robynbergeron
- On a IRC client, select Destination: Freenode, and add channel #ansible.
- is the community hub to find and share reusable Ansible content.
- Link to GitHub
- Confirm email.
- AnsibleFest Atlanta September 24-26, 2019
Videos of AnsibleFest going back to 2016 in London and 2017 San Francisco.
MEH: Red Hat’s video channel and Red Hat Summit doesn’t have a playlist specifically for Ansible.
- provide your email because it is a high-level, high-flautin’ marketing pitch which introduces Ansible Tower proprietary software.
Tim Gerla of Ansibleworks:
Continuous Deployment with Ansible USENIX 38:38 on 11 Jul 2013
Hands-on Ansible Pluralsight 3h 53m video course 29 Dec 2015 by Aaron Paxson | @Neelixx |
Continuous Delivery Using Docker and Ansible Pluralsight video course 10 May 2016 by Justin Menga (@jmenga | in 7h 13m creates Ansible files for a Python “TO DO” app using the Django REST framework. The files create Docker image.
Ansible and Docker by Patrick Galbraith from HP’s Advanced Technologies group.
Gwyn Price:
Ansible Playbook to create an RDS instance and get the endpoint 26 Nov 2015
Ansible Hands-On Training by Glen Jarvis
Getting Started With Jenkins edureka!
- in the UK
Ansible on laptops my personal playbooks and scripts to install a laptop from scratch including some dotfiles. Based on Fedora 27. Not idempotent. for Fedora 26
- From 2013 until October 11, 2017, Ansible Weekly newsletter at
The diagram is based on by @sthulb, an Amazon Solution Architect
- “100% Hands-on labs on how to create DevOps CI/CD pipelines using Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker and Kubernetes on AWS”</a> also on YOUTUBE
More on DevOps
This is one of a series on DevOps:
- DevOps_2.0
- ci-cd (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)
- User Stories for DevOps
- Git and GitHub vs File Archival
- Git Commands and Statuses
- Git Commit, Tag, Push
- Git Utilities
- Data Security GitHub
- GitHub API
- Choices for DevOps Technologies
- Pulumi Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Java DevOps Workflow
- AWS DevOps (CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy)
- AWS server deployment options
- Cloud services comparisons (across vendors)
- Cloud regions (across vendors)
- Azure Cloud Onramp (Subscriptions, Portal GUI, CLI)
- Azure Certifications
- Azure Cloud Powershell
- Bash Windows using Microsoft’s WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Azure Networking
- Azure Storage
- Azure Compute
- Digital Ocean
- Packer automation to build Vagrant images
- Terraform multi-cloud provisioning automation
Hashicorp Vault and Consul to generate and hold secrets
- Powershell Ecosystem
- Powershell on MacOS
- Jenkins Server Setup
- Jenkins Plug-ins
- Jenkins Freestyle jobs
- Docker (Glossary, Ecosystem, Certification)
- Make Makefile for Docker
- Docker Setup and run Bash shell script
- Bash coding
- Docker Setup
- Dockerize apps
- Ansible
- Kubernetes Operators
- Threat Modeling
- API Management Microsoft
- Scenarios for load
- Chaos Engineering