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Wilson Mar


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How Gatling is used to measure the speed and capacity of microservices for Salesforce add-on NPSP (Non-Profit Success Pack)

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This is not documentation, but a step-by-step exploration tour with commentary. There are so few good examples of how Gatling is used. And I’d like to be useful to non-profits using Salesforce.

  1. Visit the repo:

    https://github.com/wilsonmar/performance forked from https://github.com/SalesforceFoundation associated with the website salesforce.org (non-profit). Notes says Jason Lantz (jlantz) from Dallas is involved with it.

    On your local machine

  2. Create and navigate to a container folder.
  3. Download or Git clone the Performance framework repo. Either the original or your fork:

    git clone https://github.com/wilsonmar/performance


    At the root of the repo are files about Gradle.

  4. Make sure Gradle is installed on your laptop. On a Mac:

    brew info gradle
  5. Edit file gradlew. Notice it has no file extension because the first line defines it as a shell file:

    \#!/usr/bin/env sh
  6. On a Mac, set permissions:

    chmod +x gradlew


  7. Use a text editor to edit file “build.gradle”. At the top of the file is:

    apply plugin: 'scala'

    Scala is a programming language that runs on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

    PROTIP: IBM’s Cognitive School has a free intro. class on Scala See my notes on:

  8. So make sure Java and Gradle are installed:

    java --version
  9. Install Scala and make sure it runs. See My notes on Scala’s ecosystem

    See My notes on Scala programming


  10. The “dependencies” section within “build.gradle” mentions a Gatling version:

    ext.gatlingVersion = '2.2.5'
     compile group: 'io.gatling', name: 'gatling-app', version: gatlingVersion
     compile group: 'io.gatling', name: 'gatling-recorder', version: gatlingVersion
     compile group: 'io.gatling.highcharts', name: 'gatling-charts-highcharts', version: gatlingVersion

    The NPSP performance framework is built on Gatling which is a Netty-based Akka framework written in Scala and thus runs on top of a Java Virtual Machine.

    PROTIP: The advantage of Gatling over competing tools such as LoadRunner and JMeter is that those other tools implement each virtual users as threads. However, Gatling implements virtual users as asynchronous messages (Akka), which scales much better and can deal easily with thousands of concurrent users.

    See the blog about 2.2.5 being released on 21 April 2017.

    PROTIP: On July 24, 2018 it was announced that the Enterprise version of Gatling is available for rent on the AWS Marketplace of Amazon Linux server images. See the product sheet about Grafana and plug-ins for CI/CD Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity.

    QUESTION: Gatling 3 in the next version but it has not been updated since August 2017 at https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/io/gatling/highcharts/gatling-charts-highcharts/3.0.0-SNAPSHOT/

  11. NOTE: The last release on GitHub was dated April 14, 2016 at: https://github.com/gatling/gatling/releases

    Gatling CEO Stephane Landelle (@slandelle) explains in https://github.com/gatling/gatling/issues/3288 why (in 2016) the company stopped using GitHub releases and tags:

    • Github turns git tags into something they call “releases”, that are actually only a source download. This might makes sense for scripting languages, but definitively not for a compiled one such as Scala. Because of Github abuse of the “release” word, people used to download this crap and then complain and open issues because they didn’t get what they expected…
    • We used to use the sbt-release plugin, which would automatically create tags, but this plugin made our life a misery [sic] and broke several releases so we dropped it.
    • You can get the release content from the milestone
    • Tags would mostly be useful for unfriendly forks

    There was some disagreement on this topic vs. GitHub’s explanation of how it’s designed to use tags and releases: https://help.github.com/articles/about-releases/

  12. See current version of docs at: https://gatling.io/docs/current/general/

    See the blog about 2.2.5 being released on 21 April 2017.

  13. See the Snapshots list of Gatling versions released.

    QUESTION: Gatling 3 in the next version but it has not been updated since August 2017 at

    PROTIP: On July 24, 2018 it was announced that the Enterprise version of Gatling is available for rent on the AWS Marketplace of Amazon Linux server images. See the product sheet about Grafana and plug-ins for CI/CD Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity.

  14. The marketing home page for Gatling is at https://gatling.io/

    NOTE: Gatling is open sourced by a company in France:


  15. See current version of docs at:


  16. The marketing home page for Gatling is at https://gatling.io/

    NOTE: Gatling is open sourced by a company in France:

    incaLoadTest in build.gradle

  17. Run a perf test task from the command line. On a Mac:

    ./gradlew incaLoadTest

    Alternately, on Windows the gradlew.bat file which makes sure Java is installed.

    gradlew incaLoadTest

    NOTE: “gradlew” is a generated gradle wrapper to make the project self contained and independent of the OS installed Gradle version. The Gradle wrapper documentation is found here: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/gradle_wrapper.html

    The response begins with:

    Downloading https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.0-all.zip
    Unzipping /Users/wilsonmar/.gradle/wrapper/dists/...
  18. While it’s running, run ps -al to see tasks running and this is the CMD seen:


    Other tasks in build.gradle

  19. Use a text editor to open file “build.gradle” at the root of the repo.

    “incaLoadTest” is defined within file “build.gradle”.

  20. Notice the tasks in “build.gradle”, listed here by the order found in the file:

    • incaLoadTest
    • sandboxGreenSanityLoadTest
    • queryUserProfileLoadTest
    • incaSequentialLoadTest
    • cmsQueryLoadTest
    • contentDataLoader
    • orgAndWorkplaceDataLoader
    • qaTest
    • dynoLoadTest
    • externalapiLoadTest
    • hanLoadTest
    • zuulLoadTest

    Simulations and Scala injectors

  21. In “build.gradle” notice the reference to various “simulations”:

    "--simulation", "performance.simulations.Injector",

    Injector code referenced is at:


    It contains:

    • Injector_CMSQuery.scala
    • Injector_Dyno.scala
    • Injector_ExternalAPI.scala
    • Injector_Han.scala
    • Injector_OrgTestData.scala
    • Injector_QA.scala
    • Injector_SandboxGreen.scala
    • Injector_SequentialLoad.scala*
    • Injector_QueryUserProfile.scala
    • Injector_TestData.scala
    • Injector_Zuul.scala
    • Injector.scala

    The lib folder contains common code:

    • CommonHeader.scala
    • JenkinsParam.scala

  22. Edit file Injector.scala

    import io.gatling.core.Predef._
    import io.gatling.http.Predef._
    import performance.simulations.scenarios._
    import scala.concurrent.duration._
    import performance.simulations.lib.JenkinsParam._
  23. Now back to the Terminal:

    > Task :incaLoadTest
    21:33:33.412 [INFO ] a.e.s.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
    ===========--> 88% EXECUTING [9m 34s]
    > :incaLoadTest
    > IDLE

    It starts with this reponse:

    Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)
    > Task :incaLoadTest
    22:23:00.735 [INFO ] a.e.s.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
    export peakRPS=1                ## using fallback
    export peakRPS_SequentialLoad=40                ## using fallback
    export peakRPS_SequentialLoad_LowRPS=20         ## using fallback
    export peakRPS_SandboxGreen=5           ## using fallback
    export peakRPS_QueryUserProfile=1               ## using fallback
    export peakRPS_QueryCMS=20              ## using fallback
    export meanResponseTime=1000            ## using fallback
    export response95th=1200                ## using fallback
    export response99th=1400                ## using fallback
    export errorRate=1              ## using fallback
    rampTime  :60
    steadyTime  :600
    Starting LOAD test, Targeting POSTS only at  1.0 rps.Steady state = 600
    22:23:02.135 [INFO ] i.g.c.s.w.ConsoleDataWriter - Initializing
    22:23:02.135 [INFO ] i.g.c.s.w.LogFileDataWriter - Initializing
    22:23:02.146 [INFO ] i.g.c.s.w.ConsoleDataWriter - Initialized
    22:23:02.232 [INFO ] i.g.c.s.w.LogFileDataWriter - Initialized
    22:23:02.694 [INFO ] i.g.h.a.HttpEngine - Start warm up
    22:23:03.312 [INFO ] i.g.h.a.HttpEngine - Warm up done
    Simulation performance.simulations.Injector started...



    Run results are in the build folder.

    • In ~/performance/build/tmp are temporary folders compileTestScala and scala/compilerAnalysis

    • In ~/performance/build/classes/scala/test/performance/simulations are classes from the Scala compiler that are run.

    • In ~/performance/build/gatling-results are injector folders, each containing a simulation.log file. There is a line for each assertion.

    • In ~/performance/build/resources/test/performance/data are .csv files like source data

    Source Data Galore

    See https://github.com/SalesforceFoundation/NPSP-Test-Data for 100X data generation.

  24. Navigate to framework’s data directory so we can explore the files:


    The repo contains a significant amount of data values at path:


    Here are the record counts and field headings (head -n 1 file):

    • campaign.csv - 27890 - “id”,”type”,”valid_from”,”valid_to”,”localized”,”metadata”,”created_date”,”created_by”,”modified_date”,”modified_by”,”org_owner_id”

    • donations.csv - 3279 - “donation_id”,”rowkey”,”receipt_ready”
    • impactfund.csv - 19254 - “id”,”type”,”created_by”
    • job.csv - 97 - “id”
    • organization2.csv - 7952 - “reseller”,”divison”,”org_id”,”default_processor”,”account_management_partner”,”created_date”,”modified_date”,”created_by”,”modified_by”,”customer_service_partner”,”giving_baseline”,”homepage_message_hidden”,”homepage_featured_cards_hidden”,”allow_wamp_communication”

    • person.csv - 19 - “id”,”salutation”,”firstname”,”middlename”,”lastname”,”suffix”,”nickname”,”city”,”state”,”postal_code”,”postal_code_ext”,”personal_email”,”dateofbirth”,”gender”,”personal_phone”,”street”,”street_2”,”external_id”,”title”,”country”,”latitude”,”longitude”,”leadership_recognition_name”,”anonymous”,”created_date”,”modified_date”,”created_by”,”modified_by”,”language_preference”,”last_login_date”,”leadership_level”,”publish_flag”,”release_flag”,”preferred_currency”,”other_gender”,”avatar_crid”,”default_payment_token”

    • processor.csv - 39 - “processor_id”,”payment_method_id”,”processor_payment_meta”
    • story.csv - 18504 - “id”,”type”,”created_by”

    • test.csv - 88703 - id,uuid,name,event_start,storage_recieve_time,storage_update_time,event_offset_mins,storage_offset_mins,is_active,event_stop,monitored_entity_uuid,created_on,updated_on,created_by,updated_by,current_state_uuid,monitored_entity_event_type,parent_alarm_uuid,asset_alias,asset_name,type,source,template_name,templated,user_owner_uuid,tenant_id,parent_id,alarm_processor,limited_visibility,ts_cached,is_trip,recurring,alarm_disposition_date,alarm_disposition_uuid,severity,source_key,alarm_state_uuid,origin,sort_order,if_user_null,original_name,case_uuid


  25. Edit the text:

    import performance.simulations.scenarios._

    The scenarios folder referenced:

    • DynoTestRequests.scala
    • ExternalAPI.scala
    • HanRequests.scala
    • PostRequests.scala
    • QARequests.scala
    • SandboxGreenSanity.scala
    • TestData.scala

  26. View source for the “io.gatling.core” at:




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  19. Salesforce Non-Profit support
  20. Salesforce NPSP (Non-Profit Success Pack) performance (with Gatling)

  21. Salesforce Data Management
  22. Salesforce Einstein
  23. Salesforce Selenium (test automation)

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This article is one of a series about tuning and performance: