An index to tutorials, support sites, rock stars, and Docker Captains
This is the first of several articles about Docker:
- Docker glossary, ecosystem, certification
- Docker setup
- Docker is managed by Kubernetes
- Docker is fundamental to Istio Service Mesh
- Windows on Apple macOS
Docker glossary:
image: a read-only template with instructions for creating a Docker container
container: a runnable instance of an image. You can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI
volume: persists data generated by and used by Docker containers
dangling: unused image or volume
network: connects Docker containers and services
node: an individual Docker Engine instance in a Swarm
Three Linux Kernel technologies enable Docker:
Namespaces isolate resources from each other: processes, network interfaces, IPC (InterProcess Communication), disk mount points, UTS (Unix Timesharing System), etc. Namespaces were first introduced in 1973 when syscall chroot() was added to UNIX*. “change root” made it such that a program running in the chroot environment has its own root catalog of folders (bin, sys, lib, etc.).
Control groups control resources consumed by each process group by prioritizing, measuring usage, and freezing groups of processes.
Union File System begins with a base image of (overlays) branches (layers) of file changes merged. Branches can be read-only or read-write.
Docker support websites
There is no subsitute for reading through Docker’s documentation at
Register at for the Docker community” Slack channel at
Logan Rakai’s Docker in Depth 8-hour video Learning Path was developed with Docker, Inc. concludes with a sample exam of 30 questions in 50 minutes.
- Placement preferences
Docker Certified Associate (DCA) exam
The real (remote) exam is to answer 60% of 55 English multiple-choice questions in 90 minutes.
PROTIP: Take sample exams for a humbling experience, so you get an accurate sense of how prepared you really are.
PROTIP: Take sample exams several times until you answer all questions for a 100% score. This is not a waste of time because most questions people get wrong are due to misreading rather than lack of knowledge. So you retrain your “muscle memory” like learning to type some words you always type incorrectly.
It costs $195 to Examity for a two year badge. Phone Support: 855-392-6489.
The official Study Guide at provides two dimensions of content: domains and skills:
Domains listed here have links to from lists for each domain resources from various sources.
- 25% Orchestration (swarm mode, cluster, replicas, mount volumes)
- 20% Image Creation, Management, and Registry
- 15% Installation and Configuration
- 15% Networking
- 15% Security (EE signing, RBA, Mutual TLS, UCP, DTR)
- 10% Storage and Volumes
PROTIP: Topics within each domain are not arranged in order of learning (such as Installation first, etc.) and thus not numbered.
Skills listed in the certification study guide:
- Run containerized applications from pre-existing images stored in a centralized registry
- Deploy images across the cluster
- Install, maintain, and operate the Docker platform
- Triage issue reports from stakeholders and resolve
- Standup new Docker environments and perform general maintenance and configuration
- Migrate traditional applications to containers
- Configure and troubleshoot Docker engine
Links to Docker documentation for each Domain topic (in 2018) is in one file Docker Certified Associate Exam Preparation Guide from Evgeny Shmarnev, the Containers Guy in Prague.
Sample tests
Some questions are also in the Study Guide on Docker’s certification PDF from September 2017.
PROTIP: Write down your answer, then check how you did at the bottom of the page.
A free 15-question sample test is also available from Whizlabs which provides training by south Indians. They also off two paid full-length 55-question sample tests.
Swarm Mode
Many use Docker with Kubernetes rather than Docker’s own Swarm. But it’s Docker’s exam, so there are questions about Swarm Mode.
Docker Enterprise nodes can be run by both Kubernetes and Docker Swarm in parallel.
Docker EE signs and scans Kubernetes apps as part of policies auto promoting apps.
Enterprise features
PROTIP: Most tutorials don’t cover Enterprise features Docker’s licensed Enterprise Edition (EE) documented at Nevertheless, the DCA exam includes questions about additional enterprise features for businesses wanting a secure and supported container platform for their datacenter:
- Vulnerability scans
- Version Packs in Desktop Enterprise to keep the client in sync (v 3.0 vs. 2.1)
>docker app packaging command to install clients in swarm or kubernetes according to the vendor-neutral “Cloud Native Application Bundle” (CNAB) spec at
- docker cluster command to create, ls, backup, restore clusters as code on AWS, Azure, and VSphere
- Docker Kubernetes Service support of all Docker Enterprise features such as
docker stack deploy - docker context enable a single Docker CLI to switch among multiple contexts of Swarm clusters, Kubernetes clusters, and individual Docker nodes.
- docker template
- docker buildx CLI plugin extends the docker command with features in the Moby BuildKit builder toolkit, such as creating scoped builder instances and building against multiple nodes concurrently.
- docker assemble (experimental) to build without Dockerfileby detecting Spring Boot and ASP.NET Core.
Docker Enterprise hosted trials at last only 12 hours. has these menu itmes:
Admin Console is a command-line terminal to the cluster. In it, directly run commands to deploy and manage applications. Run docker info to check the status of the cluster.
Universal Control Plane (UCP) is a web interface to deploy and monitor applications across machines (as a cluster). See
Docker Trusted Registry (DTR) is a more secure DockerHub to host vetted Docker images, adding reports about scans for vulnerabilities. See
Examples to pull down an image from it:
docker pull docker pull
DTR holds digital signatures of apps by specific team members with Docker Content Trust policy enforcement. See
DTR was an early adopter of the TUF (“The Update Framework”) specification TAPS:
TAP 3: Multi Role Delegations uses multiple keys and require a threshold quorum for action to minimize compromise. Roles are specific:
TAP 4: Multiple Repository Consensus on entrusted targets
TAP 6: Include specification version in metadata
TAP 9: Mandatory Metadata signing schemes
TAP 10: Remove native support for compressed metadata
“compromise-resilience” which limits the impact of attacks and provide a mechanism for recovery even if the software repository becomes compromised.
open-sourced by the Linux Foundation.
This article was assembled based on several sources. is the starting point. Brett Fisher who wrote Docker Mastery
Google’s Intro to Docker Qwiklab include 40 minutes of FREE cloud instance time after you click “Start Lab”. And you get a certificate for your resume.
Articles March 6, 2016 by Dr John Lees-Miller (@jdleesmiller)
- Docker is not designed for SSH to “get inside” a running image. You don’t need SSH to restart the process, tweak configurations, debug with gdb, strace, etc.
Pluralsight video courses Jan 4, 2018 [4h 40m]
Pluralsight’s Container Management using Docker skill path of video tutorials by Nigel Poulton (@NigelPoulton) excitedly catching his breath.
Docker and Containers: The Big Picture Dec 22, 2015 / 1h 47m
Docker Deep Dive Jan 28, 2015 / 5h 38m 2s
Docker Swarm: Native Docker Clustering Mar 30, 2016 / 2h 22m 28s
Integrating Docker with DevOps Automated Workflows Sept 21, 2015 / 1h 1m 50s
Dan Wahlin
Docker for Web Developers 28 Mar 2016 / 5h 19m
Play by Play: Docker for Web Developers (conversation between) John Papa and Dan Wahlin (talking about Docker Toolbox) 12 Jul 2016 / 1h 34m
Other videos
BoltOps has a Docker Essentials (subscription) by Tung Nguyen, creator of Terraspace. by Zeal Vora 6/2019 11.5 hours book Docker Deep Dive book
Lynda (LinkedIn Learning) offers a 7-hour video course by David Davies (an American).
YouTube videos
Continuous Delivery with Jenkins Workflow and Docker Explained by Cloudbees at DevOpsTV channel
Continuous Integration Using Docker by DevOpsTV
Moving from Jenkins to Docker for build pipelines from Matt Bostock
Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Docker and Jenkins Javaforum Göteborg
Introduction to Docker by Twitter University 47:14
Jenkins 2 and Beyond DevOpsTV
Jenkins 2.0. What? When? What is in it for me? on Praqma Channel
Stefan Scherer ( in Erlangen, Germany):
- You can do this on Windows as well today with the Windows 10 1607 or Windows Server 2016 using Windows Containers.
Lightweight Docker Images in 5 Steps · 13 Dec 2016 · Semaphore Engineering Blog by Igor Šarčević
Bret Fisher ( started a “Docker and DevOps” specific YouTube channel Nov 29, 2018 and since added weekly videos of his live chats.
New in 2022 is Adrian Cantrill’s thorough and visual treatment for AWS, is now applied to Docker and Kubernetes training.
Moby Project includes all of Docker’s open-source efforts under one umbrella repo project.
Raju Gandhi
VIDEO: AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator Exam Prep by T.
More on DevOps
This is one of a series on DevOps:
- DevOps_2.0
- ci-cd (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery)
- User Stories for DevOps
- Git and GitHub vs File Archival
- Git Commands and Statuses
- Git Commit, Tag, Push
- Git Utilities
- Data Security GitHub
- GitHub API
- Choices for DevOps Technologies
- Pulumi Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
- Java DevOps Workflow
- AWS DevOps (CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy)
- AWS server deployment options
- Cloud services comparisons (across vendors)
- Cloud regions (across vendors)
- Azure Cloud Onramp (Subscriptions, Portal GUI, CLI)
- Azure Certifications
- Azure Cloud Powershell
- Bash Windows using Microsoft’s WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
- Azure Networking
- Azure Storage
- Azure Compute
- Digital Ocean
- Packer automation to build Vagrant images
- Terraform multi-cloud provisioning automation
Hashicorp Vault and Consul to generate and hold secrets
- Powershell Ecosystem
- Powershell on MacOS
- Jenkins Server Setup
- Jenkins Plug-ins
- Jenkins Freestyle jobs
- Docker (Glossary, Ecosystem, Certification)
- Make Makefile for Docker
- Docker Setup and run Bash shell script
- Bash coding
- Docker Setup
- Dockerize apps
- Ansible
- Kubernetes Operators
- Threat Modeling
- API Management Microsoft
- Scenarios for load
- Chaos Engineering